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r--- <br />~} t # pp~~ <br />G7 ~ ~---U~11v ~ ~ ASSIGA'KE'3T QF MQRTCAC£ - Corporation <br />KNt3Sd ALL MEN BX THESli PRESEt~iT'S, That :~perior Mort{i.~ge, Tnc. a corporation, the <br />par*_y of t44e first part, in consideration of the sum of Thirty seven thousand one hundred <br />sad 2~aj1Q0--------- Dollars lawful money of the United States of America, to it in <br />hand paid by S2 '~brt~;age Comteany, Inc. 'Ct;~C7 iJevanshire Circle, Suitg 22~, C?mahay DfLT o~t1)y <br />a Corporation, the gazty of the sec..nd part, at or before the ensealing and deli`voiy of these <br />presents, receipt whereof 3s hereby aekuawledged, has granted, bargained, sold, assigned, <br />transferred, and sat over, sad, by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, assign,_tranefer, <br />sad set over unto the said party of the aecoad part, its successors and assigns,- a certaia <br />~~33~T1`L~ ~1F ~RTCAGE, bearing date 26th of February ~a19 81 , 2ecarded 3~ <br />&s T7QC. ~te3; ~tl-U04$9~ o€ the Mortgage Records of 11 County, Nebraska, <br />and roads by Alfonso Ramirez and Terri Ann Ramirez, husband and wife <br />is Superior Mortgage, Fnc, and all its right, title and interest to the premises theze3a <br />described, as follows, to-wit: <br />Lat Bight i8} Piper"s Glen Subdivision, being a Subdivision of Lots Eight {g} and <br />Nine {g), warren Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, hall County, Nebraska <br />Together with the note thereia described, and the money due or to becnme due thereunder, <br />including interest thereon, TO HAVE ASID ?0 HD;.D t!:e same unto *_he said party of the second <br />part, its successors and assigns forever, subject en.'.y to the provisos of said I?dDEA'Tt3it& OF <br />°N;RTGkCE therein contained. <br />And the parts of the €irst part does hereby make, constitute and appoint the said <br />party of the second part, its true and lawful attorney, irrevocably, in it name, or otherwise, <br />but st their otm proper coats and charges, to have, use, and take all lawful ways and means <br />for the recovery of Lha said money sad interest, and, in rase of payment, to discharge the <br />same as the party of the first part might, or could do, if these presents were not made. <br />~ ~'£HESS DER=C'y+ Superior l~rtgage, :ne. a corporation of the state of Nebraska <br />has caused tkris Assignment of ?!ortgage to be executed by its Vice President, and attested <br />by its 'Ilea Pre4ldcn~ and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed the 25th day <br />of February in the year lg 81 , <br />1 <br />Ry ~~.~ ~~~~s <br />e P fdent <br />Attest <br />~ ~r~~C~ <br />S2AT~ ~ Nebraska ) Vice President <br />s?s11 jss. <br />CtATi7T}t OF ) <br />Oa this 2§th dap of February ~ lg 81 before me, a ~iotarp Public, dulp <br />e#ssirrnad assd'qualified is and for said County and State, personally eat the above <br />nasad 3, S. Lancaster Vice President, and Jarses D. Roth <br />Yiee afdent of the Superior *iatfgnge, Lnc, who are personally me to be <br />the 3daaticsl persona whose names are affixed to the above assSgraent of !iort$age as the <br />Vice-Fresident° of said Corporation, and they acknowledged the:' <br />i:lstttrsant to be their voluntary act and deed, and the voluntary act and deed of the ~aid- <br />Casrporatfoss. <br />41'1'~O,S m'J mad sad official seal, in Grand T_slnno in s id County, ~,e date <br />aforesaid. \ <br />i, f~ ..~.z..t$~ b it <br />.. !qt Ct#~l1SSIi}N fJLP'IRES: ~ /Q ~ , f <br />'~~~. ) <br />3Q. ~ <br />Surior tiortriage, Inc. <br />P Cx #3orx 16P <br />4rand Is2artd, #~ ~BBQI <br />-12llg~l <br />