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..._. ..(. .( i.. . � . . ,y� ..�.. a .. � . .- . ""_' <br /> _ � `C'.... � � . " ; ' ." _ i ' ' ' -, . _ <br /> _ - _ __- .' -_ _ - :L - . - . ' . . " 1. .. <br /> . . <br /> �. �' <br /> - ♦.- �. _ .. . . . . .. — <br /> ; < ' ` ' _ /' � ' _ . - . <br /> y(, 'i __ .. 3'. �. `'. � - . . .. . _.'_ - . . .. <br /> �:c f. . _ _._ '_"., <br /> . _`_.l,�.. -_-`ti �.�' ... ..._. ��' . � _ __. .�� . . . . <br /> __ . ; � - -'.. ` .... `:.- . : _ : _ -.:,- -- µ g2�. ioo8�7 - .: � �: <br /> � TQGL1'E¢x wiTti�11�at�e imp�ou+e�entt now a b�Rer erected on the property.�od ai�easar�us.�. _ <br /> x <br /> � ,�fa�rex uow ar heceatter a pan:of tnt pru�peity. Ait nepWoertrerNS�aM addttiQns shatt also bc cwrerda br ttis security . , <br /> �` . instrw�en� AU of tNe foregoing is afam!to in this Socurity Instrument as the"Ptbpe�ty � �` <br /> � _ , 8f)ltRaWER CaVENAM S that&x�+uvres is tawrfutty seised of the esiate fxleby wnveyed and bas tLe right to g�nt , <br /> � and convoy the Pcopeity and that the Pinpeny is unencumbe�ed e�ccq fa encumM�r�ces of record Bortower Wr�mnts�uu1 <br /> witt ddead genaal�y IUe dtk tu thr Pt�pettY s8�inst�il ctaims�nd dem��bject w a�sy e�umbraocss of iecad , <br /> `'!'�IIS SECURI7'Y I1vS7RUMEKf�ombines�ifam caven�nts fur natlonat use and nun-unifocro covenants with <br /> - -- r��anu�aasl�y 1'un��onTa cbi�s[itut�a anifa�:s�uriry inswment covering r�#pr�tg:-- ---.-- - . - - <br /> U1�iIf�tM CpYENANt�. Bor�ower and��ender covenu�t uM agtee u fotiaws: <br /> 1. P�ysnt a�Prisclp�t sad IN�est;PreeWysent and Lste C6st�ex �o�rower sha11 P�P�P�wdm due thc <br />- l.erder Qa tl�e day ma►tbiY PaY�nent.s aae ctu�under the Nate,antil tt�e paid ia fWt.a sum f'Fmids").for:(a)Y�Y <br /> ;�; tues artd assessrt�ents which may uttin Vn��Y over this Securiry[nsirumerp[�s a lien vn tbc P�ropertY:(b)Yeuly kasehold <br />`_- paymec�ts a g�acnd rents a� the.Ptvp�ty. if any::(c?Y�Y �� or prape�ty ir�wrance P*ert�i4ms:t�Y�X�. <br /> insutu�Ce ptemlums.if-any�.(e)Ye�ig mort$a8e inwrance premiwns.if any;ard(�any sums paYabk�by Bonuu�re�:to <br />_ t.ender�in accordancq rv�dt the provisions of para� Geu of the payment of mrntgage ins�rance premiums..77�ese <br /> � � items u�e alkd"�scsow Items." I:ender may,at aay time.cotkcc aad botd Fuada in an ama�at�wt to exceed thc m�ci�num.. <br /> . amount a tender for a federalty retaud mortgagc toan may.requirc.foc Ramwer�s escmw account undcr the feders�R�1! <br /> Estate Settlemenc Ptnc�ures Act of 1974 as amended fran tirne to ame,12 tT.S.C.$260I et s�q.t"RESPA°).unless anotAer <br /> latw that�pplies w the Furxls sets a lesser amount. If so.l.ender any tirne,coltect and hbtd Funds in an�mount�w. <br />'.�,.�. excad ihe lesser artaun� Lendec may esiimato lhe amount of Fvndc�due a�t tite basis of cu�rent d�w and nasonaDk. <br /> �:f estirnaues of expeodinttes of future Escruw Items_os uthetwise in�ccordu�ce witb aPFlicabte law. — <br /> ,. 1be Funds shall be held in an institudon.