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r- <br />:~ I -.~. <br />r1y ~1~~/.33~ <br />Lt hrtFaRM CQVESVANTS. Harrawet :end tender ttx>'Cnarll and ngrrr .L> lallOW>: <br />1. PttgtaaYSl ~ Priaefpal sad Anferest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest oet the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Nfate, prepayttxent and late charges as provided in the Nae, and the principal of and 'interest <br />an am Future :ldvancrs secured h}' this decd al Trust. <br />2, Faterla ier Taxo aQi Iwsaraece. Subject to applicable !aw or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shelf pry <br />tax Lender nn the day itwnthly installments of pnncepal and interest arc payable under the Note., anti! the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum therein "iruTtds"? equal to arts-rwetfz'er of ttzr pearly taxes and assessments whi~A ray attain priariiq Drat ihfs <br />Deed of Trust, and g€ourxt rents on the Property, rf any. Blue one-twelfth of yearEp premrum irtstallmetrzs for hazard ftisuranre; <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments far mortgage iusurance, it any, alt as rcasanab[y estimated initiaflq sad-from <br />Limn !a time isy l.eodcr rsn the basis rYf assessments and bras and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Furtds shall lx held in an tnstftutian the depastis or acr:ounts of which are insured ar guaranteed by a Federal-or <br />scare agency Fincltading Leader if fa:ttdcr is sur:h an insiitutwrU. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments. <br />rnsurancc premiums and ground rears. tinder may not charge far so itnlding :iud -applying the Funds, analyzing-said ticeounT <br />rx verifying am3 compiling said assessments sled faille, unless Lender pays Borrower tntetest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits l.ersder to make scab a iharge. Hamawer and Lcrsder may agora in writing at the utrte of execution of-this <br />Dyed of Triitl That interest on the Funds ,halt be peed to Borrower, and ex.R4ess such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requites such interest to ix paid, !_ersder shat! reu he required to pay 8orrawer any ioterest or earnfn~s oa the Funds. LeiNier <br />shat! give to Harrower, wuhrtrtt charge, an annual ar:axtrting ul the Funds show,ng a:redus and dehns to the Panels and the <br />pttrpttse for which each debit to she Funds was treacle. The Fuml> arc pledged as additional sixurity for the Luau secured <br />by this Decd of Trost. <br />if the airwunt ref the Funds held by Lenrkr, u?gether wuh the: tun,re monthly installments of Funds payable: poor w <br />the a#ire dates of taxes. assessments, insurattrc premiums and gtaund arts, strati exceed the. amoeme regwred to pay said lams. <br />assessments, irtsurarne prcauwn> and (;round rents as they tall .rue, ,uch cxce>s ,halt be, at Hacrower's oplitm, rtithtr <br />prcutrpity repaid to Harrower cx credstcd su Horrawer~ an monthly instatimeras of Funris. If the aaraunt of the Funds <br />held 6y Lender >fialt net br utthcrent to pay taus. assu^.