<br />~~
<br />`' f 42-A--REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With Tax elates) (Revlaed 1982) Tde Hada+nn Gnwil 6upatP nom. ifaeofc, 1Vebr.
<br />i _. --- __ -__. --.__--_.____
<br />KNOW AI.L 4fEN BY THESE PRE9ENT3: That Robert S. McClurkin and Ruth McClurkin, gttaband
<br />and Wife, each individually in his and her own right and as spouse of the other,
<br />I of Hall County, a»d State of Nebraska . in txsnaidentkm tithe eatrc of
<br />SEVENTY-FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNCfRffiY FIFTEEN AND- Z3/100---_---__~.---_--___.y__...~..npLLAR$
<br />in hams paid, do hereby sEL% and CUNVtu1F unto The First National Sank of Grand Island,
<br />t
<br />f of tisl l ~ :'aunty, 3iate of ide'a' rask8 the ialitrwing de~:rir+iva pi5etdi8e8- -
<br />! in Hall County, and state of Nebraska , to-wit:
<br />Let Three (3}, Western heights Second Subdivision, Hall County, Nebras,, and-,-a-Trac-t
<br />of lead-comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter (SF3y) of Section Six. (6}., is Touslethip
<br />Ten (14} North, Range Twelve (i2) Weat of the 6th P.M., and store particularly described f-
<br />as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner a€ said SF35; thence running northerly
<br />along the west line of said SEt6 a distance of 2,644.96 feet to the North~+est'corner of°
<br />safd SEh; thence running easterly along the north line of said SE~t, a distance of`1bU.0
<br />feet; thence deflecting right 151° f16' and ntnning 4ottthweaterly a distttnc¢ of 96.42
<br />feet; thence deflecting left 50° 12' and running southerly a distance of.3k3.9 feet;.
<br />thence deflecting left 56° 12' and running southeasterly a distance of 173.1k feat;
<br />thence deflecting right 55° 33' and running southerly a distance of 2,156.$1 feet to'
<br />a paint on the south line of said SE~t; thence running westerlq slang the south lfae of
<br />said SEA a distance of 227.45 feet to the point of begirnting and containing 12.06 acres,.
<br />ire or lass. ,
<br />- ` The inlentinn being to r++nvev hereby an shsaiate title in fee simple, inciudiag all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />'Ff} HAVE A:tiD TO I-Ef)f.n thc+ promisee ab:+r+'• describr*d, with al! the appurtenances thcretutt~ helongiag, unto the said
<br />martgaagee•ts; and b, his, hrr or their isct ri and a.~igrts iarevP r, prrnidetl aiway!:, and these presents are ugon the ezpress
<br />- c^rxtditirxi ihaf it thu said mart>sgnrta)- his, her or they heirs, executors, sdmiaisiratarc or assigns shall tray of cause to be
<br />pays to t?xe aai+i martgageesst, hit, hrr ar their hers, e~xc~ctrtaz±s, administrators or as~igaa. the principal slim of $7k,515,23
<br />_, paxab?e as feilows, u, wit.:
<br />Principal payment of $74,515.23,-plus accrued interest, due and payable on May 2b, 1981
<br />wit:e :nterec+f w.^+~+.+rtiins± to flit [i nut and +~fiR. * of thr nt+rrtFUKe~r. written {rromisrory Holt ha•arir+;, +~ven date with these presents
<br />and shall pay a!i taze» sari 9: sa~tatnents 1+=vn<.1 n{s,n s:r al r+-at ~ wtaae.:u+d :ri! other taxes, levies and asarsarnentn levied utg+n this i
<br />,rx-..rtx~r .rr shr r,tr ~hx•h th ra tne.rtKage :s Krvx-n :<+ u<.urr•. ;z,€ose ih+- -~:un~ t>rcY.rn+~ dr~3mquent, and kzsp thr htrildings on
<br />- ni3a1 prrn:r~es rn~u c+_n# f,~r th+" .un+ +.f 5 74,515.23 - iu,.,, rt any. F,ayaM., to th« said m,lrtgagee, then these presents I
<br />txr t+e v+,a#, othrrw-i."e• to (x• and nanain ut tint luny -
<br />fT ;~ Ft'tt'f"Fl k~ki AL>Hiil~. t) ttl T?art if the saui trwrfga gx.r 4hai! tart W p:ty such fazes or prcxure such insurtmce, the
<br />send martgr>k+-e may pry Koch taxes and pn,+.vre xuch inhurnnc e; ami th:• suite wr advanctd, with interext at 16 per
<br />- ant, ,;,«!i t,e .-raw h, sHKt ;x:rtg~,;r, arx3 th:~ t:.rrt£agr: ti.ail „ara3 as•~ -aril: Er..r ihr- same. i?) That a failure ic> pay any
<br />-~ sa:+t rrearmr, gathxr pnrxcipel ar rote-;est. wiser, ti:r vsme i>~: tme: <io+= , r a failure to comply whit any of the for going
<br />- rarxrx^ntw. shaii rsa3e file w}tx:le ~ um ct tm,nry hrre:n -,curM d to t.-r-utnr due and colicttib(e ut once at the option of the. -
<br />nxr-tRaftiee .
<br />s;t;re+~ri this 25th day ~:t November tU 80
<br />~. 3n prex-tw• ut ~.`.- f Y'~r{~ ,_i'i~! s_.~' >[_
<br />-`'~`d ~~ e''ft`~. McClurkin
<br />j
<br />+ G ......
<br />f Ruth McClurklni
<br /> __
<br />t
<br />~ ~- ~`i€ braaka ('„way c,t
<br />:
<br />H811
<br />~..
<br />..
<br />~ ~
<br />ry pubtie 9ualifirxt ter saw a~ounty, y+ers unalty aanw Robert B. TicClur],tln -
<br />,,
<br />atu! Ruth McClurkin ~
<br />x
<br />~~
<br />~~ ~
<br />o ideatical person nr tretr:uns whc sign
<br />~ cei ttxe turx•guins innirunrent and acknowledged the cxetutinn
<br />'rt
<br />. , ~ thew vnlttnlary' act arai detai.
<br />~
<br />c.. j
<br />.
<br />.
<br />~ iastt~rial seat kvt-. .. NOV,~~ ,~.
<br />x
<br />~ * .- .-. . g)~&&&. 3.0,- if) -$1!_ ... __. .. :: -T,-~?!'+Cls~s"t`~.-.Notary Puhlu .
<br />Entermai an nurhrrrirai irtt'iea and fdw far tecor>i ~-
<br />in the Itcxister of Dectfe< f.?€ht~at of said L'-nctttty the
<br />-..- -.... s+'clac3t sad.. - _ .mdnutee . - ........ Rrl.. ~: :..
<br />. ae page..- - _.... -. _
<br />_ _ - Rc?tf. e:f 1)estto
<br />Ktf I7Qt+aty
<br />