~1-° U{t091~
<br />{6) To stse the loan evidenced by the note solely for purposes au[hrsrized by the Government.
<br />(7) To pay when dtu all loxes, liens, judgmmta, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed
<br />against tht propetty, including all chargges and aasessmdtts in connection with water, water rights, and wrier stock
<br />pertaining to or reawnably necessary ro the use of the Beal property described above, and all rues and assessments levied
<br />upon ibis mortgage or tl:e none or any indebtedness hereby scoured or against any legal balder hereof or of the note or of
<br />said indeb[edness under tht laws of Alebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing
<br />s[:alt payment.
<br />($1 Ta keep the praperry insured as required by and- under insurance policies appsovtd by the Crovtrnmtnt and, at its
<br />request, to deliver such poticies to the Gavemment.
<br />9} To maintain improvcmtnts in good repQair and make repairs requited by the Government; operate the property in a
<br />gon~ and husbartdmanlike manner, comply wieh such faun conservation practices and farm and home management plans u
<br />the Government from time to time may prescribe: and not to abandon the property, or cause or permit waste, lessening or
<br />anpairnrtn~~ F6e ai d here~v, ar, without t4st written conunt of the Gavernntent, cut remove, ar feast any
<br />tirriber, grade}, oil; ~; cot mxite`i+~s except as may be necessary fur ordinary domestic purposes.
<br />(1~) ~o ctgstply wtth ~.'~~ eidinanoes, and rcgulacions affecting the property.
<br />' 11) 'Co ;pay "or reimbtstst~se Goveenatent for expenses reasonably netesvzy or incidental to the pmtection of dte Hen
<br />and priority hereof and to the enforcemtnt of or tht compliance with rite provisions hereof and of the.nott sad any suppie-
<br />tnt.atuy agreement ±whtthez be€are ar after defaulil, including but not limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of
<br />ifte property, costs of recording this and other instruments, attorneys' fees, trustees' fees, court costs, and expenses of
<br />advertising, selling, sad conveying the Propttty.
<br />~1?7 Neithtz tht propem, nor any portion thereof ar interest therein shall be leased, assigned, sold, transferred, or
<br />encumbtttd, volvncarily or athetvvise, without tht written consent of ehe Govertunent. The Government shall have the sole
<br />anu exelusive rights as morgagee lsertua,icr, including }gut oat limited to tlst power to gent consertu, partial releases,
<br />subor3inarions, and sa~is€action, and nu insured haide: shall bout arv sight, title or interest in ar to the lien or any 6tneFu
<br />hereof.
<br />~ 13;+ At ail reasonablt times the Governmtnt and its agents mac inspect the property to ascertain whe[her the covenants
<br />and agrttments tontaintd hertut uz in any supp}cmentary agrtrment are being preformed.
<br />id; The Government map >'a; extend or defer the maturity "f. and renew and reschedule tht payments on, the debt
<br />tridrnced 6y tht Hate ar env indebtedness to the Gurtrrtmtr,t sr::rreG 13v thts rnstrumtnt.:;b re rase any puty who is
<br />liable wsder rlre Here or for tltr .ieoz from iiabtlity ru ..se C,uvet~mc:::. ~ :ektase ear«ions of the property anrf subordinate
<br />i;s lico. arsd -d - waive arv other „f sts nplsts ender :hi+.us>trun:cn: ,-t r:s~ an+1 .,il this :an and will he done without affecting
<br />tht Lea ar t}tc prioriey ,f this instrument nr ft„rower"~ :r am ;err; am : Irai,ain to tfse Gos•trnmenc Eor payment of the
<br />rzotr or debt secum<I by thrs innstrument unltss the Guccrnment .at, ::tf:rr:xrst in writing. Hi7WEVER, any forbeuance by
<br />the Geverrrmrrt--whtiher enee ~,r afttn--tn tserersing env ra~ht :,r rrme;iv under this tnstrumrnt, or otherwise afforded by
<br />applicable law, s}+all our be a waiver of or pttclude the exercise _:i ar.•: ,uclt n~ht or rtmr;lvv
<br />;25+ if at arty time it shat: appear w rltc i:uvermnert rh.t &arruwer ~rsay car able to .shtatn a loan trom a production
<br />credit asxaciatiun, a Ftderai land bank, car <.,thtr rrspansihlc cuupcrativr :rr prvatt credit source, at reasonable cares and ttrms
<br />far loans far simdar purports anti perirxls ,,f curs. tiarzower wt}I- vpa.--. °hr C;:,vrrrrnent`s request, apply for and adept such
<br />loan ir. sufficitnt amount to as• for Here an.i err indebtedntss ,e.urrd i,r:eu}- end t:.: pay t~ssr any awes necessary to be
<br />pun}sasc:} m a cr ~ptzative ;en<~ng :urncy in <onnrctiun wi;dt ~ucls lain.