>nscnis, insurance: prcmntms sad ground rents as they fart dire. <br />Borrower ahafl pay to Lender any sensual rr~:rssary to make up the detiaency wahtn ;0 days Pram ¢he date riWice n mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesuag paymem tlrereaf. <br />tlpwe pxytsxnt in frdl of ail stuns secured by thrs llrcd ut f ru:t t crt:Err serail nn+mprly refund w 8exrawer any Fntrds <br />tuM by Esnder (f under paragraph 1`3 hereof rhr Progeny ~, ,oW r.r the Pnxprrty :> wherw,se acquired by Lender. Lender <br />shaft apple, rw later than +mrtxdiatelq pour to the >.i4 ut the Pruprrry .ir e:s ., ~yui>ruaer by Lender, any Funds held by <br />t_tndtr ~ the tirrc cif appiiratrrm as a credo against the sum. sccared by thw facet of Trust. <br />3. Applieaoirs red p'ayraeatx. Unk>s applt.atxtr lax pinvs.ks .rthcrw+se- alt pagmenrs rerr,YeJ by I.tadCr under the <br />Nola sad paragra~tis I and ?hereof shall ter apptrcd l~r~ ! cndrr tint .n paymr^r ,*f amuunt> payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under puagraph _ ttcreuf, then is rnterut payable un the 'Vote. ths:n to the pr;nr,prf +.t else Naue, aced then to imcrest and <br />pfriN:iaat an aaY Fixate 'idYBM:C>. <br />~d. <-'ka~ext Iips„ 8urro»rr shalt pay alt t.:scs..essrsamcret+ ..r+.t .,the, .barges. tinr> sort rmpvsrtictns aurihutabte to <br />the Property whicfi may attain a prtaruy over th,> Decd of Trust, and teasehufJ paynxnts :u g~rxrad rents, if any, in the <br />rnauHaer prorided cadet paragraph Z hereof ot. et «rx pant m scab nauntur, by Harrower msktng paymem, when due. directly <br />to the payee thumf. Borrower shaft promptly furor>h rcx E enrh:r all nutr~rs ++t amounts itiN: under then paragraph, and in the <br />crest llrm'•rwrct sfialf retake paytrient dutxity. Burrower shalt prrxnptiy iurnrsh to (cork: recerpts evidencrng sui:ft payments. <br />Borrower shsfl ptrmiptty eftsc:harBe any tiro which tsar pr wrrty usrr thrs Heed ++t i err>t: pruvrdect, that Hornxwer shall mu Frc <br />requrred to dischar~ any sw:h ixn ux faxig as borrower ;hail agrrc +n .:rrurrg ru [hr payment of the ubhgatton secured by <br />>iiCh Iten rn a mrnmr acceptable to tinder, rx ,haft m grout Iaath .,.nmest su;.b t+en iw. or ,}eterx/ enfurrement of such Iron m. <br />fa>yaf prcrreed.: s. ~frsfi apsrate to prevent tt:r entura.rntrrtt .~: rhr tsar .rr turtcnurr .•i the Praperiy ur say par! etxereal- <br />3. ~ lWnrraa[r. Hareawet >ftalt ieerp the +mprnvenecnts .rcxw cars+nt; ,+r hcrenlrrr rrn~reil on the Property msitred <br />.tgarma IttaY by fire. hazards i[ts.firttrd wuhiq the: term "esterxdeJ ..uvcra¢r-'. east such utter hazards as tender may rcquere <br />seal to slab arttastats aced tat weft pe€i.xfs as Lender tuap rcyuur. tuurr.k:ct. that !.cadet strati rros reyu,re that the amount of <br />such coverage cxceesl that aaiuntn3 crf ..overage rRGuurd to pay leer >ueus. sr<urs°.S h} :h:> f7eed ut "Caret <br />The iasuraase canter pruvidin!