�!t�iwse depusiu aie insured by a federal agency.instimmnttality.or entity <br />��_ �- (including Lender,if Lender is such an iasatution}�in any T�ede�al Horne I.oan Bantc. Lender sl�ali apply[lie Funds w PaY _ <br /> ;�, t)ie Escrow items. Lender may t�ot charge Bortowu for hot�ng and applying the Funds.annuatty analyziag the es�m�r - - - <br /> � �:,f;:. accoun�.or vetifying tlse Escrow Items.untess [.ender pays Borrower in[erat oa the Funds and applica6#e law peimiu —.�. <br /> Lendea to rnake socb a charge. Hawever.Lcnd,e�may require Borrower to pay a oacaime charge for an independent real <br /> -° • -estate tax iepvRing service'usaf by l.ender in catnecdon with this loan.w�tess�pplicabie 1aW Pm�ides othesiwise. UNass ar� . .:: �='�'��` <br /> ;. :_; <br /> a� �P� re4 P ., �i P Y . :=�,:':�•i:� - <br /> ' - : t is made ar bcabte law uices interest ta 6e a�d,Lertdec si�ali not 6e uired to a 8orrowee any interest or ,_��._ <br /> ' •. eamings on ttte Funds.Borrower aiul Leader may agree in wnung.Etawever,that inteiest sl�all be paid an t6e Furtds. Lender ' _;`.�,F;;.` <br /> � _;','�'�:� <br /> ,: <.4.,....��t;'� shai!give�to Bocn�u�er,without annual accountitig af tiie Fvnds.sfiowing credi�s and debits to the�unds+and tha ;-�-:".- . <br /> �"rx•-,r�' � pa�p�se for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Fwnds are pledged as additional secusity for all sums secured by ������=� <br /> �1.:.- . _....�. = <br /> =�_a <br /> : ;�:. . _;F,.. :-....,.;_ <br /> ` , . ._� .. , this Seeatiry Insautrmn� <br /> - lfi thc Funds ireid by Lettder eaceed the amaunts peimitteQ to be held by applicable law. `g`;�"� - <br /> Lcnder shall account to . r;.�,. <br /> � _ �• Borrower for the excess Fvnds in accordance with the requirements af applicable law. If the amaunt of the Funds held by . , -�-,,;,; <br /> - � �`�. Lcnder�t any time is nat suff'lcient to pay the Escrow Items.when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,ln �';::��,;; ': <br /> . i-•�;r�,�;. :..j- such�Bosrawer shall pay to Ixnder the amount necessary to malce up the deficiency. Barro.wer shall make up the , ';e:�;�.;__ <br /> . ,`' r�.�t�: � • deficIeaclr in no mare ihan rivetve manthly l.ender's sole discretion. � ,� �• � <br /> ��� '•�:- ":�',`. , U�ua.�sayr.�ent in full of ap sums securcd by this Securitp F�strumen�i.ender shali pramptly refund to Sorrawe�any , _= <br />+'.;�' �, ,.�g��._.,':...', �t: Funds h�L��.ersder. If.under paragraph 21,Lesider sha11 acqaire or sell the Property,f_ender.pnor to the acyuisman ar � �'�m- <br /> � .:•°�':• � sale of the�ce�erty,shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at tfre time of acqaisition or sate as a credit against the sams `° ". . . ':;�._ <br /> .� h`"-�;' ' • secuce¢by sius S�eauity lnswmem. . . °�, <br /> �...: . . <br /> ��:�- <br />' ..�f'.:-`: .- .:I• f� :' . <br /> � .:,,�,., , 3. Applic�ttoa af Pt�yments. llnless applicable law p�visies othetwise. all pay�ents received by l.ender under <br /> ; ~�•=;<<,''�?;� <br /> :�,,r,.�,��,,,, paragra�hs i and 2 shalt be any prepayment ch�g.s Que under the Note;secoad.ta amounu payable un�er, . - �'.;:_` <br /> ,,.