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MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE t.OAx NO. L 23 , 909 <br />KPlbW ALL NEtd (iY t'NESF, k 2ESEh"IS: That T`ed O. Roflksttaol and Connie M. ROOkstO01, each itt hi.s <br />afZ~. her Ohzil riCjht a2'K3 as .W,.pOl7S2 flf eaC.h OCh2Y, <br />Fifty Tl]tJUSaIid and No/ 100 Mart&~, tilestlxr one of ltmae, in t ad'tlr ~ ~' <br />- DClI.I.AItS <br />creed W ad tttnrtg~m br T'[te ~ gvdtlbg earl t..rat Aatacot~n tsf C,rstgi [dsrtd, Nab=aria, atotfp~. t~ 500 aid of a6oat of <br />aid AS4fl~IAT7t7N, Cestifrou No. L 23, 909 , do ixrehy graaL. cotttey aid rnottga;e rtma the ssd ASSQCtATTON tba 6 <br />tieauitrad real eafau, darted in lint{ (.'nrmty, ISabsasky- <br />I.ot 'lk.~ (Z) . Valley View Trird Subdivisiat in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />tt~esiter crib ab rte srnemeass, hcredsumsnrs awl apparttnantts tFxtc.:nta hekrngntg, rrtcitdirg attarlted fkrx corer. afl saisldtrrr anneal, <br />sererlrsw rltadrs. bkhrh. storm wnxltsrrs, :eammRS, tuatrng. an ,zswtnxmtrsg. arxt piumbrttg acct water agsstpmeaeand acceaasies thereto, pttmps,atases, <br />nefrygeratrxs. and M1xs tixsores and rywpaeat rxrw :>r hcrtaftrs attached su a,r cried m i~rnnsctxm wrth sand real estate. <br />Awl whexeai she and rwxsyyrrrr hn agrred awl citza itetetsy agsce itsst sht ,xrr t~agur ;!} and .vd1 pay all [aaea and aratmeats teeitd or <br />aoerad ap<ra sad prrmucs astd uprm the arxrstSatee arxt tht bend srrturrd these*s xacre tfx samr stall trecmete drMtgtteat; to furatah ypptattpd <br />erutuastrx neon the 6uikiertgs .m said prrrttgrs trt uatsd rn the scam •d E :;0, OOJ.QO paYahir to said ASSOftATiON and to rkliver to sod <br />MSS(lC1A'RON the pulx:res tar sari rrtstuanrs, aril ,xN .a ..aunrnrt .x prtxxm anv wash ixt ar aftcsat scat premises: <br />is .br .d Jefanft m the passxasanre .rt asry <st ttrc sertsa acid ccrtwisisans ai tins mwtes~e „r tits lxsad at>.vted jtateby, tfm mwtg~ee slrR, <br />t>a deaarsd, he tatrtini Ls smiredrarr p.nreawrn :>t fhr rrxuzeagad Ixtme~s arx4 :tss ;txutgagur txrehy assigns, ttasnfexs and sets aver to the <br />meripdtr alt the retrts, reavrttes asri :rtsame to t,r ,leaved tram ;Ae mex[g>gsd grsrntsas dutxxeg stsr:h t?~s as r~ t~t~ -~.tew ~~~ is-~..~ <br />uepmd: asxi sine rtrsrlgs~as dealt bass six }Rru-c: t~., astpornt any agent :rr aerrsra ,t ;va7 3ssrxe fiur the pnrpcrae at ropattst~ said prsmiaa and teetitg <br />the sash and .zt6rett+ae the artrx, avenues urd .ra.~rsrrte, nerd :t mar pry ,sot us ~ ~cvrrsr alt txpeases of rtpatritts said prsatees nerd rteaasry <br />wostl~atsax a,xt cz)arrtsra sncnartei m *tMrtiy, anss trsattagittg s!g vsne scat ,rt cv3kc^.:t>g :tntais thereiram. the itatinae rtrmamirt6, if my, to 6e <br />t{twa{dl Este :tuC.~}itge :N sasd mtntg~e ,odst ftdtxss; ?tte5i i;,~,itt3 's3 `. tle *txrr tyaitte [my ise eT,etGaaert at city tiros dwistg Che e][Wefl6G of Atclt <br />sidfaoh, :rxeapc -true afi mtv ferrgrurarv watsea of the ,arise. <br />'Thane Ptesrnts_ has~weves_ ut +tpmt tix t"~xrtu><x,, trot sl rite easel Mr,tteaer=a etut7 rtpap suet tear: <m ur ;xfarc the tmtvrt[y of sad shsves by <br />psyremt; pry tnsnthty su vad 4ti.Stk'tA Tit3ti ~.s the xrtrrt sprctfisd sn the ikrrxi zecared htreby as rnancst and pxsncspa! an said lit, tm or befaa <br />thr 7vansxeA day rrf cxh and tvery rrrxsth, mul saxi lesan n f ally park: psy air sates acid .