<br />~~~ UtrtEOaat Covetrawrs. Harrower and Lender covrnant and agree as follows:
<br />I. a( Rriuilri atl la/aess. Borrower shall promptly pay when dtce the principal of and interest nn the
<br />indebtednea rvidateed by the Nate, prtpayrnent a+d late charges as peavided in the Nate, and the principal of and interest
<br />on Futwa Advantzs socurad by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Y !sale floe 79vttsa ;m6 Istaasasttee. 3ttbject to applicable taw ~ ro a svrittrn s:~.~ by Leader, Harrower shall pay
<br />to Larder on the day tnoathiy imttalknents of pritecipai and interest ate payattk under the Nate, until the Mott is paid in fidl,
<br />a sum (lxrein "Ftau4s"} e@wr! fa ores-twelfth of the yearly taxes and astcessmenu which may attain priority over this
<br />D~ of Trust, trod ground rents on the PropMy, if arty, pluz once-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />pi#tsotre-lwaifth of yearly premiutrr inatafiments for monga~e insurance, if any, a!! as reaaanabiy estimated inieia#ty and from
<br />tittle to time (~ [..arttlet' art the basis of asueuntents and bills and reasonable estimates thermf.
<br />The Ftmds shall be tteEd in an ittstitutime the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guarantced 6y a Federal or
<br />state agency (ftxludaeg Leader if ferttder is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessmems,
<br />itts#:rarters peemitrms and ground rmu. fender may not charge far so hoklirtg and applying the Funds, analyzing-said account
<br />w verifpir~ and rnmpiiing said astKSSments and bi#Is, unless Lender pays Brtrrawer interest on the Futtds and applicable law
<br />pemrrts i-ender to matcm c+tch a ctougt. Harrower and [-ender may agree in writing at the rinse' of execution of ehis
<br />Decd of Ttuu shalt interest on the Furls shall be paid to Borrower, and unless stub agrcement is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender shall not tx regtired to pay Borrower any interest or earnin~t an the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, ar annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and JeMts to the Funds and the
<br />pnrpase for which each debit to the Funds was trade. The Ftmds are pledged as additional security for the suem sacwt'ed
<br />by this Reed of Trust.
<br />[f the atttount of the Fumis hdd by i_crtder, together with the future monthly ittstalltrcents of Funds payable prior to
<br />tlce dice dates of taxes, assessrttetets, iresurartee premiums and ground reins, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />asressmeots, itttwrance premitms and ground rrnts as they tali due, such excess shall Fx, at Borrower's option, either
<br />prtuoptly t'epaid to Borrower ar credited to Barrawci on monihlq installments of Funds. I[ the amount of the Fundx
<br />bald- by Lender shall rat be wfficient ro pay taxes, assessmtnts, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Borrower shalt pay to Lender any atruatnt naeasary to make up the deRciency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />hY [.mdta ro Hartawrr requattng payment thereof.
<br />Upon payttceat in fall of all sums secured by this Deed of 'Trust, Leteder shall pron:ptfy rotund to Borrower any Funds
<br />hdd by Lender. tf under p~agraph lg hereof the Property is sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by !.ender, I.cndcr
<br />Mall apply, as Cater than ittemediate#y prior to the sale of the Property or its acgtristtion by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the tetne of apgl'scatioa as a credit against the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. A~caBsa d Ptsyweak. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Nate and paragraphs T and 2 hereof shall Ere applied by Lender first in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, than to interest payable an the Nate. then to the prinapai of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />princrtutl an any Furore Advances.
<br />dd.. L'Otas~ Y,ies~. Harrower sha#E pay all taxes. assessments anJ ntitr:r charges. fines anJ ~mpasitions attributable to
<br />the Property which may attain a priority over this Deed at Trust, acrd leasehatd payments or ground tints, if any, in the
<br />maoaer provided under paragraph Z hereof or, if not pail in such manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, directly
<br />to the payee thereof, Borrower shall promptly tarnish to Lender all notices of amounts Jtte under this paragraph, and in the
<br />over!![ Borrower shag matte payment directly, Harrower shat! promptly furnish to (..ender tcccipu evidencing such payments.
