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~ .. <br />~ - <br />S. 'I'be tnertga~r eAtrenanta atld +-tttu if ~ abaci fe52 to pay. avid mttq ~ nsy p~ tittssp~ ' <br />shaft fait m perform any covenant ere yteetiitpge td ere tf+e'Pr' ~ s+itorad ~!~ <br />~,.,~~ irk lR~-~ - ate, elea2l aately,. Immrir doe. eayafale, and catteettt tsit6tut ~ie0., at <br />ai~l~ ~ t4tte a6aetgagee ~ arigna, regardkaa of matttrily, sad the ~ or kris artigna may bt~ese a~sadter <br />aa~d- property witltmet appraisema~rtt {the mortgagor ~v~tgF~ehived flue Fpee sit tiggiti ai~t <br />' { t }. a~ ~ oak putt to tlsE ptoviaione aft-U=$.ti. 2991 { a } : or <br />4 (n} M the e ~ fire soetp~w4 aitftar by aneti~ea oc by aGaRaeat a€neii~.bithw ter thar>ylf¢ <br />bs.t ~ sawwptyisg with the testae at oak asd waewer of paytrent a is the tierces ~ ~.$wt <br />Atiriteg tent wetks` tmtiee of rite time. terms, sad,glatx of snob solo, by adwertiaetnent net tms.>dum ettee <br />darriag sash of aid four weeks in s ttetrspaper p~8sit«I or diattibnted is the couaty in wldeh aa~ ~opMet! <br />iaa>1ta~ alt-other a y waived by tbs ®srtg~r (aid a~ atr atrnt~aa wt <br />Ittititif ~ atndarertgayna~. esay hid sritb the tttepeid evidraaed by said Watts}. Said'e~httrihs <br />beid u err a. tba proPecty to !K sold or u the Federal, cennty. or eiq eoartbosae for ebe eattmty in which-the <br />peoparty b foeataaeL °LAe mortgagee is taeeeby anthoriaed to easenle for aa~ oo behalf at fire mortgagor rtsd to <br />tb the paeehsaer u sneb sale a stt~titnt canveyaese ad said property, which eonvayattoe abaci ootr~ <br />tseitris s to ebe happaniag of the default upon which the a=ecatioa of the power of ate 6msis ¢~ <br />aed tlm said atertgagor ketnby eonstittttes and appoints rite mortgagee or any agent or utotsey ~ the <br />nwst~ee, the amt attd attorney in fact of said mortgagor to make sndt axtitab ate to etteeate atdd <br />~ and itsreby ea-emaata and agrees that t}m reeitab se made shall be eQeetnal to bar aU ae~y ~ <br />right of retkmptiat, hameWesd, dearer, and elf of he: esetttptiotn of the mortgagor, all of which oat beeeby <br />espreasty waived ated conveyed to the mortgagee: or <br />{ ut i take any outer appropriate action pntsnant to state err Federal sut~te either in sate or Fodara2 <br />aamrt er atbarwias ter rite darpasitioa of the prapertr. <br />In ttse avant et a Galt as Fmreinabeve praz<idad, fire aortgagor err asy person in poteeasion under the mortgagor obeli <br />tbtm lessors asd Ire tenanar holding aver and sha?I forthwith deliver Fwaswsion to rite purchaser at sash oak err lie <br />sauasmarih -#er~xith the provisioner of law apptisbk to tenanu hoWi~ over. The power <br />and agagy'j7ty , avith as intN.reert sad are irrevacabk by death err othezwiae. and are granted <br />r eaatwk~ivit 4A,~, ~~.._ .~ at ~ ~ pr~vidad by taw. <br />t TbaG psaasaier-~ ~ aala d said ptapn~ey is rorardaeoe with site Peeped"erg P*ragrapbs aitai) bt a~1ka itrt <br />:a ~ry elm-~ aer~ w`at.:d ~, tba iaza~. ~ r rim magae fv p:.-p~ 04' r...t~ x t~ <br />6 aatid-proptaty. wnd reaaoaabie utosaiaya faaa: aseoet~ty. to-pay tIm indebt~edoesa saettred hereby: aed tltirdfy, <br />to ltay aft) awtrpltta or eaeoss t+ the ptsaett err persaws kga2'y estitlad elrereto. <br />S. Ia the avaatt aatid psyrrtyr sold u • paaiiaiai faatdaanre-arts err @ ~ ~a hwor ~ oak: 6Savs <br />gnrtted; and the presaeds art sat ssieiart M pay rbs ~I iadebradareo aattue3lsy titua ieitr~iaei and evidsetd by <br />a ~ grill Ire ais$ ~ a f~ ~ist,zt a€ tho~g tsdd~t <br />~~~ <br />tr, fn the eveat tits martga{ger fsib to par soy Federal, state, or local taa aw.aswust, ineotne tea or outer tut Lien, <br />. €aa err a eaP'm%a .-'tat~$ aya~ slm .-ty, rim >tsa€tgai~ is hereby aetitssria.-d at Itia optir~t to pay <br />for ~tuam. ,may same so pad by the .ta.egtrgae .heft ire added to and heceme a part of the prutawpal aaaatrnt of rite <br />evidenced [ry said Dote, aubjeKt to the same terms aad conditions. if the mortgagor sbatl pay a~ <br />dkebarga abe ioakbtedttas evideeced by aid pramieraory note. and shalt pay such Bums aatd shad discharge all tstus <br />sad atabl the srNs, ~, sac.eapaapaa at-esakisttr ardareing, and executiag this owrtgago, the this moetgage <br />slsa~l Ira atad ~ <br />t, '~ ate basais oaas•ed a~ Iriad asd tiro baba-card advarsltad! issue to the eaayaaatlva arts. <br />aeaarts ate aatti®m of that pastier tt~. grad, t~ sitsgtskr effecter sbaU irtdmbt tip phwai, that pitttmt cis <br />. andthe tree of arty gaaise ttt-ait iaeieda aft g <br />a Igt- wisees of arty msasast baaeot err of the ahii{~tioa saewad h~ehy shall u aa~ elate br bdi <br />M ha a rsraitatr,e{,dte taat.a beeatai er of star starts msttrad be+alt~t: <br />9t her aaep~me wilt as 191.1 { d} of tiro ltttlts aced Rcagp#uaeea ~ the Smatl t3tawaas ~ [IJ <br />'~~ i~ E~i~. ffi,~a=i~6a+a~twti wd wid ea>F<arcosi Ir aars~raoa with a~fia~ia Faiatai fir. <br />..,,. ,, <br />~~ ~+r. err ~ atsy prtsviaiaa m pasties ed dt3a ±sstr~etart6 isvalfd err uo. <br />atteamealitt .awi. is wy iaattrir err psro}ar#a the er of the estnaiasibg psorisia~s err paattaar of <br />~ :~ <br />6M t: ._~k <br />aaa mas.+Att Eer4fi9 . ~~ <br />