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1 <br />5124Q8'-1 <br />T~ ~~„ made anal exeeut~i this 27th day of Februarp ,~. Y1:lS 81 _ `- <br />by and between Robert G. Schee3 and Nanette Sue Scheel, husband .acrd wife f <br />of the Gouatg of I?a23 ,and State of Neku~ka, hereinafter eslled the ~'S awl <br />Ct7t4!t£RC;•AL €'RAL SA7gNr_c ~ LtkRS ASS~CIA"'It3N <br />a gyration organized and existing under the Iawa of ?Febraska <br />hinafter called the Il~ortgagee, <br />96'ITA;f'lt : That 3lortgagor, for and is eonaideration of the sum of '"!itR''-'Y S° "'~~NA*~ <br />and !I~/fli~l Dollars f$ '#1,?titt.:;~), paid by Mortgages, Ufe receipt of <br />which is herby aeknae•iedged, has G*anted and Said and lay these preaeata does Grant, ]3araaia, ~ <br />Assign, Gamey and Confirm into the Siartgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the follomiag- <br />descrilx~d property, situated in the Gaunty of !?aii ,and State of Nehra-~.-, *.^ wit: <br />X22 c ISth, brand lsiand, ?iebraska a, <br />A Part of Lot Seven f'1 of `?ar5rood Svh3iviaion befr.~, x part <br />of Lhe !=esc calf *f the Sortha-est quarter {~ !?? ~,,,t ilu) of <br />Section if}, •"ovnahi? i!, `torch, nans~e '}, best cf the hth <br />i'.~i., !~rora narticvixeiy described as foiiowa: ~'a~encine at <br />a ?Dint cif 23?." feet east of an iron Win treated at a nninL <br />33 feet Fast of the Sovthvest corner cf said +'.ot ?, ~n the <br />Snrth Side a` Went= .,treat, which street is on the .>ovth Sfde <br />of Said Lat; thence "ur~sin~ a right a~€srie and xunnin~ 'Forth <br />?arailei. ~+ith the ssest Line csf .,aid Tc•t ox .. 'iszance ,~' <br />i5[i feet; thenr_e, ivrr,irr a rfFht anvie an~i run^fnz~ east nara.iei <br />tsith zhc gnuth Sine of aai.•i Lot fnr a '.stance of 'S feet; <br />Cheats, tuxs*_i.?a .~ ri?ht snQln_ an-'', ran^.is? :?s~±t`' narallei ~31h <br />the :asst Line of said tot ?, .~ •'fstance a: iS+? 4ePt to the <br />south tins of s33d lae: thence, tvtninS a rizbt an~1e and <br />rvnniag veal an th4 ~.aut~! Line -^f 4a1d tot°_~r a 3fstance <br />of tS feel tc ihr: ;dace of ^egfnafn~, #:~ uaii ~ovnt~, ttebraslca. <br />+rith rhea therstn ipeiranng and all flxtnree noffi car hereafter at#ached thecata or <br />a~ is w##ic #tte prises d~raitt ucribed amd in addition thtsetn tlsa folLx~vin~rdeecr}Ileac <br />+r ae+r, aned sail be d~ #o be: fsa#area and a l~ of 4he qty, and ars a <br />pa: ~ tl+e ~' f~ t#ra # het sin s~atio~3 <br />