<br />'This mortgage made and emered lino this _ 26th day of February ,:
<br />19.~~._. by atx# between DeVille xoates, Znc,
<br />{hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Ctunmerc#tt# Nat#onal hank and Trust Coatpany -
<br />fherciaaflar r+o€etretbwrar
<br />mcxtgager~, who tna#ntaitu an oi~tre need glare of btts#ttess az a2n ~~ mh; ra strext is
<br />Hall C~tnty, Nebraska -
<br />WYfi"SET#t, that for the consideration hertdnafter stated, ree7dpt of which is hereby steknowkdgad, the arort~nr
<br />does haMe'ay mortgage, sell, grant, assign, atsd convey umo the c!tortgagee, its arts ate asaige~, tdi 4f t~ foi•
<br />lowing described property situated and being in the County of xall
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Lot Thirty Tw6 1321, Potash Subdivision, xall County, Nebratkka,
<br />together with ail the tenements need appurtenances thereto belonging, ail the rents, issues and profits thereof, and all
<br />easerrtertts, rights, royalties, mitterai, oii and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stork, and including,
<br />a#S heating, p#umbing, refrigeration, €ighting, egniprttent and oii +t~tures of curry description belonging to the
<br />mtmgagor now or hereafter attached thereto or used to connection with tfie premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereto the folioss•ing descriixti properties which are and shat! he deemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a portion of the security far the indebtedness herein stated. ; If none, state "none")
<br />Ta have and to hold the: saint unio the .'Hortgaga, as herein provided:
<br />The tttortgagor is lawfu##y seized and possessed of and has the right to stil and convey said property; that the
<br />same is frtx from nit encvmbranres ezcept as herrinabove retired; and that 4lortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of alt persons whomsoever.
<br />This ittsirutrtent is given to secure the payment of a promissory note dated February 26, 1981,
<br />in ttu priruipal sum off 3Q,t?(3o,L'0 _ ,signed by James 5. Reed, President
<br />in behalf of I>eVille xo~es, Znc.
<br />also, as such tettYt e% rtotas tnay froth time to time be madi6ed, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />In the event the tithe to said real estate is transferred, or eonfrarted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />rea!s~r oat by any rnttihod whatsoever, the rntirc print#pa# sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and
<br />payable et the ekttion of the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of titre as above sta[e6
<br />in t>a~ i~a+r- s~tafl rtot romssitute a waiFw of the right to exercise the saute #n the event of any subst~uent transfer.
<br />#. Tde ttmattgigcw covenants and agrees as follows:
<br />~ Ter F'~6xlY pay the intiebtealtuss evidenced by said promissory note at the times and in the manner
<br />therein provatird.
<br />b. To ~y all tastes, asttesstttents, water rates. aced other governtmntai or municipal charges, fines. err
<br />tntltiitsns, for which pravlsitmt has not butt tttttde hereintxfote, and will promptly deliver the o97icial r~cipts
<br />thitt~eiTur tts t~ tnortga~r.
<br />c. Ter - t=xxperts~ ark# fcfir ere may rte restarted in the protection and maintenance ~~i ward proprrt~,
<br />i~tsg the flea etf ~r attcsrntryz tepid by the rstartgagec for the ; ollertion ~-t ant ,err ai€ of the +ndehtedness
<br />h~eb*r ~,'tttc~#. n luseclctgtrre hr rn+srdcagae`. xals, ear axtr€ txroceedin~. ;,t :,..;ns >>rfitr €+t:can.+n ,err t~ta?ecrsi;ne
<br />att€~une sand ttycipertr
<br />