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~~~~~a~~ <br />JOHN- R. HANLON, <br />Commmissioner of Labor, <br />Certificate of Lien <br />far Delinquent <br />Unemployment Insurance Gontributions <br />vs. <br />RC}d]C+rt Bakery dba <br />DER G-6iTBzS2UOTIf~i~i Gfl. , <br />player Account Numtaer <br />00~6735t?00. <br />TO ~i~~ IT MAY eoNGEZiN: <br />The undersigned, Yaul D. Kratz, attorney for John R. Hanlon, <br />the duly appointed, qualified, and acting as Gammissionez` of Labor <br />for the State o€ Nebraska, does hereby certify that Robert Baker, <br />doing h:s.~~.*sess as Baker Gonstruption Co,, doing business in Grand <br />island, Hall County, Nebraska, is indebted to the Unemployment <br />Gompensation Fund of the State of Nebraska for contributions due <br />an his employment for the first, second and .third quarters of <br />1980 {all quarters being assessed} in the sum of $300.00, and <br />interest in the sum of $22.50, with interest at the rate of one <br />percent per month on the sum of $300.00 from March 15, 1981. <br />By reason thereof, said John R, Hanlon, Commissioner of Labor <br />on behalf of the Unemployment Compensation Fuad, hereby claims a <br />lien ire the sum of $322.50, with interest at the rate of one <br />percent per month on the sum of $300.00 until paid, upon any <br />and all property, real or personal, of said Robert Baker, doing <br />business as Baker Ctsnstruction Co., and specifically claims a <br />lien on the following described real estate: <br />Robert Baker <br />Lot Five (S} in 31ock One Hundred r^ourteen (114} <br />in Railroad Addition to the City of Grand Zsland, <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br />subject only to liens of prior record pursuant to Section 48- <br />657, R.R,S. Nebr . 1943. <br />~_=.-- <br />PAUL D. KR_ATZ, ttoLP~' or <br />John R. Hanlon, Commissioner of Labor <br />March 2, 1981 <br />STRTE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss. <br />LRNGASTER COUNTY } <br />Fau1 D. Kratz, being first duly sworn upon his oath, deposes <br />;r and says that he is attorney for Johr. R. Hanlon, Commissioner of <br />Labcsr of the State of Nebraska; that he is authorized to make <br />the above certificate; that the facts setaut above are true and <br />correct, as he verily believes. Y <br />~.., _ ~~~ <br />Paul D. Kratz . <br />SUBSGRIBSD in my presence arss3 sworn to before me this 2nd <br />day. of ts~rcis, 1981. <br />SLAT. - rtota~ic <br />s <br />