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<br />REAL ESTATE MORT6A13E FOFM Fts gag (Rev. 2-n) <br />pate_ February 10, 1381 <br />I.yilwood F. Meyer and !Marian M. Meyez, husband and wife <br />o, Hall cc~.ty, Nebraska In camaldaraLlop- ni- <br />tDe adveneg of the princ3pai suxs recStcG in the note hereinafter described, rtdeipt of vt911oh-19 'aol¢lDarisagatl, hereby <br />mDrtgage and convey tc <br />THE fEOERAI LAND BAN1t OB OIMNA, a Corporation, <br />of Oeaha, :ouglaa County, Nebnsd¢a, whose address <br />is fares Credit 8oitding, Oewha, Nebraska 68100, <br />tiDrtgage^ (sutrSact CO Cii, Ras, and mineral rights owned Dy parties other than Mortgagors; eii8ting 8a9emenLa Of " <br />record: re8ervntidn.'- in t/nltCd States and State pater. t•.: and the Mghts OI the public In all highways ), the tdilolaing- <br />dsseribed real estate Sr. HaII county, Nebraska , <br />SEC. TkP. N!. <br />S'~Swi£, ire particularly described in &tarranty Deed, <br />recorded in Book 2.43, Page 443 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 12N 9 W 6th P.M. <br /> sv n v, <br />¢~ ~ --~ <br />~~ 3 ~ ~ <br /> ~' <br />~ <br />r^ <br />~ P~ <br />~s ~a ~ <br />m <br />~ <br />ca <br />~ <br />w <br />~ - w <br />-~ r- <br /> ro J <br /> <br /> w ~ <br /> it N <br />75.5{ <br />-~ 1R :,ere ^ro e r.r -~ Ra her with ail -~! se right, t-1 tie, Wild 'nterest <br />,;n ~«ixcW ... .<reat'ar ~.:CU2. .:;:e -ps,m, .r. -.s.v „er.y, -~-_.1d1r.R 31, .~1113nga, improvements, flxLurea, <br />~;,~:.,rterse;cer ~.ri, -cn -°r .,e. eat'. ~?r .ed '.^.e- ~.^,: ~?. ,, .rrigati~.:, [rid drainage r£gnt.5: t'na tenements, <br />'ssr edit~ata, -~;~'rt~nttnces -`herE*_o ~~a:~? ~•.~ ^rnet, :ails=. -zrmis, -end ;"all's ari^Slnq :rpn said 13nda: and (St <br />L."!s ~rLgaRur~.+~n 1rq': t,°. !u tte tuht3 ~~}n reciu irel ';;~ nart~gea - ;;urpesesl all leases, permits, <br />- - ivl legs -"-pp>"'*tets~:". cl ~spr fc~n:3~t :as± ^r.~cRd - -*~~ c« --ereatter issued. extended. <br />~:r .enrwed Tcne '".o"'?R~ors by .ha :priiteu ;;LSLe: ~e °. .r ... M.. ~,,^.e,4tx^^va~°-2es^r2Ded DrbPerty :> located or <br />:spar*,-.y;t, Ssureau, ;., ;tie.^.c{ c_*,er~cT. <br />:!iis ?;ore.~gp Si~ al ~~en '.e ±~-wore a freml9RO.^+ .^.ata c. even -iacA Y:erewi E^. °xe-:^,.te t:y ...-rc~rrN co r4urtFixgee. in <br />LGe ^rirct^al sum or SI?CI'Y-THREE THOUSAND tiIN€ ;ttl'.~iDRrY.t A,hD tt~l i0t1 - - - - ~ 0(£LLAB3, <br />pqr, aG£e wi'h tntsrs5t scccrdinR ±., t?;e terms .~. ~-.x19 ^rtF. 'ha .`i°ai 5~wen!..~i ng .~Ie srsd pagabie on Lhe flrst.datr <br />?(etch, '?001. , <br />;Tf :*.SS zoavey sn!^e <,hal- S,e ~:?td ~xpoP. the is~vn,ent !;f said prom ssory note. <br />Phis :eartgag=_ is sub, eat t~ tY.e .'t'}?visicc5 -:: ;'HF, f'Ak'S ~ruL1T A[`. and 1 .ac is smendatary thereof ar supplemental <br />:-£teretc. ;#G •,roeeeda ;t case loan sds-u.^ed taerebY will _+e -..xed tr,. ~.ha y+.,~tgcses spec +.fie4 in the tlortga{COrs+ eppil- <br />cati^n for sai^ loan attd author i. C^ DY sal. ALL.. <br />?Iva rgnrtgagars, sad asah ~t them. hereby wart ;sat *_..