<br />' S 5"= S?rtault hczeum{er shall ccsnstitutr :lrfault •.sndtt ono othtz real ,>state, ~~r under ..ny pzrsona; prcptrty or atbe:,
<br />security inserumrne held car insured by the t;.ssrrnmtr=t and rzrcuted or assumeri i+v fiorrawtr. and default under any such
<br />crt}err security tnstrumtnt shat' c~snstituze detau}t hereunder.
<br />- --"; SHE7L'ZD tJEfALt1,T =recur in the perfezmance :x -?is..irarge ,~:.cns :,biiat:orr :n Chu enstrurnent v: secured by this
<br />tnstrutrert. or should the carries namtci as Bart~~-m°e: +Sie .-r, j:,r c,iare:i an ns ,mprrcnt.:=r should any =sot of flit aatties
<br />Warned as $tsnawtr bt dtclarrd a b:ut}crupt. yr ors insolvent nt mtiee xn assremrrnt Lur case Benefit of ~ rtditors, the C,overn-
<br />mcar. at its ,rpiion, with ,u •xithuut notict. roav: a: ::celery rhr cnrtrc .meant :rrparci under the Hare anti env indeb[edness
<br />to flit Guvrrnnsrnt hertb}~ securtd immrdrateiv :iur an payai±ie. !-~~ tyre the ace .+mt „t Sirx^r:wtr incur and pay reasonable
<br />txptnsts tar repair car maintenance «f znd take passrssiun . f -. prratr =.r ,rot it pr pe ty, c-: upon anplicaran b~- it and
<br />praducnan of cn ss instrumenr_ wtt#s•.-,car <; r;;e- em ern,. ...., k,:.l; eu- n:;r.~.- :sf ^sra:int ~i +aicl applicac=:on, bout a :rceiver
<br />apparnted far the pmperty-. 7th the ;:sue} puwrrx of recctve:s .n ;ike rases. f~rtclost this mstzumer.t as provided herein
<br />;x by Saw. and !e: enfotct env and ail other rights and ,tmedics prrn:deti hereto ,sr i>s• present or +uturt law.
<br />. St3": The ~rocteds of fu:eclusure sale shall ht applied rn flit failowtn}; seder to rhr payment of: ~ a; Costs and expenses
<br />intidtnr qa entorcing cr :ump!vine with the prawsiuns hrrtaf. 'b:; any prior :ions required by law or a compettnt court to
<br />6t so paid, •; c' eht dtbr evidenced by rift Hare and elf indebtedness to the Gssvtrnsntnt stcurtd hereby. 'd) inftriar liens
<br />of etc+x>d requited by raw car a tumpeirns coutt tc kx so patxi. e; at the f;overnmtnt's uptton, any other indebtedness of
<br />~zu~= :,* : F to tr. s'•,s::rxd by tSre £s=?vrr.~ tot, ~.d ' £'.. >t}y ?+alanc~ w fturzowrs. At ?oreclosute nr other sale of all rsr any
<br />part of flit ppro{°ttty, t3tt Govtrmerrrst and its agents may !std and~.uchase as a stranger and may pay the Government's.shue
<br />or the purchase prig by cre~'stirtg such, amuurzt on any dtbts :lY $„rrawtr axing to car insured by rhr Government, in the
<br />order prescribed above.
<br />19j $orrorvet egrets that the Gurerrsmtnt will rat br i•ussnd ov env prtstnt car fuiure State law, ;. pras'iding for
<br />valtratictt. appraisal, humtxtead ar rxem~tion of the property, ;b; prohibirng maintenance of an action. for a deficiency
<br />iur3¢:rtstnt or }ianitis;g tl:t amount tlretccst .~r tltt runt wiihin whit'tt such cation mush ix 6tuug'ttt, c{ prescribing any other
<br />stattr;e of limitations, ,d) allowing any right of redtmptian cat pusseassun ;alit=wing any forectosuct .sate, or !ei ttmuing the
<br />tronditi»ns wh9ch rhr Goverttmant may ery. rtgtilariots impost, itu:uding rhr iattrest raft it ma~ chugc, as a candidan of
<br />approritsg a transfer of the nroptrtv to a new Harrower. $arroarr txprrssip wants the htncitt of any such State laws.
<br />Sorrosser hereby rciin~uisitts. weaves, aryl convtys aL tip-ts. inchzatr or consummate. ~rf desetnt, <lowcr. and curtest'"
<br />
<br />
<br />