<br />~AC~
<br />MOR'tY;AGE LOAN NO. X23 a91~ 3taidt_ ~ -
<br />?~+f~t gY??It~p?t~~ltTiS:77tat 3a~.'^.s.. °. ~h~.trsn, iuZ tL~...~'it~i wtr~a
<br />Mme, whelletx axe ar moce, in oostit6ttediotn diMeasai '
<br />Fivrp ' :oarsri attd 1VO~`1Q0 j)Fjg= -:--_-
<br />lotaad do atr$ rosutpgx Fry 71ss Egtritabk g std i.uan Aasodation of Greed lofted, NsMraaka, Maipptt, rtpoa ~~ tiiaet~atl'asi[of
<br />raid ASSOC[R77ON, Certifttau No. L 23 , 910 . ao Iteteby great, tpavey a~ tmm the tetd A~OCIAS'IOT! the 'yi
<br />ddadsed reef es4te, eitrmt~ in fiaR County, Netsraata:
<br />7,L1I' ~1 (10) , ilti siLtJCgC t~ (i 7 . IN a"~CP Atv'D liFtiaGE' S I~DIITZt~l TO `I~ CTTY OF GEte9t~D ISL~t,>Da
<br />t~rzd~xA
<br />together wHb sU tfre tcaemenis, heeedt/amcnts xnd appsrrtcrtutces therermto bela[tgitys. mdt~irtR attuhed floor cuvetiag, a1I rYiotiaw lgeate,
<br />vhadas SMsdes, hhttd:, ~ar'm wtndora. awns. hptcs~. xu wndettani~.sod pium!tmE and water equiptrretet xad acuemties tttefetn,tsmt~a,stova,
<br />refr~statar's, and ether fiztttres and eymgTrent now ur fterealtn atisetted tc+ or aced ea ;nntgsdwn wrath sea! real eshte.
<br />Atd whercaa rite sad trsortgagar !t:s a~rcrd xral dtaeS Ireretry agree that the ::?ortEagor shall and wdl pay all taxes and astemoertts levied a
<br />aseseet capon sad pTetttrtes and uprm thes msxtaatte arld the bond srwred tt:erebt~ hefara the same shall became delingtrllt: to futeialt approved
<br />Rwwranoe r+t~ the huildpsfts em xad prenases vtuatedau fire sum =,i S 5, 000.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deli x to aid
<br />ASSflC'fA7it~i cite prdt!-tes tier ud ireatratrce. and rot ru u~mmal !x peraut sny waste oa nr about said premises:
<br />In !xrse ai default m rite perfarntance of any of ttrc arms and cmduwns «t ttus nwrtgagr or tlse band secured trtreby, the mortgagtss studl,
<br />e~ da~s+d, t,e eat+~a!rd to :r+~d~re ~~~zn ,_tf tt~ mart,.,,~+r, d pr€tns~s and t!u• n~rr~_~ar hgrehy a>=r+~+~, trarders and seta aver to t~
<br />rrrort~e ail the rents, revmuea grad inaulle to be desired from the martgagsd prerrtnes dureng such tmre as the mortgt~e mdebtedma shall remain
<br />treps6d; lad the ntsxtgagre rMaA lave rite power us appumt say agnst err egrets tt may grace for the ptapt»e of teptisvtg aid premises and taatiog
<br />the a®e and atfkcs~ the renu, revenan serf is>£aate, and ii racy pay cwt vi sad mcwne ill ezpeoses of repairing aid prsmises xad oara-y
<br />coe~xta xad eapemea tricurred in reatatg aril rrsatraftirtg tM satrtc xad ut cnfierltag rentsis tttetdrom; the bidaacs remaining, if say, t0 be
<br />apps towed tMe discharge of saxl ntortprge iredeb}nineea.: tfte: rtg~tts of tF~ ru>rigagee msy be extcised a[ any time duterg the etcnteooe of firA
<br />defsrdt, srrespectrve of ntY txmpxary waiver of the Sartre.
