<br />MORTvwGE 8 ~ _.. Ulf ~~ 9 F3
<br />This Mortgage is entered into between Rrho7 fireaAasnnrt rA ~xi7lgl a PPr ann
<br />------------ ------_____ ____.^. _ _ (itereia `"M"j and -
<br />Fiae Points Bank tt~a.••aa~~
<br />afar is indebted w itfot°tq~ee in the ptirtcipal sum of $ 35,ftt3ft.{1it , evidttttx~d ~ s r ---
<br />dated 2.181. -therein "Note") pt~o:;ding for payments of principal and interest, vrith ttrt bsLACe o6the .
<br />indebies, if twt sooner paid, dtre salt payatde on.~ 8 d 24181.
<br />Toserarre Lire payment of the Note, with interest as provided therein, the ptty»tertt of air other Gums, witfi Ynietatrd,
<br />advattetd by MortgaEee to protect the security of this Mortgttgr, and the performance of the t`osetranta sad 01
<br />f3tt Mortgagor contained herein, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and ctmvey to Mortgrgee the fo8o`irtd desssdlied
<br />property located in ~ amt t _--~___ County, ivebraska:
<br />All that part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N'gSiP~) of Seetiort- _ _
<br />Fifteen {15), Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11) West of the bth
<br />P.*t., in Ha21 Ctntnty, Nebraska, lying south of the IInion Pacific Aal2sosd
<br />Company's Right of hay
<br />Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, silt}s, passageways, easements, rights, peiviitg~ and.
<br />appttrtenanets lotxted themon nr to anywise penainrng thereto. and the rnnts tssu,~ and prof ts, reversions and retnaitrdets
<br />thereof; including, but not limited to, heating and coming equipment and sueh personal property that is attachrd~to the.
<br />impramsrttnta so as to trortstitute a fiztum; aH of which, i«rtudinq replacements and additions thereto, is htKby declared
<br />to ire a part of the real estate urured by thf lien of thrs itortgaKc and alt of the foregoing being referred to herein a8 the
<br />..~pe~y,o
<br />Mortgagor tartrate tX,tarenanis and egret,, with Mortgagee. as tollnws:
<br />1. Faymeat. To paV the indebtedness and the ,ntcre,t therein as provided to this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />2. Titre. MoNgagnr is the nwner of the Fruprn~, has thr• nght and authontt to mortgage the Property, end
<br />warrants That the Lien created itrretn~ r, a first and par r hen c,n the Propettt~, except as mad otherwise be set forth herein.
<br />^ The t}uperty is sub,4ct to a ~i".rrtgage wnerern -. - _.
<br />is the Mortgager, recorded at book ..._.__ -.. t'age of the 31~>nKage Retvrrd+ of __.Cotmty,
<br />;Yebraska, which ti9ort~ge is a lien prttx to the Irrn created hereby
<br />(~ tJthtr prior titers or encumbrances , ±v4Be -
<br />3. Taaea, r+lateasrrusnla. To pay whey due all raze., special assessments and alt o"u er charges against the Property
<br />and, upon written demand by Mongagee, to add to the payments rrgwred under the :vote seeured hereby, sash amount as
<br />tray be st€fft~nt tt+ enable tht 3tortgagee to pay such texts. assesstrten6s nr other ctargrs as they become dire.
<br />4. irwsanee. `To keep the improvements now or hereafttr located on the real estate described herein iroured
<br />agl~t daarsgt try fire and sauce other hazards as !liortgager may require, in amatmis and with tvxnpaniesaecepubtt to the
<br />higat~e, and with lows. paya~e tAt Ute rslotignger. to ease of loss under such policies the MoAgagte is authorised to
<br />awi~t, odieei. and eomptorruse, to its discretion, ai! claims uterrttndt~r at its option, atrthorixedtoeit4e#s~l(fJtt-- .
<br />proseeda to tiu t~toration of the Property or-upon the indebtedness seeured derrby, but payataats ltereuedstat,ca;a-
<br />t2~ tmi,ii t~ caret s€,nrrtd iteletry are paid in tart. - - - _ - ~ -.-. - _
<br />8. `w fserow i<a Twtss and Ittsutaaee. !votxiehstanding~nything contained in paragrapbs.3 sad ~ heneof W.tbe
<br />oantrary, ti{ort~gsrr sttaail pay to tbt Mortimer :t the time nt paying tht monthly irtstalitnettta of principal and tdtusst;
<br />oat-tstlttb of ~ yearly teases, abo.smen#, bastard ituutartre premiums. sad gtotutd teats (if arty) te3aieh map a a
<br />pt`iruity over this ifott, sit m rtrasonabty estimated from time to liras by the Moregagte. The aa5aanta so i airtt~ 6b
<br />t~ tg; [!~ wit6mtt irstrrtst sad armed to the paytrcKtt of t3te Stains-iq tespfat to vrltf~?tw~atrtdiMic testa
<br />~+• T++~ xum- ~ to ~ tteietrnder are ptetiRed m addit°vcatrti arx~tity for for tttdrttst~l~ awed„'fry title
<br />~' ldartgaai~3Ti[y ter t~ rite tinrWtrit of any deGdency betrrtao tt~ ttctgai rases, ristgta;
<br />,~Sr329r.*`.~ :kRSt gmtsad rt~t3 and tt~ delta hr<ratntd~+r within- lft diHy3 attar ~demead t5 a:uprQSt f~`~ -.. - -
<br />psgmltrt t0er~@f.
<br />6 tt+gslr. ~ acid Use Tn peaasptt~ rspatr, restart a~x rebuild anp httiidiagr asrtrtepeurcantnbt ,~~-
<br />» on t~ Frstperty, to ks~t tba Frsspt~rtY iu gtwd t sad tom; arithctrtt sr~tt. artd-tree ttrm tta+3s"~t~€ ~ m'
<br />s>a rater c~YCpnrrrdfr stttroedtfistNi to Fitt lwn ltrrYsof. n~ ttr ~tkt, setter nr ptrrtit arty ttataaact its eta, ear t~dfa-
<br />cr ittapair t#ar at tht PropKrdy b"i stay set or ostis~on to let; and to comply with a{t ~ cii taw rattD
<br />n!~ert to thf arty.
<br />