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81--tj(1090~ QUITCLAIM DEEt? <br />WOOD RIVER HOUSING !IUTHORITY--------------------GRANTQA,incons9deea#iono#°' ` <br />One and 44/104ths ($1.041------------------- DOLLARS received-fromGRAiVT€E. <br />CITY OF 'FOOD RIVER, NEBRASK4, ~ '~unicigal Corporation-____...,_s:e_-._ <br />quitclairns t© GRA^ITEE, the fotlav~ing described real estate {as defined in nleb. Rev. Sfat. 7&-2t)1): <br />A portion of Lot Six (6}, Block One (1}, Overland <br />Trails Oasis to the City of idood River, Ha11 County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at a point of beginning at the Northeast. <br />earner of said Lot Six (61 thence Westerly slang the <br />5uutherlp righ*_-:;€-xay line of Green Street, a distance <br />of fifty feet (54') thence in a Southerly direction £or <br />a distance a£ twenty-five feet (~5'1 slang a line gars- <br />11e1 to and fifty feet (54'1 West of the West right- <br />of-way Iine of Fast Street; thence Easterly fifty feet <br />{54'j along a line parallel to and twenty-five feet = <br />('S') South of the South right-af-way line of Green <br />Street to a point of intersection with the West right- <br />af-:,°ay line of Fast Street thence tiortrerly along said <br />West right-af-way line of East Street for a distance <br />of twenty-five feet ('S'; to *_he place of beginning. <br />STF?EPr?EN'i' ATTACH€c7 <br />I ;yE$RASKA QOCUf~1ENTARI! <br />S.TA?r1P T:~X <br /> ' !'~ <, "„ <br />~ _ - _ --f-~=,fi* , r~ <br />. ~ n- <br />1 ,~t <br />..,,, tr ,~ #, 1 1 t.. \,i <br />~a~•e lhienet Chair n <br />STATE OF t+~BRASKA ) <br />) SS. <br />COUNTY OF .... ika.LL.. _ .. ) <br />The tpregarng msirume;!t eras aekr:awiedged eetare me on . 5epte>~ibe:r ... ~~ ....................... 19 ~~. <br />~y have Thienel, Chairman ~,Rq the 1v'ood Rive ousin.g Authority.. ... ...... <br />~ro)sre-t~rs~- a~rr <br />Q. .iR. , <br />el' ~. se..m. tw efrta ..:.. . ...:.:. . <br />story Pubtrc <br />My cammrssrar7 expires .... ~~ .~'~~_ .... _ ..,. ; <br />STATE ~F Q~~FR, ~ tz: ............ . <br />Ftt~4f !or -ecr>rd a+ad Brttertd in Numencat indt ~ ;,:n.......... 19 at dcte3ck , :. M.„and <br />t>~£ird~f ira f~@~t !'~BGCNd - Pc3gf; <br />C~t~ta"rty czr ticp~tY t;~?tanry Gierk~ <br />Rpcli~ter i~r" t~6 (aUtY i?#gt5t€tr +at 1~E~d~ <br />qz[~~? r:;,3-a ~ t?tllTCi.AIM pEEf1 <br />""a ~ ~ y,..~r,r t , aFx_.rrsa s .. - ~ s ~ ...- PAGE f u1 1 PAQB <br />