<br />Borravrer shat! ptamptty disehar$a any [fen which tras priority aver thts Deed of Trust: provrdeJ, that Borrower shall not he
<br />retltrirad to discharge arty such !text so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to the payment of the ohltgatian soured by
<br />such litm in a rnannp atxeptalda to Lender, or shall m good latch contest such (ten by, +,r Defend enfarcemrnt of such lien in.
<br />fagai gr>~Aiags which operate to pttvent tEre s:nforcemen! o{ €he lien or tarfciture of ttre Properly or any part tttcreaC.
<br />4 (locoed la~raatt. Harrower >haEi kup the rmprovements now earsung sir hereafter erected nn the Property insured
<br />agairtst toffi fry Ara, hazarsis incltaied within the term "extender! coverage'". and such n+.hv ftatards as tender may .equirc
<br />std m such atrrouats and for such pertada as Lcmrier may require: praviJed. that t_ereder >hatt rat require that the amount of
<br />such coverage execs! tErat turreunf rrf wveraga required ro pay the rums sar:uted by th+s Deed of 7nrst.
<br />iTc imutatne caestier providing the insurance:c shall he chosen ny Borrower suhtec[ W approval by !-ender: provide).
<br />tf~ sitCB ~ro~'ai shall trot !x uareaweably wiiftiteld_ All premiums tin ituur rte )Nlicies shalt he paid in the manner
<br />peaavided ttttdCa pantyt'tspH 2 hessaf ar, if trot paid in sx~h martrrsr, by Bottrnver :nakiag payment. when due. Jir~tiy to [he
<br />tawrance carrier.
<br />AI! iaauratn:t policies aced rertewals thereat shall be in farm ase:eptabk to Leveler and >hal! irutude a standard mortgage
<br />clattae in favor of and iv farm acceptable to Lenrkr, Linder shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof.
<br />aDd Barrousr shag promptly furnish to Leteder aU rereewa! ostlers arrJ ail recerpts of paeJ premutm>. in the event of loss.
<br />farrower shall give prompt rert#iCe to tht ttrtrrarere carrrer arxi i.erder. Lender may make proof of loss rf rat made promptly
<br />hY Barnawar.
<br />Utz Ler+dtr and Borrower atherwtse agree in wnt€ng, €ttsurarsce proceeds >haH be applied to restoration or repair of
<br />the Ptttpa-tfy damagtd, pravidsri etch reatoratum nr rcpau +s erorrtarnsialiv te:rsrbk .uxi the secnrity of this DetJ of 7nest is
<br />rim tttore$y itstpau~l. if stxh r~tora#roti ar re~tr rs trot eeorte,mrval#y feasrtrie .or ri the >ecurny ere this Deed of Trust would
<br />be rttttpmsed, the rttauronca prar:aeds stroll tx appited to the sums securtd try this i3ecd of 'i'nlet, with the excess, if any, pail
<br />to Borrower. it the Frrgterty is abandoned by Borrower, ew if Borrower falls to rtspnmi to 1_cndtr within 30 days from the
<br />dale aot4ce is tettakd try L.ettder ro Borrower the! the +trwrartce carrrer offtrs to settle a claem for inserrance hertefits, i.rnJer
<br />is auilearized to ~kCt and apply the inwrance procc-eels at I_ertdiet's nption ?rtttar to restoration nr repair of the Pro~rty
<br />~ to rltc arms stxvred by this bead of Trust.
<br />Unlm taasder end Harrower otlteravise agr~ an wrrung, a_ay suet! applxtucn ref prrtceeds to principal :.ha!! rtoi estertd
<br />or prrstpone tla due data of the rrtotethfy installrtrerrts reierrcJ !o ~n [xsragraphs ! anJ 2 heteoE or change the amount of
<br />suet itestallnterets. if under paragraph ! M hercal the Property :s acquired by Lctxler, all right, title and interest of Borrower
<br />in oral to say ittutrarxe policies std to anet to the pt~>Eeeds *:hereot restthevg trnm Damage ro the Property pria: !v the salt
<br />a acgttisitiar shall pass to Lader to !tea extent tit the sums secure) by this Ilea) at ~i'rttst immediale}y prior to such sale or
<br />acquuutton.
