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}; <br />;. <br /> <br />(8} Tnat in the event any awards are cede co the Mortgagors or their su¢cesaors Sn interest Ior taking or damagln6 ! <br />Dy EDe exercise of eminent domain *-he whole or any part of the mortgaged premSses or aqy easement ChereL„ the said ( <br />swards era hereby sssiBned to the Mortgagee; the Mortgagee is hereby authorized to collect, receive, and receipt <br />therefor and tC apply the same Sn payment of any indebtedness, matured or unmatured, secured by this mortgage. <br />;7j ;41st in the event ikrrtgagors dafanit In Ghe payment of said principal sum, or of any Snstaiiment thereof, ar <br />of atbr Snterest thereon, at the time wDen the same shall be dux, or WSth respect to arq dovenant or condition here- <br />~ af, then, sL the optiaa ¢t 19ortg~ee, Lha enLiro indebtedness secured ?1eraDyy shall lorthWlth Decome due and payaDla, <br />shall -bear SnLerest at the default rata described in sold note, and the Mortgagee may imaediatel<y foracioae Lh1s <br />mortgage or pursue at;ir otDer sval2nDle legal remedy. <br />F {8J That Lri the event acti¢,s is D.^¢u1Qlt to f,areelone Lhls mortgage, Ghe-}lartgagaa sDal-1 pe eatltled Lo 2~dlate-- r-- <br />passas.sfon et ti?e ~r`~,--~.-d pre®SS-~s, sr~St*? ^C,at may app¢iaL a re¢aiver Go take paSSO&aiaa cif said premises, w1L21- <br />the usual yawars ¢f r±_calvers in like .^s;es. ~,_., <br />{f31 TDat i$Slur. Cr delay Cf Mortgagee to exercise say at its ^i_gnts ar privileges shall oat-be construed as a ~_; <br />waiver thereat hat any acL of tnf^tBafSae Waiving nay specific dai9Ult of M¢rtgagars sha31 noC be donStrued as a <br />waiver ¢t any fatare defaclts; r.;sa is ease of defKallt Sn the paymacrt of arfY_amorGlzatlbn instAlitaeats Or SntereSL, <br />aP Sn case of pgpmer:L DY Yor tgaga•e of sriy iten. ,}udrnt, tax..nsurance, cost ar axpattse, ar-rents, fees'ar-chargas;~ ~- <br />sald Mortgagee shall nave the prlvlie3,a, without declaring the-whole indebtedness due andpayaDle,-to fdreeYasa-an. <br />account of such sprific default tar sues sums as ere fn dotauit sad subD foreclosure-proceedings may-be had~snd-. ' <br />Lira land das¢r1Ded herein may De sc1C, subject to the unpaid Indabtednass hereDy seetired, and-this mortgage- sDail- <br />cantirrae ss a lien to any rmpsid 6-}iare:•e. - <br />(14) Tnat the Mortgagee may axLerd :.nd deter *_he matUrl tp Cf and renew and reamarti ze said~Indebtednesa., ^e lease - <br />frc~ liability any party liable therein. an^ release :rota the lien nereot ports COS Cf LDe property covered hereDy.-.. _ <br />wiUrCUt affecting the prlCriri• hereof o tfle liability of tt¢rtgagtrrs or any other party for the payLrenL ofsaSd - <br />ibtia6tedness, ail suc^, extmsians, ~.e te^±e^ts, repa+~Ps, and resmortisations to De secured hereby. <br />(u;• ~-ansiar of SeCLT1c-;°. St is sgr?z<: o~t~ean the forties here tc, their heirs. legal representstlves snd~assigns, ~__ <br />that *_he lntegri v and ra tibd IDiI , f the nor ¢agors cCnsti totes s par f *ha ronslderatlon for the note secured <br />haraby, and p:s --e e - ;a - ~..