<br />
<br />LiSt9A-FmHA Fatirion 5
<br />Form FmHA ~L27-1 NB FOURTH
<br />THIS A1ORTGAGF. is made and entered iota by ....~A:A@_fi.}i_..It....,5.~~:~~~...s~1S~ _~s~.S15~~.~_. ~.:_....___.._.~.....
<br />---- ~---..~-r'_-~a'.~sa3'L-~i. _~ s'3t1._Taq''_`..~.._....... __-----..___..._.---•°-----°._-----.._.----°-------------°-----------`•--
<br />residing ht .-.------° Aall .County, Nebraska, witase post a€Fxe addtau u
<br />__....---RQu~-._~•[._-~~_.~~.t..__E'~a~d - -- - _ _-- -°- --_-°-----°-~-----°---. Nebra7~ta _G$~1©
<br />herein oiled "Sorrawer; ' attd;
<br />wHERBAS Borrower is indebted to the United States of Atrxtica, acting thraug4t the Farmers Horns Administsatkut,
<br />Unitt.3 States tJepartment of Agricvltuse, herein called the "Government," as evidenced by one or move promsssory nottL(a}
<br />ar asawnpcion agretmenttsl, herein caikd "note," which has been executed by Barcasjer, is payable to the order of e
<br />Government, aut#[arixts atsxltrz[san of the tntve indettttdness at the option of tht Gaverntrsent upon any tiefatt{t by_
<br />•Batrawer, and is described as follows:
<br />,~ rlsu.at Rate Due Date of Firtm!
<br />Lbte of trutn.ment i'rxncipal .lm(tuni_ ojlnterett Instathnenr
<br />February 23, 1981 $19,000.00 12.25$ Jan. i, 1982
<br />This mortgage is subject to real estate mortgage to Prudential Insurance
<br />Co. in the original amount o£ $190,000.00, real estate mortgage to
<br />Far_*.ters Home Administration in the original amount of $144,240.00 and
<br />real estate mortgage to Farmers Home Administration in the original
<br />amount cf 548,000.00
<br />it` .*he interest :ate s irss =.ftan 'tor farm ownr[ship .Sr iperatinK ?oan~ s) secarrd by this instrument, then the
<br />-----------
<br />rate may be changtti as ieroa-rdtd to thr Harr.- - - - -
<br />Anti thr note ~vsdtncrs a loan to Ro:r:,wer. sod .hr E;,~ecrrmcnt. SL ,.Ri ttme.:rtay isstgrs the rote and insure the pay- -
<br />rxr_nt t.FCrraf pursuant ro thr t:~:nsuiizirtfd Farm anci i2urai !~cu<lvpmert ,-1st. -,r Tint V -;t the Housing Act of 1949 or any
<br />axhec statute a<L•ninistnred c. the Farmcts Ht,me -~drranastra(uls:
<br />A.=ui it r, [hc pvrpux an.i uttcrt :ri rhr> ::estrrimen=. char- sntr,r.~ ~•thrr r!irn;;>, at aiI t:mcs when the note is held by the
<br />t.nwtrnnFeni. ,~r :n :ht cvrrit 'hr Government ..huuid iasl¢n '6tx :ns(: ur•.:cr±t wvt.^,++;et ;nsurance •-,t the note, this instrument
<br />>ir.il setute vavrnrrt :,_ 'hr nuts, ii ,+i,cr; sh; r;;;e '> 'u,d .s art :n;ti:rcci *:<*idrr. •h~s .ns::umtnE chaff! not secure payment
<br />ui Ac ",err ..,r attacr. •. rt .e- _vuitrxau ,~trr-..:. ':~u. ,.s . - ,.. -. ~.,~ ,,,. ire's :Hai; :nstt[;:tc an indemnity mortgage -
<br />a~ +eturr ahC Ga~er,unr±tr Kgauss(~!In> ~~n<rr :ts +nsur sole - antri<t z.a -. --_r_ ,_ ~r.r ~tr'.ac:''.,_ t;arruwcr.
<br />?n:i :hts :nstn~mcrir i~2sv ucurrs '.^c rccaCt[:rr':i .tn~ :n:crrst ~. rr~:: ~. ._~srd4 w..:c1f rnav be Granted tv the iiorrawer 6y
<br />t!tt Loa°trnmeitt pursuau( rc. +_ i..S-t.. i-i`-?Ua.
<br />~[_r1L _ r'!-i F!t.E *•4)RE.:n „u:`St+trra(ial( :ii thr :v3R's; ...... ..., a,....::r> :s Rr:: ;r:e i:v[r :s:.'d i---::n: CiUVrmrp._n4. ar 1(
<br />ttte evert Litr i;uvrrRneF, .:+.u.ti a>sr~:t rittx fnstra: Herr ,ta _,:, .x-. y. ~.,t --tt: s:nert :,2 ~. e~ic3[>. €v >cc urr prompt
<br />puvment :xt the. nti[r iaa inY ;rntu'a:s am -^_itrusie:nn [fer.-ut .r+:u 3i r:crnrrnts .utt[amcci therevt, tnsludu[g anY provision
<br />tUC Ltlr paa~mrrynt a. an }n>u[,tiffs ~3[ ,rtitt't ~'laf'zc. :r. 3[ il' SL';te+ .Vlt:rta,' .. ':l+tC 15 i:tld ~: iri IltSiiCeti 7loider, [a SCGtn'C pt[-
<br />iarntanLC r3( i]L)rt r3aVe[ > d~?rCm Cn[ h [r [ti ![tai Cir(nliti sIk(i ,3Vf :Swr r:t It iS "nC +,e,a'Cfnmen( a}~aln3[ Ittii LLndtf itS tnYlirallC41'~
<br />WRFrfiCt bi [tYbi)R VI 3Ry lttitllE :'Y I;WFVwer, Aful G; to SriY rVtnt .Gnu it ii ttrntl 't t) >tCitrt LitC ptompL payment G{ ail
<br />adk afttiCS arty' C\kc ne.l teire> :ILauC .++' t t~VYetlirrtr ift, `Ntt:t :n (t'!a>[, .sS '~CSttlEai tti .:rSC ii E''-e~-. 31t:: i•,C pert arRlafF[r a< rVtry
<br />vvtnant and ty~ctntrnt ~yt tJvtru+a-rt ,.rrntanird tsrcin ,:.. -,n anv ,uP~+ie:tscntarp arrtr[nrnt. ISvrruwer :foes hereby grant,
<br />baryon, st.?, _ut[vr+ xr,.::}aatf,R. u-itn Fir:rr.u warranty..:rit~_::t+.: ;;,;sa't:tn[rnt ;*:r :c,!iowlnh prcpcstc situated in the State oC
<br />Ntisraskr,l~aunty:,tes.•,t -- ball
<br />Northeast ouarter of the VoztRwest nuazter (NE~19S~;} of Seciori F%~teen
<br />(15} , in Township Ten (10) North, Hange Ten (10) , hest of the 6th P.M„
<br />Hall County, :lebraska, and
<br />The South Hal£ c£ the Northwest Quarr_er tS~iNW~} of Section Fifteen (15),
<br />Toi+rnship =t'en (10} ~iorth, Hange `Pen (l©} , Kest of the 6th F. M., Hall
<br />County, Nearaska, and
<br />The West Half of the Southeast r~uarte.r t`W*~SE~a} of Section Seventeen (?i),
<br />Township Ten (10} *iorth, Ranq_e Ten t10}, ,'lest of the 6th P.H., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, and FrnxA -tz~a NB xt~. ~-15.79}
<br />~_
<br />
<br />