< ttre is>ueamr ,half itc _busen `ry iiurtuwer Buhl€c€ to rppruvaf by fender: provrded. <br />that riitCli aotraf trhrtfl clot tie ttnteriwnaWy wuhtxld .411 prcmtums uu uuuran~e txohetes shall be peed in the rtianaet <br />ptovi$ed ptuit;raph :. ha>xt! ar, tf cwt pnrd m sui;h aiunucr, by Hurruwcr mating paynirnt, when .foe. directly to the <br />rmiuaace carrier- <br />Atl iasurairie pnintex acid reiscwaf> ttxrcot shalt tar ,n facto astcptable +.+ I rnrkt and >hait rrrclude a standard muregage <br />iause in favor of and in lotto scccptabfe ¢o txodrr. t.rnrier sfiatt ha+e rise rrgfrt ru hold the pulie,es and canewats thereof. <br />stud BMrawer >hrfl promptly terrritY}r to t.eixkr all rcreew a{ rrvtnc> scat sit rcrapts of par.! p:emrums. In the event u( lass, <br />fforitrwer x#t><tt give; pruinpt ttsxr~e to ttx erssvru+ae tarraer .cost f eristrr E-cnJa:r rosy ntol.c pr wf al las> s! nut made grumpily <br />by Bortewrei. <br />t;ratecs Lender scut HartuaY,tr ut#~rwr'ie agree art ;s:xt:xcg..rssr:ar:~e zxr~reds >P,alt fxc appl~d to resturatiuit ar repair of <br />rite Prc~eny damaged, fxuvtrte;d Brach rrsruxrirun ut rrparr +. i4.vwxnxaHy teas,hlr .rrsd the securely ui the, Decd of Tnrst e> <br />cwt tlrereeby rasprutd. If such reatzxatnrri ur rcpa,r ,v our c,tmurnnatly trasrbk +:r ~¢ the srcurtty o1 the Ixed of Tnest would <br />h2 etnpaered, the ,tawtrtrcr ptaa:ettsls shrit he appficai eu tar aun,> se::.rrrd fry thr> lAcd of Trust, watt the t.acrss, tf any. parr! <br />to Batrower. If else Property a abanciarur! try Szaruwcr, ut if tsurruwrr taat> ru rs->pwrd to Cxeirler wuhrn 3f3 days Irom the <br />dos twtiur is leaded b!' 1_erider to Bortawar tort nc~ ,nwearnr .arrrrr ottrr> to stole a 4ta,m tar msuearter betieAts. Lender <br />r; autfmriud to calfa:t sad appdx the iilsurat}::e prrwer.ds at Lender's +sptwu r,ther to rrstutauan ut repair ut the Property <br />tx eo tree wets seiwed by then f?sed of 'T least. <br />Qlraltas f_eadtr oaf Horrurrar othetwrsc aarcc .» wrrung, any s:nh app!:cauua, ut pru.ceds to prrrnrpaf shall cwt extend <br />m' lrntpnae ifu clue .lain of the nwsuhfy rustaltasrus> seterrrd a: ui tueagraph> t a,rif '_ hereut or change [fK arrrount M <br />wch rnssaTfttiems. if rasrkr peuaYtaph t n hcreut rb.; Property ,e a.yurreal h} i Crider, atf right. tetle and micre>i of Borrower <br />rn atkf to :lay iaautatxe patsies arxd rn aitd w the praxcec.i.> thereat re>:atung trurn daneagc to the Property prwr to the lair <br />ar acgsusrrxatt shat! prs> ea l.tixkr to the rxteru ut thr swra >etured by airs (}rr:J of Trust nnaudiately great tv such Bak ur <br />~~ <br />tR f~sat~vrrtWir rUl~ T-~ftlittxe 9f Psvpeilj; l.rieaatar,~: i 76aB: PltMat~ lrNt llndrsprreats. Harre:wCr <br />shall keep the Prx~xny n g.x~3 rc(~s arx3 shaft our .crro-rn.t ~a rc ,n ixnwr urup.,renunr ,:r .twtowratxm at felt PrapertY <br />slid Yhatl carispty with lfie provrsiurts of any lease rt this tyceil .,f tarty: r> +,u a tra>rlwW Et this LkeJ at Trust es on a anu rn a <br />cx-~4aruaiwzi