<br />"(`Meer prr_scnts, twweser, are upon the Camiitdn, That d the xad 5iarigag!ir stint repay Baal 1wn un ar before t}le trsa[tuity of old shares by
<br />papmeet: pay mceaethty ra vrri AS.St~ 1A770N <,f the sum speafia! m the flung secwed herrhy as mtnest srd prmcipa an sad town, on or befom
<br />tMe Tert€tueth Lt3y !rf flit std ethev rramlM, in3Ut bank teen rS fully paid: pay art td3t<_ arMi ,+p+••^^^ts terielf 3~iitffi Bald paemGlGS a~ Wt ttlm ~fart¢AgR
<br />std the Einad setsned v'rcreby, brtwe deiirn{aascy, frunrsh apprarrd utstrratxs uprm the bustdiogs theressn m tfx arm of S 5, 000.00 fsyabk
<br />to sad ASSOCiATICit•i; rrpay to sad ASSOCtATtON upon deteurd aft matey 6y rt pea! frn such uses, aaetismen[a and vtsurarltx with igtereat at
<br />lire rtnxmatm regal rate tMerrxsrt f scam dau of txymrnt ani of srtttch Mart{pgor hereby ag3rS w pay; pcrtnit tw wuu on aid pratni><a; steep and earaply
<br />with a!1 tlw agrseeetrtis xad coaditetms al ttte E3aad iw S 5, 000.00 this .lay given by the Bard Mortgagor to aid ASSOCIATIt)tl, xad rznstply
<br />with tdl the Ttrmtirsexata of tfte Catntriutmn and By-tans of ad ASSQCiATitN=l; then t.ffise pruratts shut became attU and mid, otherwise they
<br />¢~ remaet ie fuN fosse and pray be faret;iosed n[ the uptaotl .rt the sad ASSO('tA'I70N afar faiftue fns thstx trtatths to make any of said
<br />paymestts ur be [hsrn troaths m arrears ut maktrtg stud nnxsthty tnyme[tts..n to keep and rwmply with t~ agieer>Kn[s and conditiora of said tlo~;
<br />and Martgsgot agrees to base a rtxesscr appmnted fwtttwltM m suet t.xeclexsure prao~ittgs.
<br />If tt>ere is my ~astZOe m atvaetship of the rd! estau t,,artgattea 6ersm, trp sale ar otherwix, than ttte entire rtrtttiniag irtdehtednea tlEteby
<br />sacwed shalt, a! Uts upaka ssf llte Egmtaitk Burfditts xad Ltaatt Asatsaatitm of Gratin Isiaed,Nebraska, became istlmedmteiy due a~ payable witfsoet
<br />terthes ttsstiae, amf the wtatmt tettr,~riag due resales said bard, arod aaY ether bard for any addilioea! adsaaees stage thdermder, shad. from the
<br />des of stresses ssl st®d apsitas, ~ ntttre9 at the rsaxi®a:a >~ eats. std tMu tttistgage tasy tften be foro€lmed to asisfy the aanstmd due t6r aid
<br />besd,aad any outer heed fsu aefditional adSantce, tugttitet trash afl suns pad by sad The Egisisabk Btuldirg xad Loan Asistte^~ of Graad Island,
<br />Nttt~ca for itw~eoe, taus xad amesrmneata, xad abstracting ez[rnvrm cl>ugs'a, wtth interest tber~e, Erato dots of payment at the muimum
<br />~ ~.
<br />Asrreaarided irl tlx Bond severed hereby, while this trxxt~ge rrtrnrns tr. e'7 t ttu rnsutg~ee tiny hereafter advance additional Seim to the
<br />scalars j anl~ &rasi, it>"u asigits ut srstcc~vs m mlerest, whtsix ;:uas shah hs within ttu ucetrity of this tnattgage the saute as the funds orgiaatly
<br />secaeed thereby, ttie tnta amount of prtnctpai debt not to exa:rcd at grey time the t+r rgitrai aarwuat of this mortgage.
<br />tlt~tf tta ~$~1 day of FPbrttary A. D., t9 81
<br />s ,o~~ ~ ~c.Tilmun~ ------
<br />STA'i'fi t3tr NF;BftASKA, ~ sc. tln ttm 2$ t37 day of Febztla>•y i 9 81 . isd'we ms,
<br />t'fi#iN7y ~ HALE.
<br />the tttulctagaed, a Notary I'lrblic in and fw ad Couatp, petaooalby came
<br />3 i "~ i2, ".r;r's'Lf.IlU~ti' iitl S3ItL8B$t2'Z2C to.5..c1CJWr wf~ 15 petauaally ktwwrt to
<br />sae to lav tkw siemtrt~i peroa .~.- tease j~ affrxtd to tare abrx=e in~etematst s3,4twetga~w uad g~ samnity
<br />~ ifo trod itatltrIDatarri ua ba .s'ti=l 'naiw+tarp act xad tbasd. - _
<br />tvTfN+S sap t trot ~.x~rd ;lea tix dais aftn '. _.- ..~ -~ ~ ,~ t.~ ~ .
<br />Ny t;xa~rmana az;atn _ . i ti~
<br />~• .a
<br />aPaaaN tta ~ '7 .•"=, S i,s Nt'=At ~ Ctt'f SSSM ei .
<br />L't-.v J ¢:.... f' =-01 ,,,~., ~ &RSCs t'Y pt§QN
<br />~e Sts Cc~t+as, f-W wev. t2, 191f_
<br />