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C'"`_ <br />,$1-t~Ct:tQO1 <br />1. ~,san.,r~m~Rtst~.ri.j~aatt..r~ea.= <br />r ,. ants as the tttrre. ~ ;~ ~ <br />1 e. ~ t ill, fteM` ~ ~ e.idAtsaa by uii paatttarsry <br />` . ~ l~ _ .. <br />~~~ ~ a~ tt-sws .®~ert rata. a~td ~ ~ ~' <br />ar~s#ab pt'~taet bm>~>t~e , atttd will pa+ d ttlYs at~ais~ eaorir <br />tlf a t#a and aseek~tgisa. <br />c. !~e full! pay„ each ettperttes sad fees as tmay be incurred in the proteeciaa and mahttenattce td uid <br />proprrty,_ including tie taea aE any attorney employed 'by rite mort6a~ee for tho aollet:tion of any or afl of <br />the uade$tedners hereby secured. or for foreclosare by "__~gagee`s sale., ov coari prntxediitgs, "or is arlr asst <br />IiRiaatlon air peoceedisag aflrecting said prermiuea. Attormeyi tees reaasaably incurred ie any other tray ~it bib <br />' -paid br `'x mga~agsae. <br />d, For better seenrit~ of the iadahtedaaes hereby med. upsy the° *~ of the m®rl6a~e• itr wttr. <br />Dessert or aasiga~. Mar ekaiitacetute sad ~ifrera enppleateatal msatgage m mortgages eoraring aatyTad~iogr.. , <br />ierptnvettkseb, sK bettarateau made to the praptrty hereinahore described-=md all pteaperiy as~txd by <br />it afterthc datrhesaot tall is farm satisfaetmy to tstertRaltee~. Fnrtltermoae, ahrald mtarigager iai6taaatre <br />aey delstrit is the paymdtt ai a prise ar interim erreoarhrartoe an the property drerihed by thiriimrt. <br />asertga~ bere5y agrees to permit mortgagee W cure such default, Iwt mortgagee is mot obligated to do so: <br />and •treb adratues shap become part of the indebtedness secured by thin imtrumtnt, subject to the same <br />terms sad eoaditioaa. <br />e. The righu created by this ranveyanee shall remain in full force and effect during any poskpotremeat <br />ar et;teruiton of the time of payment of the indebtedares evidcnetd by said promissory note or any pert thereof <br />secured hereby. <br />/. lit will rontinuaush maintain hasard insurance, of such type or types and in such amounts u the <br />tttortgagee may from time to time require on the improretnems now or hereafter on said property, sad <br />rn~ [r7 p~PU7 when dtte say preanttms therefor. All iasaraaoe sha11 ba enraged in ootapaaiaa aemptahls <br />to mortpFss sad the policies sad reaewafs thereof ohall be held 67 mortgagee and bare attadad thereto <br />btr payable ebutor ie farau of sad io form aeseptabla to :be ttaorigagee. fa great of lass. mortgagor trill glee <br />immediate notice is trritiag to mortgagee. cad mortgagee may make proof of lass if tat made promptly h7 <br />asoetgysr, and aar4t iuantraace oampaay cmeeraed i s hsseiry aathoriaad sad directed to make payment for wrA <br />lay directly to mortgages ias6wd of to martgagot and mortgagee jointir, sad the iasnramoe proceed.. m say <br />pa's raeeeof, may he applied bT mortgages at its option ether to she redtsetiem of the indebttsthmr harehy <br />awed or M tbs emttaaati~ ax repair of the proprty datsaa~d or deyreytsd. I8 crest of forecloearo of thi <br />atasc<gage. er other transfer d title to said property is a:tiagttishmeat ~ tine ia~htedmy seearad hereby. all <br />right. title, sad iatarcat of the tortgagor in sad to say insurance pol5cir ebaa is tome .hail par to the <br />purchaser or martgag~ or, at the optiaa of the mortgagee, may 6t atttreadered for a refund. <br />g. lie wil3 Seep sit buildings and other improvernertts on said property in good repair sad twadidam; <br />will peewit, coatmit, oe suSer tta waste, impaitreat, dateriontim of said property or any part thereof; <br />in the event of failure of the marigagor to keep rite huihliags on said premises and those erected on said <br />premises, ar improvements theream, in goad repair, the terortgagec may make such rcpain as in its discrctitta it <br />may d«.tn rtecetaary for the proper preservation thereof: and the ful! amount of each end every such payment <br />rbali be immediately dne sad payable sad shall be rrettred by the lien of this mortgage. <br />k. 8e will trot voluntarily create ar permit to be rrcatcd against the property subject to ibis mortgage <br />say lien ar liens iaferioS or sutperiar to the lien of this mortgage without she written consent of the mort- <br />gagee: astl (uriher, he w,jcR kelp and waintaia ttt_ acme tree from the claim of all persons sapplyiag labor or <br />materials 6or ronatruction of any and ail lwihlings or iwprovetnents mow being erected or to be erected oa <br />said premises. <br />i. fle will trot tent m assign any past of the rent of said mortgaged property or demolish, or remora, <br />or suhstaatf•llr nher any building wLtlLant rife written rtascnt of the mortgagee. <br />j. AH atrseds of damages in conmeetiam with any coademnatiua fm public use of or in juey to say of the <br />taraperty a~ to this mortgage are heeehy anigned and ritell ha paid tb mortgagee, who ittr<y'°aFp11' tke <br />arnrar to payment of the ianttdhrseata Ise +~ee der said stole, sad martgagc~ is heragy antes n_dre <br />name of the mortgagor, to aerate and deliver valid acquittances thereof and to appeal from any stteh award. <br />/t. The mostsagara shall hawc the riliht w iaapact-Litt; mortgaged. pr~isr at say raaa~sl-le tiwu. _, <br />2, fltiadl! kt any of the covenants or cgtditioas of this. inatrtttsteni or of ihr mote or hwn ~greemrtt scented <br />b;ahtrt~taeasiwaie3hs asoetgagsrirgllrt a po+kressioa.,Mtr.~.RIId emjayment of the property, at the option o[ flee <br />~ or his assigns lit being agreed that the mart¢attor shall have such right until default).. Upon ear atteh <br />dafattlt, tits ~ shall became the owner at all of fire rents and profits accruing after default as security <br />fit d!e indelah^t~esa sarared hereby, with the right tairaeer upon said property far the purpeae of ealleetiag such <br />attt~ sad Qralits. Tbb iastretauat rbatt oP ~ Y pf`;a~y: reituls nn said property to that eatea4 <br />