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~l-i~~lQ~2'1 <br />(6j To use the scan evidencnd by [he note solely for purpt~ses authorized by the Governmen[. <br />(7j To pay whrn due ad taxes, litres, jud~rtenu, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed <br />against the praperry, intluding all char~es and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and water stock <br />pertainiog to or rtasonabl~ necessary to a u:z of the real property described abovs, and all taxes and assessments levied <br />upon this mortgage or the note ar any indebtedness hereby stttnrtd ar against arty lega3 holder hereof or of the note or of <br />said tndebtedntss under the laws of Cvtbraska, and promptlp deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing _ <br />att:.h paymaatt. <br />i6; Ta keep the pe~ptmy insured as required by and under insttranu polities approved by the Government and, at its - -- -. <br />request, to deliver such policies so the Government. <br />9j Ta maintain improvements in good rtpaa and make repairs required by the Government: operate the property in a <br />gqv~ and husisattdmaztlilce manner: carnpiy with such farm consenuior. practices and farm and home managemen[ plans ax <br />dst Govets~eot..ftom time, to time may :escribe: and not to abandon the property, yr cause or permit waste, lessening or <br />impairment of the stastity eovesed'liitt'~, ur, without the •roritren conxnt afi the Government, cut remove, or least any <br />timber, ~avt4 oil, gas, tool, or other minerils except as may bt necessary for ordinary domesrii purpous. <br />! 4U'{ `f'a Comply rvislr.-u+;an~es, and rrguhtions affecting the property. <br />2 x i To pay or reimburse the Government for expenses rrasoaably necessary or incidental ro die ptottetion of the lien <br />arid- priority hrreo and to the tnfarcemtnx of ar the ttmtpliance with Litt prasisions hereof and of [he Hate and any supple- <br />mentary agreemtnt (whether before ur after default i, including but not limited to coats of evidence of [ide to and storey of <br />die proptrry, case a! recordi;tg this and other instruments, attorneys' fees, trustees' Eels, court cosu, and expenses of <br />a3.vertising, reel}ink and conrt;ing the property. <br />!12j Neither the propesty nor any portion thereof` or interest :herein xhzil be hood, astigned, sold, transferred, or <br />mttrmlurrd, voltmtazily ar otherwise, without the wrinen consent o1 the Goverament. The Government ahafl have the sok <br />ansi ezclusive runts as martgattee hereun:in. including i;nt Hat limited m the powrt to grant consenu, partial releases, <br />subordiaasians, and satisfaction. and no insured 'holder s}tal3 have anv ri~Jtt. title or interest in or to Cite lien yr any beneftss <br />htmof. <br />23j At all reasonable times the Gavernmt~t and its agents may ins~rett the groptrtg €o ascertain whether the cavtnants <br />and agreements rxntaincd htrriit ar to anv supplementarq attreemen[ are bring performed. <br />tl#! Tlrc Gslv+eerrtzner<t may :ai extend or defer cite matesrity os. and rrncxv and restltedult the payments on, the debt <br />evidrnctd by lire note ut any tndebtednesa co the (:uvrrnmcn[ secvrtd by this instrument. 61 release any ~Zarty who is <br />liable urule~ the Hots ar for the .ieht 3rutn Iiai,ilin~ to ti';e t:ovrrmnen;., c rrlexsr pxrrtians of the property ant subordinate <br />i[s lien. and ,jr waive u;v uthet o! :ts -t{ttts esnCar t.'ris instrnr=rcnt..-fin, arzcf .ei7 this can and wzl( be done without affecttng <br />tilt !isle ear tilt pz[cfity :.ri this insrruracnt +;r Sorrnwrr'> r,r any •~,;hrr par, v ; liabdity tv the fiveemment far payment of the <br />rote <*r deM stcurtd t,y *.his ~,ssr ~•rtrnt unkkss tE:t ~:.s-ernn:rnr ,avs •nhrrwisr in writing. HGWEYER, any forbearance by <br />the Grr~retnmrnt-whether ~:rncr nr u3ttn-sn carrctsinr< tree rt,;Ftt ~ac rrmedv ..,octet Chu !°:sttument, or otherwise afforded by <br />applisabls law. sh aLi evil ire a waiw_c .,t .,r preclude !hc rzrrnst •t3 ar.