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r <br />t <br /> <br />_ 27th _--day d~_.. February---.-.-----._.. 19~. by acrd batwe~t <br />n.o Iameapt~t$$. ma8e tleia _ __-,_ _-______-_-- <br />Gerti:te ~nteva>~an unretnarried widow _-__---_----- -. <br />_~- f._ --~..-.. and Gtatui Ielattd Teust Company of Grp-IsWd, a tbeporaEdAS- <br />d.` _ 1;a t t __.__ County. islebreaks• as mart6a6or --. , at bwiaees st Grsad Ishtad• fem. as €~ <br />ffigasti=ad r~ g under the laws of t•Iebraaka with its pHnciPsi office and plate <br />for sad in eatsidaat+~ of the attm of _ ~- 2 512.00 <br />WITNE39E'Cf1: Theceaidmortgagor----. • _ _ DallanlS !• <br />Two Thousand Five Hundred Twelve dollars and 001100 _ <br />--.._ ..._..~~~-- -- ~-' ----_' _ am: warroat ante said tnartEsgea. its succeasars sad aaatgw. <br />the raoeiVt d wft'rh ig herdry w~fl~' do --.„E9y .herepresent~ morkga:ir: - <br />faevar, eB the inHawing dearnbed real estate. situated in the t;ounty d _ Hal l_._ ___~_--_..~---.°--._ <br />seal fitttta d Aiehraska. taw^x: <br />T.ot Eight (fi) in Bhck t)ne (i), tdiebe :Addition Co the CiCy of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />Together with all heating, air rnnditionirq;. lightinK. sad piumbireg equipment and futures. sreeludinK sereens. awnings. stt~m wiodowa and <br />~~, sad wirsdow shades ~ tst{nda, used on as is eannatian w.~h =1d Pr"P214y' 'vhcthex the vamr am now is cared nn said property or he~after <br />1 <br />pfaeed than. reenatx+e's thereunto 6e• <br />TO HAKE AiiD TO HOLD THE SAME. together wsth all and siaKUiar the tcneatente, heredi^,.amenia and apPru <br />faevtic. acrd wartant the title w the same. Said morgagor - hereby rovenantS._-.- -with said <br />ipagtng, or in soywtae ePPe of the P~m~ above conveyed and described. <br />moRgWleK tha4 S tea :-h , at 4he debverY imreof. the iawfut owner - he-_wtll <br />raised o(a t€oud and ttrdeMasshia estate of snhentanm therein. tree and clear of all etreumbrsntxs, seal thet._s <br />sad __-.3.A-_._ fareves a~am~ the cleans end oatnar~+ of a!1 perrom whatnsnever. <br />w.~~ sr~ dafeszd the tit6s therew merx Uf the Burrs of <br />pidpYiD)vD ALW AYl3, sad this inatrtartwtM sa ezeruted and deVsvarred to xecute the paq . G0 _ - -- - ~ ~_ i, <br />l1±'g 1`hottaand _ r it•e_ t3un3ct'ci_~i'sre- ~'e 1c s t.,r.~ :st t t~t,(`,t)(~ - -- fksilarsl8-- - ~~-=._- <br />with each charges and adverscrs as msY ~ due sari payable us said rmsrtgagee under the terms and mnditinns <br />rit6 iMareet thetatta. tagetftsr m said mortKsK~• payable as exprtsard <br />d the PtomiaaorY nWt of even date here.etth end eacurwsi hereby. execrtteei by anx3 awrtgaKar -- <br />seed G) eesxtre the 'sss='~ ~ rK t!u tmrmr and conditisma contairsad thrreia. Tha terms of said note are hereby in:arporated <br />ie said testa, <br />hantfn hY thte esieeaecs' <br />d the partrss hereto that this mortBaBe shell ciao assure anY fvtare advartres made W said amrr- <br />It rA the ~3antina ~ or say d them. msy owe W <br />hy, said atartgagae, antt soy an6 mil indabtadmea m rdditrnt w the aatount above stated whicL ~alta' full force and effect bRween <br />said mtttt~str, hawev^ar evidtmtxd. whrtiter by note, bcok ,scrnuM cx otherwise. Thin rnortgeK ~, incitnliag future <br />tie pasties hereto sad chair' hairs. persontd re9nt~°~v~. succeaat~s and ssaigaa, unW all st°°unis secuuted herewsti <br />adt•aooes, are P~ is full wish intsrast. <br />.f.~ ~atpgar _-_._ heeehY s--- w sand rstsn't•KMN" all teats sad srsetrme struut8 et taY sad all times Iran aatd prtspecty and <br />Yid snortgeges yr ire egeot, at eta uftUOSS. ,~P~ default. to take charge of said prnprrtY and collect all rmta and irssotae <br />hwatty authtrise t:tsas. eseamsata, rtspeira a mtps'a"°°sa°ta <br />thMabesa red app}y the seers to the PeY>~ d iataraet, Pre~~• ioaurerscr ptemiuata. or in the Dote has'ehY secured. '19tie <br />W ~ssid prnparty m tYaatahie wotiitxm, ur w .i,S~ charKa;' er PsYa~sia P= mvidad fm tsesein <br />Ui saxi note ss Fully pouf. The tawnit of pasaesason herettrdwi shall in ao [nannar <br />fear. t ahatl trontrmas m ftaca smtsl cite uoprai hale.rrca m otherwtsa- '.::'•_--~ <br />prerant ar rataad Yid tsasttalDse m tie atiiecttam d eaYd ss:ma by faeclsm+ue <br />h ~ say turx xhaPe eat be conatrtted as s waives of its right 6o aasat'fsthe <br />Tie failaes d the maRpges W error YY d its rigiWa wttb all the terms and Peoviaiana d said note attA d this tamt$aga <br />saorr at soy lager t.tars, and w laws upon and amforta• strict caoPiiaotz <br />if said mostppx matt saws w be paid to said ¢sot'tgagse CtR entire aasount due it heteuader, and ands: the teru+s sad iP<OXbiaos <br />d seed snM irtdoY . icc`.+tdtnE fttture advatxr+a, sad aaY exteasiona tt reoawala thereof is aQOedaaee wits tAe terms sad.-~riattm6 <br />wst6 all the prov-iaioas at said Hate a~ d title axa'tgage, rhea these prasaofa aialllre add: -. <br />is-eo#. ~ g aa!d a'r - ~ sis8 wrasBh' siaii be asutt`zt to ttx Pm-'-~aion of sll of azid prePestY, and ~4 ~- <br />at~aewiY to rascals is 4ag lassos and eflsat. sad acid nmtBaBes thereby w be iatmediataiy due and ~Yahie, and taaY farscleaa~ts-- <br />dttden tic w-aia d cud sera end ail kadebt~tee r~ waived. ^- <br />sr tale easy ai-er h~pl ~' to P~ its right. Appraisaatsmt - <br />Tiie aostlEsd^ eb~df M hiadi+g upon and shall stare to tie barta#st d the hater, executors. admiaiatratora. eueoesaars and d ~. <br />tasapretttve parttea hwetu_ h,,,d _ _,... the day and yaek., flrat,ahava <br />ll'i W fTKF.gt3 W HgitkX3P, said lAortFptge+r - <br />wrlltaR. ... -_. -.. <br />9 ~.. <br />_ _ _ <br />~ty -rise t~ it. .dg-. ti inri'.tQ£irr itU 5d~.dAW. <br />ha .a hemuMo set _ .. ku~-- - - <br />t <br />