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~I-i-t)(~~sv <br />llSDfi-FmHA Position s <br />Form FertHA 427-i NS THIRD <br />(Rtv. 5-95-791 REAL ESTATE :MORTGAGE FOR NEBRASKA <br />THIS ttiKSRTGAGE is made and enured into by .__Re~~~? .Y'~.-Scheel dad SdP_dra M. 1 <br />residing ir...._.-.~~.~..---.---------_--_--__..-----.-°-.-----._.---.-.___._ Caantr, Ntbraska, whale post a£6ct address is <br />Route 1, $ox 90t Alda $$$10 <br />.__. __.__..-.._.~.---_------'----°-_------`---'-----"----°`-----------__•-----'-------`--------------------_..-- ---> Nebraska ----'--._'---__ , <br />h~-re:n calkd "Aarrawtr; ' aad: <br />WHEREAS Aorrawrr is indebttd to the United States of America, acting thmttglt the Farmers Homt Administrating, <br />Uniud States Chpartment of Agiculatre, herein ukled the "Governmene," as eviclenccd by oge ar twrt protbusory note(s) <br />or assumption agreesttent(s). Ittrtin called '`Hate;' which has'oten cxecnted 6y Aotrawer, to payable-ta the ozdes aft e <br />t'aavernment. anthrxizts acteleratian of the entire indebttdness at the option of the Government upon any de{attk by <br />Aa¢awer, and s describtd as follows: <br />An:rual Rate Aue Aate of Final <br />Lkrte of lnstnammt Principal ,$mnunr' - a Irrterrsr fnstaPHntnt <br />Fehruary 23, 1481 $4$,000,00 5€ Jan. 1, 19B4 <br />This mortgage is subject to real estate mortgage to Prudential Insur- <br />ance Co. in the original amount of $190,000,00 and real estate mortgage <br />to Farmers Home Administration in the original amount of $144,200.00. <br />![f the insrrrs*, rate s less than _.__.___... ,or farm ownrrsnl+ or operati,-.Q laar.'s secured by this inztrumtnY, iben the <br />rare n3aY tie char,*ed a3 prnvidrd in the note. <br />Art.i :!xr <-r:drnce.<, a ?<t:n [o Botr::u<r. a::.: the i:..::~rrnmrnt. a: aav r[me- ma+~ assit,rt rhr Hate and inzure the pay- <br />ntrnt t!:rreof pursuant to the C„nsu}idatrd Farm and H.e: al Crc. e!=.•pmer.t Act..a Tide V of rhr Housing Act of 1944 ar any <br />other s: atute a,lm!ristsrrc( in~ [t:t Farmers Fiume Admmtstratt~:n <br />And ar :y t!;r purpvsr xnd attrnt <;t thts tnstrument t4a*.. an:_:nr; .::her r:t at all rimts when rhr note is held by the <br />t ;u 2rnntent. c>r ut the evcn[ rhr t;uvernment-si;.;u!d aast~n tt:ts n:strumcn[,x :•t}tr>t:t ursurance at rhr note, t}tis instrument <br />ihali setter payment .;[ rhr rwtr- our when *.hc aote a ;ed F .r naurrd F~;}der, this mstnrmrnr s!taH not secure payment <br />ik the nose ::r atta4n. rcr tStr eirbt evtdenccat t :eerie+. ut a_ •~-, t'sr .~:x=_ a;;d ,!.c: e:-bt she}! canstitutr an indemnity mortgage <br />„: sc<urr tetc C~uvrrrtmeu: awatnst ;, .airy tts ;rtsurance <..nt ra.t %'i :...~.c>r..•i 3 „ ..... :.._ isv P„ssrawe,*: <br />~1nd thts ucstrurnent aiw sr_utts .i:r re. apt:tre ,i an> ar.[rrrs. ,_raci tt .;; su!-s;d= :.rv ~^ :?:ay l>r eranred to rite Aorrower by <br />cite C;uvrrrement pars Wart tC: -ii 1-.~.t.. ;ii`/r:1a. <br />tJW. -FHERL FC)R F..:*, z<rnstdr: attars ,si rhr I:;arty s: au~ -.,...t a,i :tines cs-hcn :!:e !tote a held b}~ the Govrrntnent. ar in <br />the rural the t=uvernmrr.t s'r..,u!d a;atHr. ti:.s ;nstru inter •x-ihoHt ins.:rar,e ._,.:hc pavment of the note, to secure prompt <br />pavment u! rhr rcxr and gap rcneu•a1, and es tcnstuus vts; r.,4 ens gas .._~; ennernts cr.numrd ahert5n, me}siding-any prevision <br />t=~r rite pavmeter a.? do •--urance ~r _:it,~a caa,-e, _::r ~ LI turs¢, wncn cru uate z_, i=eid bt zn ensured Holder, to secttre prr- <br />iarmancr t;s Aarawer's a~ecmtnt is ctt to to udcmntty ycd use h:.,-muss rE:e Liurrrnmen. aKarnst lass under its insu: once <br />can¢art br rtasan :;l arty default Ls fiurratret, arsd ~; it: env event and at ail times n;>ccurt the prompt payment of all <br />advazues an.i rzveniiturrs :na..c _ t' ei:c t::usrtrnmrnt, wit:, ia:rres*. as i;crrina:ter ~eseri'c•e an tf.t prriormancr sit every <br />cavenaHe ar',.i a!7rrtmeTt -'. For,-lrt~?:.~~, ainr-i ;aer.i.^:.,~ ors ,ap}=zemrntar a~rrrrnent. ?':=~rra;s~tir noes hereby gran[, <br />hargain, Hell, cc,n+•t+~ anti asxiztt, wttlt Fencrzai warranty. ~antc=.the t_:~::vrrnmen: the t.;!}owini prnprrry situated in the State aE <br />?ticbrasia, Cauntr; irs~. sit . -". i-lal l _ __ _ <br />Northeast {quarter of the La;:tfxwest Quarter {*3E~SAT4~~a,j of Section ra .een <br />(15), in Township Ten (10) North, Range Ten tI0), west of the 6th P. M., <br />Hall County, '.3ebras~.a, and <br />The South Half of the Northwest Yuarter {5~.r4~7`~) of Section Fifteen (15), <br />To',Amship Ten (10) North, Mange Ten {10) t-lest of the 6th P. Al., Hall <br />County, Nehraslca, and <br />The West Half of the Southeast Quarter (tVzSEs) of Section Seventeen (17}, <br />Township Ten t1.0) :~lort}~t:. Range '=en (10) , =est of the 5th i',M„ HaII <br />4©unty, Nebraska, anti FmHA427-1 NS iRtv.5-15-74) <br /> <br /> <br />