ya a ptantiuf rout ~atap~ru, Horruwtr s~.,t ~slorn~+ a3t „t ~irruwci > .r?tihgruu:u under the dcclaraunn <br />ur cov'enattls crear,tag cx guvumng ihC eurxtanum::r:+ ur ptaureed una rte.etupiriceu, the by~lawa and rrgulatiuas +t the <br />crtt ca pleased unit .ievrfupaxtrt, snit ,<aetnurm drh ueita.ut+ tt a ::urctuminicxm ur pfaurrrd unN devektpment <br />ceder is ex,ta:tiiaxl by Hw ruwrr aced irzursfca3 together »,rh th,> fkcd ..t 1 roar. the .avcnam> acrd agrernxnu ai such rider <br />shalt tar; saiwpeetaied taro arxd shalt aitrrixl Bred suppieuxiu else cuscnant> ar,+i agreernrnes ut this C)rr:d ut Truss as tf the nder <br /> a pra9 huwxtf_ ` <br />1„ $etp~raiiaa ei [.tester's seenriry. if Borruwce ta,is w pcrturm ttre cusenarus acrd agreensents eantaincd in thr> <br />Ileod crt 'T-nnt, ur rf any action ar ptar:eediteg is cumrnen.ed whr.h nrater,atly atircts t.citder's rnecrrst m the Property. <br />,ar'•ilpfatg, tali toss fimxesd ta, cminetit daitusn, ,rtsaevetn.y..:udc enlur,.crncnt, ur artangenieeus ur peucreding> invatving a <br />ttaakrtipl of decCrfaaf, IlKn Lerxlei at Lattdai s uptrcan, upon nui:se ru &xrruwer, +nay create rush appearam:e>, disburse Bush <br />rasa sled tale x~ act+rxtx as is nas:esrary ra pprrc>int Lrrxfra's +mue>i. +rrs iudrng, t+u[ our hmiterf tv, drsfsursenzear .:t <br />reasaasa~. arisxniy's lays slid carry ult>srt the Praguey to wake reparr> It Lerrdur rrgwred rrrarttptge }nweartce as a <br />r.+r isE ~,i~`ir:i else fears se:.rarad etas CJae,f of Trtast. Harrower >haft pay the premwetrs reyairrd to rrs;tmtarn Binh <br />,asttraaa.Y us eH~t tread sink tiara as the rcyuarrtucttt fur such rnsurattce tcnniaates rn a;:curdaucr wrih Horruwer's and <br />CeaQecb wrttrert agreeateat rte r~ipk law. fsurruwet >hs}l pay the: anwunt „f ail nwr[gagc insurance ptemwms +n the <br />naienaer pruvrded trea~a per+~rgph .'~hkfitrririrf. <br />1tay. rattswast ifistartraed by fxadcr ptr€YSra.nt to eltis µatagraph 7. wrrh mri:reat +hcrscur, shalt bei:.,me addruonad <br />iaisieatrxl~ sYf t9u[rrrwcr txct€rad fry lhsa U~+l ..t 'i rust. t'nfs¢ss &urrawcr scat t crater agrrx to eMhcr tertrs xxt payme»i, >uch <br />arartaatss YhaH fee payiibk upwa rsatu:e ftauit l.tiuhr lu Harrower reyua>iusg paynuns thctcof, arxf >hxil !rear interest from the <br />data of [he rater peyaftk frtua fleas to tittre ati r,ntstax>:fmg p~nyrpat under the tticu+: rutksx paytttent of intere>t <br />at ssi+,?t t?~ wrartTd tx ccmtt~ry to appfnrbk tsw, rn which cycler .uch anwuma ,t;rft tzar rnirrrss at the highe>i €atr <br />tiara statist etpelsk ease.•+ltrthirsg ~~; x.x .his fa::ragrxpfr '. 3frrFt rr•yuare t.rnJar tc+ i:tcur any axper~ of take <br />aaq aictz~ ttcta+>rx, <br />B. Wllrlle~rir. [sridst ntay rare tit cauYa su !>i: utrde rer>arraakxtc ctrl erCS :spear an.e rnspGktuuts ut the. p'raprtty, pruvrdrel <br />thrt f.ceader c~todf gsva ~tzztavu notice great to arty such auper;trtxtx aprirfying teaseuuitilet roux thrraScsr rctlteEt a. l ertdw•r-> <br />rrwrr~ }a rtes PrurttusY <br />