~C - has; sell, trap e- -.~ -nveY Ana ^raperty ..".ascribed herein, Lhe ~ ; <br />Mortgages may a r ~,:: or 2a...ara Da ntl aDtednass S~d+ -e+y u end 'ayaDis •tnd may proceed in the an- <br />.nr:amant of 1t to s., on arty 'tier au t 2e e s ha „o and Tt?r g~ge- <br />I <br />(12, 4ssignmert s ~ ^ae^ _ ^^lnerii case ^^¢ -"ago e ~ of - sus er net ever. ..nd c¢nvey to Mortgaggee ail <br />rents, royal^_ies D -u ae s.t dal.f nnr Y s mac e-~ ~ne ~. S.e ecore e :nd psyabSe under any o12, gae, <br />ar dtnar mLRaral es.:e of ary •c1rd w ,x_.. st *tt ati he cs rfr coma r*: ~x!stence. ,:¢vering the above land <br />r °•rJ' part inere,.t. All ..n scams ernlt a~ , -_ra,. .ppll - - _ 1ndaDtedness ;ectu'ed hereDy: ar t <br />acid tu¢r~gagea may at lt^ option +,w., c=ver :_ : ..?. ....a ~ .,,,_gcrs ~ _.,el. ~~-nceessars ' :, ardor a1I f <br />~f such svrs wit."[CUi ^^atu- Ice r ~ i~ ~- ^agee~^ -,.fi -q- -.,.d "a a - future gums. }cad witn¢at Fre~Udi¢e <br />[a w~yY of /`_s ~ ;:ar ri gn`.~ :1z.._. tn,., . _p[a.;e ..s... e: ~t:d ,.,,t e. a..c. .=_reunder +c nortgagea of Bald rents, ~ <br />r¢yaltles. 7¢nunes, 7 ieiay m¢ney° snai: ;re .- ^„*r:ec ---~ to -~ - - - `~r ;he G~aymant ,r rtddction Df tpe mort- <br />g9gE .Ser* .lu'a + -. ne +n gaeee -p -cr. s re :e a ^-.,ant ~De mortgage lien en said real _~ <br />estate '^ pa,q^ n ,n t r gage et ~~ h,-. _~a_.. ...1., a. ,, ~sge~~... re•~Crd, this conveyance shall ~ -. <br />Decotme ~.naPe• ati re and c.* [zr : W. -,,.er tm•e :,n. ....a.;.. <br />S <br />!i'o-ds arm 9hrn a, be-fin, i*v_:us::ry •:.c ac Rua d_38ae.,* ;r...,;: tel: - ~~ .r~rues ;xs is :hr. .cdnga:ar or ycrut # ~: <br />;fwte.s- ass, as sn-r.+serc, 'eairsrx, _ .~u.n- de+s~~-. ~ _i ~ 'c 'tr ~- -:i,. <br />Packer Potato Co., <br />,~ a `iebraska Corporation r ¢~' <br />ATlEST~rd,,.-~~~t~y'~~.~L~'t-/~_.~~,"~'-C' ",~E==a:.. ~° f ~ (5~4L~ <br />~ .Ioyce Packer, Sezreta y Rollin Packer, Fresident „ <br /> <br />~~JJNTY _ <br />his cD1S.,,._3L~;,~Ey. Cf ~ ~ ~-~ -- -~ K.. . <br />state, peraonaiW'apFeared ~°llin Packer __ <br />. -.- ;er~~u,~t ty rar_nn tc Da tree Sdencicai Person <br />resident <br />~o ax;eatttxf fire tnrag¢fng Ir~stnsa~=*_, ~t~ Lu; +.::.- ^}~ -,e ~., ., ~-~r:: -.._ ~y; -R~? ~;e .-__,.P <br />of sail aoi•;1¢rst i~us; hat .,nl _ :rsusyaent +«i. _.c;,e~v ..,, _e~:Y --..«r; .. ..~, - ,~*.,ra ! ... •ss::l ~.rid[awiedged <br />said Iast*vmant tc be Lhe trey ~t,d volu-t*_sr,~ ac ;. ins: .ee~ ~-. :<ei:! __ , .rntlcx; 7y 1+_ •u~.;n'-3r°i 1y zxenu+_ed. <br />ltQ aae~SSSion axplres <br /> w+~+aearwrrr <br />CiiRTiS'~: hftCl(Efl <br /> ~ °• e+~ _~gS4 <br />. <br />( ..--1r- - .. <br />i _.#.. l...... ._ .... <br />.. <br /> _ <br />~ i 1 . <br />~ F ` <br /> + ` <br /> <br />nt <br />k s <br />^ <br />c <br /> (( ~ ~ x <br />' <br /> 7 ~ s d <br />t c r y <br /> F <br />. <br />. <br />., <br />~ t }~ <br />~ <br />~ 6 ~ ~ ~ <br />o m <br />~ <br /> ,p <br />, <br />} <br />n5t ~ <br />,a. ~ <br />° ~ t ?3 <br />, <br />,SEALI <br />iSEALj <br /> <br />.v~.i. ~ -.... - ...irp ~. ... ~c[:d for E,si:i >7auntY and <br />