« s:-.r... r:;;h! ur rrmeda. <br />`t5: E! ar ant trot :t shall .pprar ?. rhr t.,~vrrnrner.t ,loot RveTnwtc :nay r ai:[e to obtain a loan from a production <br />credit assariatiun, a Ftderxl land hank :.r :,thee rrspens;bir :-,xrgrtattve ur private credit x>urcr, at reasonable rates and te_.ns <br />for loaz;s for fimdar purpusts .end pertr.,dr •~.f tune. Aorr!*wrr wdl.tpan !I[r C;:ivezrmeee's request. apply lay and accept such <br />lcpn in sutticttnt smaunt re a>- rhr nrtr and a;rv trdtbtrdnrs> >eccred ':cc-eeq~ ant t;e pas- lur anv stuck necessary to be <br />puritsasrc in a cooperative knn~ agtnzv in cesnntetivn with :ueh ir3an. <br />• It:i Dtiauit hrrra,-rdtr sl;ali c;;ns€ttutr default .,rdrr ; .;• •;ti;sr -°a, ,.,a .,r :entire any personal pr.-tprrty or other, <br />sec ursty instrumtrt held .rr :nsurtri by .^e (;ovrmmrrt anti _-<ccutrd <<r .assurne± ,r n.xrr;wer, :tact efauit under any sucE^ <br />attser srevnts~ instrecmtnt shah cvns[icutr <irfaul! herrut;r:rr. <br />:°` St~}f)tiLl~ C2EFAF'LT :;tca:r ;a the perfamtance -.:r <fisc arar .,t are .;telitta[taa sr; this instrument ut secured by this <br />instrumcre. •,r shrx:`sd tl;r nartirs narnru as 3k7rr,sw€r :{~ <.r :c ~r_,aecd a;.....,, _ -.e- .oriole any >.nr ,.~f tier pariirs <br />tamed as l3uttcawtr i>t ,lector 3 a '~aaic;•apt :~. an ,Hsu =rot ,:z mauve art ~ t~zinr :t ,r i[tnrtit c,f creditors, the Gvarrn- <br />tnrnt, at its ,fit:on, witl± ;x wrtiauut ac=tier. near: ;: ~dtcLte :''^.t rnu:r azxar:nt unpaid under the note tad anp indebtedness <br />ro tint Ciovtrnr_trr:t hc[eov srcartd unmcdiattiv drat and navab4r. 's -Cur r*:c ace:run; of ESamswcr incise a;id pay reasonable <br />ratprnses tar repair .,: mun[enancr =~f and al<t rtesssss in ->i -grratr -~r rear itr s x:pe xr. c- ::pon application by it and <br />r ~ura.c-r.. v' ~ a :na€r,;.~sra€. w:t,4=;:r; ,..z. _,a:Een~. ..a.. K. L.:>~r. r.:s...e :,' h.a..nF :,t~ sa:ci appl::a€ton, have a rrteieer <br />xppainced zar tier ptoprrty, with rite usual powers rat rcertstrt tt+. itkt <:asrs. ci; turrclasr !iris toscrument xs provided herein <br />;x by 'taw. arxi t? tniorte anv ansi all =:tttrr righu ones rrmrdtts [+rosidtd hereto ar cv present ar future law. <br />361 Tit: pratetds of iorrci.rssurr sale slsail be applied in rhr followzrsg uxdtr to rite pavmrnt ,:f: = a costs and expenses <br />incidtnt to a»fartettg ar cuxnplysng wir;r the p=crvisians hertaf, ~'_bj any prior liens etqutred by 13w or a comppetent tour to <br />bt so paid, tc! rhr deist evhienttd by the note attd all indebtedness to the Gavtrnmcnt secured hereby, idj inferior tiros <br />rf retold rtquicrd by law yr a rrxrtpetent courx tots so Paid, ',s at the C:artr[uncnt's opnan. anv other indebtedness of <br />i3ortowar mnrinp to or ittsured by lire Government, and s: f; snv 'i?alance to &oeruwer. At fucrcluaurr or uchcc sale of ail or any <br />part of lire propmtT, the Gotrcznment and its a~ttHS may bid and~urcltasr as a strangle and may pay the Government's share <br />at -`e purcFhiase prier Iry czt,~itirtg sue:, arntxtnt on anv rietats of Aom_rwn owing to ar insured Irv tier (;t,vernment, in rl:r <br />LYtlte ptestribed abo«t. <br />i4$i idGArtawCl agtrrs that the Gvvernrrtrnr will not ix bound bI. any present or fdturr Sta[e law, `a; providing far <br />vsti;€ati~n, apptaiiai, 1'aozncstraa#. i;r rxrtr.pxan a3 lire property, rba prohibiting main trnantr ~, v: anion far a dsticiency <br />jet+dgtnertt ar Iimittttg, the amount tlserect ~.r the rant wstltin wiric}t xuii5 aitmn must x bsuugtte, c, resiribing any other <br />sbtnte of limitations, di allovttnti out right of rrilentptssra isr posarsxwn fatuowing any fotaitnurr sok. ur :cr limsting the <br />etanditiotts which rhr Gt:vrrtrmtnt rnay~ E»• rs~uiatian -rnp •st, [netudtng E:e inttrt t air -t mad ihargr as a condition of <br />apptesviirg s naaaftr af' the prapert~ to a ursv diner. wry ~iorrrrxrr rapressiv waeves he lrnet[t of any such lute taws. <br />iLtsrrawet hereby rclinquishts, casves, and _.,.,n4r au ..~i.:tr, .ncitwtr ~. ;onsumr~at_, .,! dcaernt, davit:. and curtny. <br /> <br /> <br />