~~~»nts kneel sand <br />ag;atstrt premises aid oo this M~tg~e <br />sad tt~ ~-srd sea~ased tP.:trify _ btftttc 3riinyta:nsy. tsunaJS anprrncd rmwarr¢ arras six husktmgy tkserwn sn ttx sore ul $ 50, 000.00 payable <br />to sand AS`Silt'lA7'tf3N. repay to sad A's`SiK'tkTitlN a#tr'n <iersrawi aif rzrosxy tau ,a tart (tx ;tats ranee, as>saaatanes star! rafatarxe askth iaterert at <br />the teasxrtttum k+{tai rHr tittrersn :rum .late of paysrrrtt ail :at whic:s 5ii<.rt~r ±xrehv a~rers to pay, gcrmtt axe waste un sad ptemtses;ka'P attd wmply <br />wdb alt rte atpsertxais and saxtdtstatrs :rs tie flexed sor S 70 V 0 ha -tau fawn tat sasf Martga~ur to cart ASS{l(:[ATItNI, awl mmpiy <br />wseh ail she rc }urtersaws of :he ('.mrttextsnn and By~t.asrs ol'~.+t~5f}(~IA f1t3N. stun tl~ss Frrtsents slsail Gecotes nail sad void, athenvtae they <br />shall rraria sn tali tiara and rusty tee tarerioxd at tie „plum a! the easel .1S.5iX'lATifiht niter iasksre tier thus ~x~~ to tttake arty ref t~ <br />paytaeats .tt he itsrer esxxstfo ars arrears rn making card rrxxuhly payrrrerr:s. ,:s su i.teg aced ;.Yrmply- with the a~rtxments aced rprtditiom at rat Boltd: <br />~ R4tsa~ig~tn agrees to lux a receraer ap(M»91ta1 tarrtlwstts sn swats iuteckssure p!.xesdin#s <br />if tlert rs nay ciHtypr m oarnrrittsp ut tttc rent tstste satutgaged tsertm, 'ry ~ :x .rttscrw~e, risen the eniae remawtttg iride6ttdoaa <br />Barad rhsB, at the .rptarm xd file Esttritatsie 9tnidnsg and t.usn .0.tasxtstrun art t:rand !stand. `iebraaka, baaxrte irmsecdiateiy due and pay~ie vitltout <br />fwther ntrtrx, aid the arwsuat rettyasxrg doe ;order ear! rased, and ant ~,t{str frxxt tasr nay addittonsl advaaces made ihtteandtr, alrll, tram ilia <br />~ arf ratvc>~ ssf tad uptax+. tsar znterrtt at tle riasuaurn tetpd rstr. sad tires r:rxtga~ tzray rhea be fsxscksaad tta tatidY the amrrtmt dos ae said <br />bs~,aed nay s~ltar tssrnd frx acitiitsosai artvanis~, taBetlvtr vrtilt aa3 snr:,s peel ny , TTx ::zissrta#rte Bisitdiag and Iaraa Aaeocafirtt rtf Grand tshad, <br />Na#~adca fur rsteparwe, tress and saartsmersts, strd alsstrartxry{ catearaese ..kwgss, wrt6 mteaa:xl tixxeon, Fr<xrt rate of <br />rttt payment :t the maaimam <br />.As ptrmdeti it tip Bond sresusa} !xteVy, xhsk tss~ mwt$a~ rerrsens m ttfais thr neortpace tray hersaiter adzranca adrlitkoaal sittm to tfte <br />tesm'trrt tsf sad letsad, ibex asrkgas or sac;~rns » rntetest. witkch sun shad t# wrthsn the str:rvsty of this tnortg~ the elms as the fiords origoaBy <br />segsssd tkseteky, the aseotnst ui prasrapa! debt =ttx sa rresed t asst' tmsc she <ssigtnai amannx nt this rtasitgaga. <br />t~A tAit 25tia ~ day :,f : ;~r;:ar: :, . l> . l v 81 <br />~ gad ` -- ~~, <br />i~ .. <br />5FA'TR t3F AFE#ItABI(A, <br />t'tldl?tTY tfi} tiAt.L ~ ~ ik'. tins asffl atay,sf Fi Gzvary te?$1 .badaavaafa, <br />the ruderargtni. a Nrtary E'nhtis ist and far said 4:asa[y, pasat+etliy aaaa <br />`7'ea t~. it~cstzyol and :: cxttsie '~t. itt~s~i. , La~Yi an iris and ~r sin ric~ht~ ass ~souw`e to <br />t~,lw#t OC1SE'L, w <br />see its ire star-t~tteai perm ~ whs>,gs ~ ~ ufisxc4 to the atxsve ~runulpt as mcttt usd <br />~~ the rand ~ensaieite to ice th~.2.r sxslnnxary act and «tsad, ~ _ _ <br />C41T'iE tier !taw4 and Nru Ssai rte date afrtras~. "d=:, _ - ~ ~.. <br />~'y t.`w4 eSilftR '~ \. <br />r~aa ett r A €?~#. tr-.7bigr ~ Sate ~ ~ t_ G''~'~~-" 1 G:. "~ ~ ~ -. :..__~ <br />