<br />
<br />This Assignment of Installment Sate Agreement made as of the day of
<br />r/~~fLt!~ , i9$1 , by and between Kenneth A. Chopp, a single man, of
<br />Cairo, Hail County, Nebraska, hereinafter called "Assignors," and James
<br />f2. Olsen, a single man, of Cairo, HaII County, Nebraska, hereinafter caned
<br />"Assignee".
<br />:i irJbSSETH:
<br />That for value reeei~-ed the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby
<br />acknowledged, Hai herein recited b=mot hereby receipted for, .^,greement by Assignee
<br />as set Earth below, the .Hssignor does hereby assign and transfer unto said Assignee,
<br />his hairs, successors, and assigns, ail of the Assignor's right, title and interest
<br />in and is the following Agreement:
<br />Agreement dated as of ,July 7 , 19$0, wherein r_arry M. Merritt and Barbara
<br />,;. Merritt, are parties of the first part, and ?<enneth 4. Chopp is party of the second
<br />part, pfeotocopies of rtinich Agreement is attached `Hereto and made a part hereof by
<br />reference, which pr0~=ides fpr tf1N purchase of the following described rea! property
<br />in the City of Cairo. Hall r;ounty, Nebraska:
<br />North Half I,N w-,} :,f ? c=t Elegy. _.. ill) ,r,d 4i * ~~;t ..:ei a'e (12) in
<br />Sloc_k r,ir,4.F•rt iili ..~ the 'rre<n ,f t.,,-rr,, Mall '...aunty, Nebraska.
<br />:.~u`..'.jc:~i ;.,. .,~. th:. ~.v.~•;,'it~o:;s, at ipui;~t iu;.~: .:: x~ ayre~rmer'ds cuntair.c.~t1 inc,reir:.
<br />The a.ssiq*?ep, by acceipting chic -...>sic~trrtierit, ,._sumes and agrees to perform
<br />all Uf the terms, covenants and r.orditiuns of the ~~greement an the part of the
<br />party of the seE:cnd part r.arr.ed thercir! Iv i>e perform Pd z:n and 'after date hereof.
<br />This ~.ssic7r?meat °;hali 'tae in tali ;arce and effect from a,~d after j;%. I'~ •M• ,
<br />> rj_
<br />5#
<br />ern tare 1°' day c>f ~,a l9til.
<br />i"s :; l TN€SS 'rif°+E~EJI=, tPie ~issignor has executed :his Assignment as
<br />of :he day and year first above written.
<br />Kenneth A. ;'happ
<br />he Assignee does 4rereby ac: ept ttse foregainy F\ssicfnment and hereby assumes
<br />a,.r,{ .zrara~FC to nPrfnrn, ~,ii of ?hF~ ter?rrs, rn~,c>n:,nt.- .rr,d <r,nditi:rns rf the s,bav~-described
<br />ric7reernert •vn the part of the party aT the second part therein !.arned to be performed
<br />i'~
<br />teem arm after /' "~~j-; ~' T931 , ar-rd by their acceptance arril assumption thereof
<br />undertake a~ agrees to perfo}-m sa`sd .At',r€ernent and to sa.e and keep they .^.ssignar,
<br />kris su= cessvrs and assignors free and harmless t`rom any less, damage or Iiabiiiiy
<br />in t~L,nn[nC~ti*~n therewith ar rzn a€c.~ount iherecf.
<br />t`:lated .;s :rf th(s ~ day of ~%P /`r'f r~,r`k ~ f 9$i .
<br />
<br />