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<br /> <br />`ibis mortgage made arxtt entered into this 18th day of r^ehrnarvs <br />l4 81 , 6y and between Ct~ inv$st~nts <br />ihereirtafter rrfersert to as mortgagor) need Commercial iYativttat ltattk and T'rttst Company <br />4Z4 i4. 24v.rd (hereinafter referred t©_as <br />mzsrtga8ee), who maintains an office and place of business at stroet in Grand Island; <br />Hall Ctxanty, ?tiebraska. <br />Wt'Tp~58Tt[. ttfat for the consideration hereinafer stated. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor <br />dines hereby mortgage., sett, grant, assign. acrd tronvey unto the martgager, its successors and assigns, ail. o€-the fat- <br />tOiMing described piopcrey ;ztuated and. being in the County of <br />State of Plebraska. xa12 <br />I~t Lhte {x} Engelhaupt Subdivision, in the City of brand <br />2~land, tia12 County, ttebraska <br />ta~ther with all the tenements and appttrtertaftc~ thcrrtr, t?e#onetnft, all the trots, is<cu~ and profits ttmreof, acrd all <br />tents, ri;hrs. royalties, missrrat, oil and gas rights amt lttofits. ++atcr, water rights. and water stock, acrd including <br />all fteatirtg, plumbing, rrfrigcratton. ligtttin$, equipment aced aCt !'ixturrs of evert description betongirrg to the <br />rtuw-tgatgnr crow ex hereafter attached thxreta nr used ~n :-c>nnattion with the prrmises herein described and in additian <br />thertta the folbwirtg drsc:rttted prttprrties xhicst are and +hatl rte ueemrct tv hr fixtures and a parr of the realq~, and <br />arc s txsrticxu ctf tl~ security for the indehtedrtrt5 herein stated. (tf nonr. state "nonr"} None <br />To hae-e mrtd is hold the same unto thr haorrre, as l~tn ^rovid 4++: <br />'the trx7atuagtw is Iawfuily scic-d zad pr~srssrd oi' and has else riche €o sell sleet cortmey said property: that the <br />same is free ft~a all ern'tambranres c?tcrlrt as hereintbove re€:itkxt; and that Mortgagar cos~enants W warrant and <br />defemt the title aforesaid chcrrty a»d every part thrrrof :~ainst the ciatms of all persons whomscxwer. <br />7~tis itsstrumertt is girtn to sec^urr the payment of a prztmissary note dated °~r'1a2°Y t B }.gat <br />is the principal sum of S_i..-~?§s_`~~ .~ _ si ned h +~ o „~, <br />in beltatf rzl' _~ - & y - ~.~.7.~g~,._~_~. t+st 7 a z9 t_ , <br />._...-.____.~_.~_._.~.__..._.____.~_ InSrESi~centg .Tn,nna T. r.~.,....-. <br />aka, ac suds mste ar levees may frwn time ao time be m€sdifted, renewed or extended in writing <br />to the else zi#~e tg said read estate is transferred, or ~ntracied to be transferred, from the uttdersignod ftx any <br />tts try ati}r mrthod whadsafver. the entire principal seam atsd act~rued interest cleat! at once become due arxi <br />~ m ttre ei~ertion of ttu tttttder hereof. Failure to exercisr this oprivn becatast of transfer of title as above stated <br />in t,~tt i~~ t~ ~~tstittate a wai>zcs of tPr. right tv the same in the event of any su=r,seguent transfer. <br />1- ?~ ~na~nts ate a~rres aa, follow=: <br />ttti. `~~ PAY tffiy tltt +rset~iltodness rwr;iensrd by said promisstuy owe at thr times and in the manner <br />u'~. <br />lt~: 'tn # alt EaxeS, asntesm. water rates, and other govemmctttat car municipal charges, tines, or <br />i~s~., fir ++'tri~tt psrtvistan h ttf.~ t#t~t mttdt ltcreirtbrfrtre. and wi#l prcxnp€iy deliver the of'f'icial rec~ritrr4 <br />:#tesefrar err € d tttattax. <br />e= 3'rt 4~y ~t exties sort fes.~ as r>~t ~+e rncurrrd to thr txrcttrt:ivn and anaintertntter <rf .:ltd prrrt?cr:s. <br />s f~ teen of am arrtaxrr~y t'mtt?kwed b„ leer rmartgagtce frsr tltr ~uilcrtictrt of ar#v c5r Ill tf the indefstednrss <br />t=ar tvr,att„3r ~arr~ tAtzirt~a`x ~afe< :ji c'43itr# {xrwieht~titt~~, rfr .i~ ;;r;q Est trc,t 'vift~CStttctrr ~?t 6'r tq;st'lttnu <br />