<br />g~.....0~og~~ M~R'~G~-+~E
<br />This mortgage made and entered into this _ 2~ ~ day of March ,
<br />19.x,__., by and between t.harles F, and Colleten E. Lange
<br />{hereinafter refrrred'to as mortgagor) and t;ommercia! Nationaf-Bunk acid Trust ~ompanv '
<br />(hetxiuuafter +te€skt'ed to talc '--
<br />mortgagee), wfio maintains an office and ptatae of business at 424 ti. Third- street in Gisnd Island,
<br />Sfai) County. ;Nebraska.
<br />Wm~tteSSErtt, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowlalged; this mot~gagor
<br />does hereby mortgage, sdl, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigtts, alI of rite fol-
<br />lttwing deuribed property situated and being in the County of Hall
<br />State o€1Ntbraska.
<br />Lat Three (3} and rr^our (4), 31ack Orte Hundred Fourteen (II4)
<br />Railroad Addition to the City of Grand Zsland, Hall Cotutty, Nebraska
<br />together wittz all the trnements and appurtenances thereto heinnguag, alt the rents, issues and profits thereof, and all
<br />tasemertts, rights, royahirs, mineral, otl and tray rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including
<br />all heating, plumbing, refrigeration, !ightinsc, cyuipmrnt and ail *ixturrs of rvrn~ description belonging to the
<br />mortgagor now •or ltercaftrr attached thereto or acrd ir, connection with the premises herein described and in addition
<br />thereto zhr following described prraprrtirs which are and ,bait hr deemed za br fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />are a portion of zhe security 1'ar the indcbtrdnr4s herein stated. ttf Wane, titers "none") FMne
<br />To have and to hold the same un[o the ~lartgagee, as herein provided:
<br />The mo»tgagor is lawfully srirrti and possessed of and has the right to sill artd convey said property: that the
<br />carne is free from al! encumbrances except as herrinabovr recited; and that Mont;agor covenants to warrant and
<br />defend the title afotrsaid thereto and every par[ thereof against the claims oz all persons whomsoever.
<br />This inserurrxnt is green to secure the pap°met=t of a praruisson note dazed _ !~tarcix 2,, 1981 _
<br />in the prirtcipai sum of S_ 5D n~ t74 __--___-_- __-, signed by ___Char,~s F. and Colleen $. Lange
<br />in beloalf of . _-____.._._-----.._~___ -_ _theaselyes _. _._-_._______-~-.--
<br />aisu, as such Hate or etotts tnay ftam time to time he modified, renewed or extetufed in writing.
<br />!n the even[ the titre to said r~l estate is transferred, err contracted to tae transferred, tram the undersigned for any.
<br />reason or by any method whatsoever, the entire principal cam and accrued interest shall- at ancr become due' and
<br />payable at the r)xtion of the holder hereof. Faiture to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stated
<br />in one irtstxnce shat! rttx constitute a waiver o€ the right to exercise the same in the event of any subsequettr transfer.
<br />). The mortgagor covnrants artd agrees as follows:
<br />a, To prompt!!; pay the Inckl9tedrtess evidenced b}' said promissory- note at the times artd in the meaner
<br />th€r~n t~twidrd.
<br />~!. fit} paq all taxes, ascssments, w«5tra rates, artd ether gavrrnmrntal or muni~~ipal charges, fines, err
<br />:ttrpvatitls, free whtcit prtnisir»u has not bees= r;~ado tsrrrinbeforc, and wil: promptly deliver tttr official receipts
<br />tlrrae;t?r to ihtr 3h: rtrV3rt~ate2c.
<br />s. "era racy sux;lt expenses acrd fees .ts may fm irtcnrred in r(tz protection and znaintrnancr <,i said prapert~.
<br />itkeitkdipg the fees at env :urrwnea rmptovcd t+y zhr mnrtttagrrfor zhr rollrtian of rrny or atl of the indtbtecfnrss
<br />??+'trrcfay ~tttrtt.'+r fes:ccasssrrc lav mvarrga.gre * gate, ur --a?tsr!-fS.Y`x..€~lrn~s, to sn nv ,.,[her kit3xatr,in tit tsrrx:e~edmu.
<br />:b[Ter`tertg ~.axci prtrpettt
<br />