��J''��'- �x:t� � paragrapb 2:third.ta lntcrest due:faurth,to pdncipal due;and tass,io any late charges due under ihe Note. `°"�- <br /> . `c� ;`�'�"��:• � 4. Charga;i,iens. Borrower shall pay x11 taxes.assessments.charges,fines and impasitions amibutable to the . .' ::���.` <br />- ,;��.SS:•� . .,.n.��-= <br /> ' -` r.,�_:::� • Property which may aa.�ttais priority over this Sec�y Instrumen�and teaseholQ paymcnts or ground rents.if any. Borrowes - - <br /> ' i <br /> ' ',�:-T <br /> _ '�:,c;'.�. shall pay these obligarions in the trcastner proviae��paragrap�?or if not paid in that manner.Bormwer shap pay them on ;. <br /> . , -� �x��.:�;.;; ume directly to the person awed payment. Borrower shall pro�ty fumish to I.ender all natices of amaunt�to be paid under V �:::` <br /> '�'`,�t�'!�'�1'�<i-' �� this paragraph. If Borrower makes ti�ese payments ditectly,Bacrawer shall prompfly fumish to Lender receip1s evidencing . _�_ <br /> . . y._sr4Y;s4'.{:��;• , _ <br /> �'.�...__,.. <br /> . i.,�?.;,,�1:',s,., thepayments. , �_,_ <br /> , . ,�;��;��'� - � Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over ihis Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agees ••:�__=. <br /> �f.�rt�x' - <br /> • a �„ ln writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the licn in a mannec acceptable to Lender:(b)wntests in good faitb the , ,;;x,;;, <br /> �;4� ' k;� • - - <br /> f •:}�`'^. � lien by.or defends against enforcement of the Iicn in,legal proceedings which in ihe Lender's opinian operate ta prevent the � __ <br /> ( ,�:ri;:'x:,,��.. � • - <br /> �•ti ._;,.�;,z��;� enfacement of the lien;or{c3 se.cures from the holder of the dien an a�reement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien _ <br /> • ` ��� i�,r;;�-:;;+�„�;�) . to thls Security instrument. Ii Lertd�r�determines that any p�r of the Property is subject ta a lien whlch may attain priority , , , <br /> .`.'�t':'r•; �f��,,.��: - , . <br /> • ..:,;,��,;,..;,,�,t�:,�. ,; uver this Secndty Insttument.I.ardPrrnay give Borrower,a n�ice identifying the lien. Horrower shali sat3sfy the lien or take . <br /> ��;°�� � . • one or mare of the actrans set farth abave withirt Id days of the giving of notice. . <br /> � � S. H�rA or Property lnsuraace. Borra:a•er shall keep the improvemen�s now cxisting ar hereafter erected on the <br /> � ' � ' • Properiy insured against loss by fire.hazarCs inciu�e4 within the term"eatcndcd coverage'and any aiher hazards,Including <br /> ' '. ,.;.�,t�, .; flaods or floodin�.for which L.ertder requeres inssracsce. This insurance shatl be maintained in ctie amounts and fpr the <br /> :;:. ,�;, •. • . <br /> . ' Form 3628 9,'9g l�u,�e:rJ b puQea) � � <br /> i'. <br /> � , . <br /> ,. ' i <br /> u <br /> � ' i � .. . . ' , , <br /> .;.� . . . <br /> . , . <br />.`+ . . - ' . . . <br /> • ,.. . • 1 ' ' . F „ . � ,• . , " _ <br />" _ . .. " , � . _ . _ \. . .. . . i . _ .. . _ ._ . . _ <br /> . '. . . " ' ___ _ <br /> _ _ _ . '- ..: ._- _ _ "' � ' _ ._ '__'- - -__ _ _ �" " -' � . _ _-' _ "_-'" ' <br /> ` , ' _ . , . .. � • � . :� ..-__ ._ . _.. .�-'" _ .... _ _ ___ <br />