^.ac. ~:;ey eµ a tee owners ~~f the mortgaged Tsai Property; that Lriey <br />wi11 defend the title against all ~laiasnts Mt~se+aver, stet Ltsat said Property Ss tree !ram al£ eneumDraneea; that <br />they «!11 Y.eeP ail the itxsi'ovements, I1zLnres, end ~.ppurteaaoces ,ccup#ed sad ir. pood repair and Pemit no aeLa of <br />wa~+.te: s~ they #111 mlin~al:a it riir3tis hts~stesd in sa£C ~:€~SSes.:.nwsovenant ~.nC ^se wish t[te !r<mLgagse. <br />as follows: <br />{i) '?'bat LDSy «1Sl Pay Men :n:e xil ~xxes, :inns. '~.y~ots. ^r eases ,meats which may be laetui!y sasessed against <br />LAe f~rop4rty herein mort3aRed. <br />?2t- ~stat tri+i<v will i>;ssre and ;see; :hs+,seG ^ul:dings -tact 1s~rcveeants now a f wnlcn say hersatter be Pla.^.ed <br />~:i4 said prewiSes tsry LDg aaL38fa=:t ion 'T the :ror:$age?, Such i[SSS1I'9.:cC licy shall be~endaraed wi to +r aairtgay5e rla4ae <br />«Itii the-cuss Lhereruider to 28 payal}le *, Lae ~rxrt.>tascee. AiLvv Sums r^celved reay De u ~ to Pay for ~econatruet2~i <br />of the dcati~ysd luvesserits- ^ct st~ spplted, may. ac r_.he o.^i~ a' the mertlCaetee. Ge applied :•'= pay~tnt cf <br />9IIy iZidaDtsdnesa, 3~tt;red c>r *.i#taafitired~. SP.C[l;'CC ty 'tiles '~~rt 4a$e. <br />(~) Tb Pay. s11 rent'[, tees, +*r cDargea a;:w due or co become due under the terms of each lease, permit, 7.icense. ar <br />rtr124ge an-Lhe PtHilic damaia *hteG is appurtenant r.r n+rnappurLSnant Ce the rsortgeaed prswiaea. MotricD has been <br />isarred, siT~er9ded. er rxnwwd by the (kilted EtaLSa or the slats to Mich the strove-described property is located: sad <br />Ltr-pgr*srm and otraerve every ant. e,OVenaht. cond£t4~, and ~t ipulation nectasary t^ keep eacD of the scale in good <br />staisiiiiie' sad .,; [tilts angry traasssary step to secure trie reiaaug, renewal. ^r etctenaion of exD Of amts: end to <br />aaaii0l, satins, pledge cr esaS!xae *o tDS !iarxgagss each l9eas. ;,emit. ilcsrtae, or Briviiege tt rertgasarsr rights <br />1n yaSfilo dDmmain ere t'egcs£re9 try txlrt~,cee tOr seourlty Pizrposga. <br />!+i -"Ba #ri rile gvsdL s,RS ic~rtiee is a patty to say £iLigalfon atfeetitig the security ar the 12an at Eta mort- <br />ga:a~, 3€1¢1n+ii~ arrF -suit by tDs '<iartgaiCSS Lh foreclese th.#s "rox'tgate or say sei£t 1n Mlctr LDe ttortgagae air De naeed <br />a ~t~ ~ateneans Sn r~rlCi# 1t Ss obligated tai prctscL Sts rights or lien. trcluding condeaeati Dn and banaftLptry <br />,'Drvoiarat3rgg.. `Ae ~inrc..iKeees mall Sn?:srr ezBenses and edvarice peySeettt !or sDSrroct fees. att,5rxtey fees ;except to Lhe <br />~si: 84x3` BraD.i;xl tars ry lar-i, casts.. aaipsnaes, and OCDar +tDargea. <br />'~ VVfltte;. *Si ~t.^ae svetgc. *3,~s itartga#sx's Sall to pay Mee due :trey razes. Lena, 'udgweaLa, :+r nsaesaaenis. ?r tail to <br />~x •tt-3'?iu r~~ sa :~rgii#f;:'i` ;u'vvi9#A. nr ,3sil " ny r~2rcrts, fees. ?^ :'berets uctdar [Yeti esi~ss et any taas8, <br />r r s-, . -~ y~-;-!.v17s~e: .:r ~rtgaKrpl 1* t''-'lt=a irs$ * _ ,^?our !+>Egsnags rot *ztrtret fees attcrrey "ezq. ~.•osts <br />C~ C <br />>•i;+n4~s -.. Fplr 4'Y@r ° G'fGiBati':t Z'i to 1£ gaG 2:X3, t~'Litagee vsSy ~teae ~Cn Maymant ",rPmYl ie -us;n tfaut'ance, <br />,'~ t ^ ~ ix~tL. ~. sail L'te stl3uht43 Cr - iSer~far s!a_+. @ecam+n a `ifrt ~ -`te i ndabt,sis5esa +secur ect 'sarr.Lfy hsa <br />~~ 3-9@e .te+a1>atesiy. axed Ma11 'war° .n areart ir'!sw 118 .ate c.t isspSSty>t at ;;e vswg :-nta as ;:rnYtded {or MZrhtlt - <br />n tY,a~.r„:~:a. <br />