<br />_. _ _ $1 ~-' U t) 0 ~ ~ ~7 REAL ESTATE MOitT8A8E FOAM FLB x08- (Rev. 1-17)
<br />gate March ?, 1981
<br />13onald E. Stoltenberg (also known as Donald Stoltenberg) and R. Marie Stoltenberg,
<br />husband and wife
<br />or 1iR11 rounty. Nebraska . 1.n ealsl6eraLitls df :
<br />*_#e adv~iee of the principal srxx rooted Sn the Ware hareinaftar described, receipt of Mileh la saktWwiedged, hsreDy:-
<br />aarcgage aifd co.^.v9y Ua
<br />THE FEOERAI LANG BAMI! Of OMANA, a Corpdratlon,
<br />of Owaha, Doa~ias County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is fans Credit 9uildiny, Oeaha, Ksbraaka 0$100,
<br />leer^,.gagee {sub,ent to a11. gas, and 7lnaral ..^tghts owned ay parties other risen TlartgagOrs• eX1SLing eaaaMeELa of
<br />record: res-.rvat/dns Sn ibiits,i States and statepatent.r, andth€ rSghts cf Lhe pablic in ail 2i1ghM~rs), thefoilarriLg-
<br />deacrlb~+d real ss!a.te In Hall - county, Nebraska ,_
<br />SEC. TbfP. Ri.
<br />N47~ Cexcagt a tract aF land more particularly described as
<br />beginning at a paint at the Northwest earner of the North-
<br />west Quarter, thence Southerly 800 feet along the west
<br />side of the Northvest quarter, thus being the place of be-
<br />ginning, thence Easterly 210 Feet, thence Northerly and
<br />parallel to Che west Line of the Northwest quarter 135
<br />feeC, Chence Westerly 2I0 feet, thence Southerly along
<br />the vest line of the Northwest quarter 135 `set to the
<br />glace o£ bea~,,i.nning, cantairing .b5 acres, :Wore ar less) - - 35 i2N 10 W 6th P.M.
<br />t°_ j:..
<br />159.35 ., r« r _. ±~, -;,., l~ =1; ,' ::,,t, - gad intere;~t
<br />..,.v-.r+.ne-.-~ ..-c -=s i's: r..:u. ~- -~;~. -~°r•-,. ~1+.^,g -i: +s1!..1nE.. '-'apro~vemer ts, tlxt.irea,
<br />.Y1a i~.. - *r_ .~a ,~. ,n; xnt -r ~ga4~!?n, ~h-- rtilnait^- "SPIT*-s; the tenemen La,
<br />hc. ,;. .~r+;t. -u.'S y- .-s, ind pa +ri Sag r-^m >afd >ands• and (2f
<br />Tt- '"i..%r"-~C--r« "i5 - - - sr ;J 'i r. ..~, tsf6 •)I' _ ;1:rpC.";n `til tefl3ea, perml G3,
<br />..^,~r::;a~ -. t ,.r+v!'_ ge. , >ppu _i,v[' - ,:(E.._,.yY.i:-..,.~,. -,:sf! f3xge.2 ;rc±nl~e.,, .+ca [:. ~er otter Sssued, extended.
<br />_'I' ^~xawe;, tJ «YN "1" t.~at{:`rz ... -,r .._ .-vi :" ".:t ic~l^:. .. r. ,..ev@-.iEi'r9 ~ :"*±. ei't.V ... ia~atad 's.
<br />Sid _a?'[:~r 't2S:t, 7Ai a.s. -. Y~.)'f ...... ._ -
<br />i'qf1~ ~~:rt~r~ .. ver: .. e^a=- r,ai .. cry ,,, r_e :! _.. Sate .,er-owl",.9. >zwc€i tfl,1 ,~,y ~artgn6ura a ryartRp3ee. 1n
<br />tYxe i*rzatelpai ~~ ..5t'i~.Y(l.rl ~'# ~'t "HIRiY-i R~ ~'{~j-4sit'~ ~.i;~Iit"~illRFfl ~1~P 'i01~~t0 - - - e4t,LARS,
<br />--:'=~`+sb:.K w1 ~'! irtares ,. ....^urdlt.~, '-h• -~.v _:r :.x,-.:..,,tf, :he tlnAi aysnaut 'reing clue and payable rxt .he tlrnt dqy
<br />~f a'aglu&rYe 2010 .~._,.._._.__.. ....._ .._, re;~ra:.:ce °hais cf ~. s:d :fpon the ;:sy~aat of said praaiaaory aaLe.
<br />glti« ANJrtti~fge ;.a subject the i'r.,visi ens :f "i}B *Ant", _ti yfr~:'. A~~' and sit -C ts =3mendaLOry thErE4S or aUppleaLa1-
<br />ltteratn. Zhe pr+3aeeds :~i '::".e iaan .=ec+:ra,; .",erabY Will ^a cse:: 'ar ~!:e purposes specified Sn ttte lprtgBgC+rs~ app11-
<br />-~A$i~ far acid 'v`~d3 a~u .._, _..~.. Ss:-eC v_ sai~ A_t. -
<br />i'he ',iortpLSgiirR. and seen ::t '.S:ex, !;eran7 war:'+rnt ".?zat '.1tey 3'~ Fe@ ~`ap2r9 ^•F tka laortgaged real property` Lh6L L11lp
<br />R11t detert,i 2~ rites agains x- .'iaisar>ts wpu~s3 Fe,. vrv" «bat said prepsrty /s free tram all e~rl•+ASass; Lhat
<br />!-tisiy Ki i'_ iteep a:: :te Sa~r,~ ~F~F L-. 't xtures, it app tecan,'-ys axnPleG and 1n goad repair 9nd perlai6 ntl.aGta. 02-
<br />s+aste• and *_-rey si;: ^ei1*:=,.;lri~ ai: r.~•sts cF :wstas-d 1n sold ,:remises, acid covenant a~ agr®a-wi4h tke }igrtga~s:
<br />as fr=11:~-=
<br />t'lrak tt;~p a1=: my raven ~u,ce a, >,t.xe~, ' S°.n5, ,.fr.;Ats. sr sssessssenes w#Se# say Le iattistlly. Qasestaef~~e~a1&eL
<br />blkl prQF~rty !ffrri:r. ,m?rtgaged.