<br />G Tswastralliats cud ~ of fstopsrty; feaseisdd~ Coadorieiaaa; Ptaraed Utsit tlevelopeteets. Borrower
<br />stroll keep the Prtrpexty :a good rr:pair and shall :tun <»namrt .vaste .rr i+ennu :mpaucru:ru +x JMeriaratinn of the Property
<br />at#d sits!! rxtmply with the pravtsiarts of any itase if this fJeeJ of 'f rust is on a Eeaselrotd. if Lhis Dee) of Trust is as a unit in a
<br />eotdarttiniutn or a pisnrttd unit developcsxnt, Bonrnver shah perform af! o! Borrower's nbligatioas under the declaration
<br />ar savanapta creating ar guvermng ttre wtdominittm nr gfavneJ amt Jevelopmant, the by-laws amt reguiatians of the
<br />. ar pia&aad unit dlrvciopnxat, and consEttteen# dacutrtenis. if a ~ nr:t#ontiniraa nr planned twit deveinpmant
<br />rat is ettictst4af lzy Harrower std recorded togUiter wath this Deed of "trust, tttt covenants and agreements of stub rider
<br />shelf he ineorpatated lour attd stun! atnerd std stappirvtevt the cY,venan#s aril agreements of this Deed ar Trust as rf the rider
<br />sexrtae a pmt hmnuf.
<br />~- *ftalae$aae of footles-s ~. If 8ottawer farts to perform !fee covenants and agreements coataineJ in this
<br />Daod of Ttvu, of if spy acsiatt or prus~iing rs carntuerxed whicft matcrtaEty a$ects Lender's €ntorast in the Properly.
<br />iaeltt$iipsp, hW rat fitrti>;si ta, eminent dornsia, ittsetlvency, cads enforcemaet, or arrangertunts or proceedings involving a
<br />letini#rapt ar de~erti, then Lertder at Leeukr's option, upoe notice to t3orrawer, may make stx;h appearances, disburse >tuh
<br />scams aced tape s+ach ~#ion as is ttarassary to protect fenskr's interest, tncltxiing, fort nos limited to, distnrnerrtent «t
<br />rtwsxxtahk attorrtay's Ease and an#sy upon the Property to make repairs. It t_erder requital mortgage imurancc :ts a
<br />ttaatr ~ tatRing-the !Darr sxuttd try this Deer! of Trust, Borrower shalt pay the premiums required to mattrtarn >uih
<br />iPiYraM"a in tBe6i t~til sdeh time as fire raquirettoent for such ittsuraat:e terminates in accardartce with Borrower's anJ
<br />Letter's wnaast amt ar aP~f hie t><w. Bcarawer shall ~y the anawnt of ail nwrt~a~ insurance premiums m rfie
<br />trNUt!lalt pmvidad ttndlr partsgraplt 6areat
<br />_ a dia6rtrsard by Ls°r~r pu_rr,uant to This p-nragtaph 7, w,tb ~otcrest tharean, strati E+ec~mc aJctiuova!
<br />of lttcrrasrer noctired by that Deed ai i ntst, tlnlass Horrnwer anJ Lemle= ogres to other terms of payment, stir h
<br />amoscelts tdtts$l -hE payalpie opus tetitisx ftarn l.evder to Borrower rogtrestrag paymetu thereof, sad shat) Exar interest l ntru !fie
<br />rd at the rrxa pseyalrie frarn tip to tuna sin oeiiatanEfing grite<ilral urt~r the Note unless payttuvrt c~ intercs[
<br />at ratcA tide std ix srmtraty eo applicable Eaw, in which evea# sue:h amounts shalt fear enternt at rite highrst rata
<br />Pike susdist a~rplictelrla last, .rslo#hing eaetairsed is thin paragraph ' shall regture l.endar to +ar-ttr any expertsa or take
<br />as~+ actitta ~.
<br />~ . l.ar~r -make ar ca€tsa fo ba made rerrotsablC en#rtes uport atrJ taspea;#iarrs ai the Property, prrrvieied
<br />dteM l;aasfgr slsat7 grta-Bmrrtawss rmet.~ ptiin to ate)t sash ittspatire spexafying raasurrabk cau..c !)mere#ar relate) to t.cndei"+
<br />ratsrsat ip tits Istafiativ-.
<br />