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r-- <br />~1-~" ~)t1~~5.~. <br />~~ <br />17tis Mosttga®r. is etstt~ed into betsreeo Jafrn A, Greene & Jaatice R. Graeae: <br />S Mite,. As .joint. ~ettants With Ri.gltt ai 3urvivarships aril trot as effentr$- omson <br />______ .Y (lierbin''} and <br />FIVE PQ.i~a '~.~ (leuz~eia "ll'1• <br />3t ~ itgiebted to b4ouet~ee in _the principal 6ttm oe $ a ` . £lIlfi- ~CL._: , ev'ldlnt~d'byT 't~4 ; <br />dlKed FA~itSl;;iY ~~~ Lt38&herein "Note") pmvidiag for psytuelsta atpdneipal antiltttetest, arith tAre btttatltae`~~ <br />i~deidrder.~, it rtnt rooster-paid, due tad payable ~a fiep tenei<er 90, 1983 , <br />71+~seCtlt±e tha'paymrttt of-tfie Note, with interest as provided therein, Site paymerk of aii,dther.wola, witlriotnmtt, <br />aderrtced'by ;+~rt>ee to protect the seratrity of this Mortga~, and the per[ovmana! ae td~ covr+rttNttaandaeah of <br />the lrlnrtr.trosttained heretn, Mortgagor does hereby m~ttgaae and tYmwey ~-~ tlu-i51teswis~id~afbad... <br />propeeiy logteiS in ____ _Eia21 _--_-_ Ctsunty, Nebraska: <br />Lot Ttaenry-i:ssnr t2G) Freedom Acres Subdivision, Hall County, Aiebra~tta <br />To#ther ersth alt bttilditt~, tmprovements, ftxtures. streets, atieys, passageways, easemenu, rights, Rrit~ieges and- <br />~ located xhraeoat or in arrywsse pertwning thereto. and the rents tsiutm anti proCsLs, reversions and remairiderit <br />the:mof; ietelttdiag, htN sot tlttuted 40, heating and enaling equipment and such personal property that is attached to the <br />impraremeata ~ ffi to rortstitute s fixture; all ve which, inrtudsnp, replacements end additions thereto, is hereby declared <br />~ tee a put ae the reef estate secured by the lien of this :Norlgagr and all u! the Coregang being referred to herein as the <br />.,Qy,Y„ <br />~ fuctteer emtversanta and aarrts, with Mertgaare-, as 1'aliows: <br />1. PsYma9t To pay the sndetstedoess arxd the !nten•.i therrarn as prartded ,n thss Mortgage and the Note. <br />L T:tt2 4lartgagor is 4hx owner fd the Prapert). has th€ ;igHS aced asthtxtty to rtm:tgage Ube t'raperty, and <br />Manta that the lien cmated hereby ss a first and prior I~en .xe the Proprety, exarpt :u may otherwise be cvt forth hereia <br />The Property is subject ta,~x Lion wHesRm .Home I'edezal Sa" twos .G_Laan.~1y-ga~_ <br />D€sc. # r 7-OCl~t~07 <br />is tl~ ~Cortgagae, neeordatd nt~...-_- ___ .Page. of the Nana;age itcrordn rat .--- ._1~~._._~_~Co+snty. <br />aka. whidt kitrirtgttge tsa-lien prior to the Lien created Hereby. <br />t„ 4jther prior lituts m erseunztxarsrxs: -,. -- - <br />a Tales, manta. "i'a pay when due all taxes: spec+al xsmenis and all other k:harges against the Fpnpestiy <br />anti, t1p4Ye writtert deound. by Meregager, to add tts the payments. required undea the Note secured hereby; sus•$-amarnti fo <br />. be snftieaieat to enable the Mortee to pay such rases. assvsstnents or ottser charges as they 6vcome, due.. <br />4. Itwtta~e, 'io keep the impnsvemer+ts Haw ar hereafter Itscated on the real. estate described hetbitri>tutrael <br />damage by t1rR aod,attrtt ether hazards as Mortgagee map require, in amounts and with companies atxept~ble to ttie <br />std with- last .Payable to tlse Mertgagse, In caxw of `sass under sash pe2ieiGS t#te hWrtgasee.:is attthezia~lo <br />- ad~st, c#leot aud~conuse, 'tn its discmetion_ ail riasrrn t.hvteunder at iLS sale option, authttriradtoritHerappiy.the - <br />t~~~-sat s Y xu_apon the Fedeht~seettxd~heeohy,tnet:pay~tndlt>~,oea~ <br />tinge its thealru3ssateared herttlay err paid is full. <br />i~ draw FUr'f`azeE asO itsstumxsa, ;vatwitltstandinganything contained ip psragraphs 3 sad 4 hexatle W the <br />*? PaY t+n the blortg at the time of payissg the monthly installrmentsotPrinciptlandiutes<wst. <br />dpc Saretflh of tlta yearly. Lases, aaaesanaersts, bacard iuw.a~ a ~tttiutsat, tttd ground mnts (if auyj whtei#.+~tY ett~a a <br />- tirkF lit, a~ ~ t~caseahlY a~idatttated from time to time by tttr ~ortgs{{ee. '1'lae amounts so ptMtdahall be <br />6~ tAtr.iiit~a_ wiiitt intlitaat ,mod agpt>~ed to t#ut pwYrnent of fire itersm lit respect to whkttsueh ~aaanata wo+e <br />` saapa pal tc-~ ht!~r are-piadyed as additiunsd: sertirlty for the ink s~,h1/ tills <br />•- ~`• ~ to hiprt~si~er the ar~ua"t of any deftrietsey hetrrsvett the actutd tastes, maas+tuaents,, itisaa~e: <br />P aud'~.ta~tti asd deporrta herauneivr w6thirt ltl dsyc after demand iytsuide uporc.kpst re~stestit~ <br />i',~> <br />tt. ltty~sd)t, asd ilea. 'Ya prorajkly repair, reet~ ^* eetwiid any tsuiidings or impmaements now w <br />~~ ~Yi ~ ! the Pruptrty in garai con~tiortand re~ir, witkihmt waste, and frm.frotat meehastics or <br />tttr' f1stK Hitt' stthtx+~nrtted to rite tlvti hereof; not to mane: avffer or permit say nuiteentse to sxtst, nor to dimtn. <br />k~i err itrit t c> of t ~y ~. any err r~ rmt}aat,nn to art: and to t~ornply wtth ail tvquirementc of law with <br />~t-tti ttnr tea?-. - <br />