<br />'.YraL - ey r+il „wa xr - A'a;- nsu:a,;. au. ~--g' - ..her :m1trcwements row an or a411C22 ~,y haz-erfLef tra-plsaarS-
<br />-_I.G prea- 4ca ~s ^a - a.3P a ~.. :,. r -* 3e _ 'Yt lnsuraaea pulley shsii b6 enflamed w1 t# a w6CtgeQ,e c?,~yye-
<br />*'L1s t3k~ _ay _ .rare-n e- <: ^e ,,-~ynUi .l,e .°~.~ t~+sg e. Any stifae received '~Y be aced to -psy for recal~Lrueaiml..
<br />t#e den ye~ .afroWasa.t .r _, c,t -~c ~~pq 2~.i >s~y, st t#e o,tlon of t#e t&frcgpgee, be-applied Sn pgyllMalLat.
<br />'~aa3 `rC,~b_kvf+ka~, 2tgs,t:. e;. _r 3..dkCGL'r~ ,). ed by -h c "CrLg3rjw,
<br />~; ;ay a~ _ rears. '+rea, r -•.h?ut,as n.'+v. ±ss sr to bact,ms •9ua un;er t#e teraYS of eaGg Ieaae perA.It, llceoaR~aC-
<br />r i,a~g ~ e p~e3?= ^_.~.aM a wa1~A ~ ~.p,-yrrv€eaut or r, aap~'art~nsrt r tke morEggea~~aa~~ pr66~aM. aASoh hsa RMR
<br />.aavad,!airtsndad,ar renewed 3y rlye iNtited Latss ;r the st9te .b w#fc# the above-descriUad:^Ly 1s 1peaLep' ~:. ~.
<br />to ~fazn Yv, aoaane rteary sec .-crustiest, caii.itian, 'rd stipwatlan r.°aesaary to heap eacA_at 4he sa>~ ih
<br />starmllita, coal :; relic °+rery racassasy strp tea sacira the reissue. retrerxi, er exLenslasr df esisl# of the syyr; ~:
<br />ssal~i. ~14e, ve. a;° er~zarse tc ltd;tg=re sac, :ease, perhalt, licence, ar privilege 1f HoiLtsaAOt!a~ r1t
<br />Sr€ _rnD:k~. ',rxRa,L=; ar+= r°arp~1;^+S:S ty hrrr'~dgee 'ar care ity ^Urpases. -
<br />;ap T~i,L Sn rile eu~t t#e Korc~gea 15 a Sa'r'ty •_;, aqy ,1+-Sgatlan affect-1;111 Ghe secUri Ly aF GA.8.:1`.e+n cF Itd .Batt-.
<br />Stsa<t a`alrgt 3tzX Suit iy _[le p911^tgage8~ fCt`^BC `aa9e tnls ;aartgage ar any s7slt 1n w#1ch ttra itgesea AaY W naiwd
<br />a ~: cy ,itlkxr:laret `b ~lf1i -t le at3lga ~ .r ,retest its rSfSltta of 11en, lnaludi.ng eoadtt~atSGtrr. astia betlltrteyteg
<br />;., ~.ceJy41.tc1fs. `-be tA7rL~[aJ,,~ eiaag ii~er--xE~,sas~and aduatice payaet£t ..°ar abstract fees, .attorney tear ttlXOeCt to the
<br />+-!9t;.4giL +.~-~15, SvtY t~Y .N~7r,,. t~a.a, Sz~'.&r en, 'urn ether ;haa•gra.
<br />-^~ '~.t .F•-c •. ant the '=flk ',.?"*": iaii Sa .A[Y w11as^,- dkly a.1Y '~X±~. 21oA3. :,;~.1g,.~Y3?CS, ~P 4aA839p1p$'G8. 45' !a1I ?Q
<br />~ei~t ai:. r s;.:r „t erx?itibsfrt'e a•a_S.aa.S Syr a1 _s, ,ay -star-9, rasa, sac charges %asdur L1t+a L,eretw.-o3 any lei+tr,
<br />arw ~ 3ir a ~.r tex i~~(a t+wr:va~ec i ret,,f red '- ~ :'ur ex;eaaas icr abstract teas, a6tUrYie~ Lees; CgSis,
<br />sA'i ~. ~ i~ ~.uir- a-i w1- zyst -~- ~#3' r,9~§ea aaY '~+t~ uCh AYm6u •r pl"5`vid~ SUt=A la8tli"LfAIYB.
<br />c ~.°. _ ~r,.'€ tie .~. :s--3 rv. ~~ ~.ra~e.-~ 'tea s ,,a c. ~- - _ ;:i.,e['-sfrAa~ a~tfrHti-hereblr S1ut~-
<br />~ad ,.. s:: s x~-.a}, .,~, ai..:. :.~~. srii~raey rf~ ,~+,? ate ^f r'3Y~r:.. ., -1a a5 .~Le t:.~ ~rvi<1ed fa# default
<br />s.
<br />