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~1--u(~08s'~ <br />YYARRANTY ®~ED <br />EDNARI) HANiH1SEK and VERA HANOUSEK, husband and wife, <br />One Thousand Six Hundred anJ no/lO0 (S1,6OO~OO}------ <br />pQB 9. HANOUSEK, <br />GRANTOR; in consideration of <br />---flOLEARS received`from-GRANTEt« <br />Cotweys to GRANTEE, the following descritred rest estate {as defined in Netr. Rev. Slat. ~fi-201): <br />Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE$) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Eleven <br />(77} North, Range Twelve (12), nest o'r !:he 6th P.Id., Hall County, Nebraska, tyre <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a paint at the Southeast corner of said Section 22, fol- _ <br />lotriilg a line due North slang the East boundary of said quarter section <br />a distance of 1125 feet to the point of beginning, thence proceeding <br />due blest at right angles a distance of 37O feet; thence due North an a <br />line parallel with the East line of said quarter section a distance of <br />39O feet; thence East at right angles 37O feet to the East boundary of <br />said quarter section; thence South 390 feet to the paint of beginning, - <br />containing 3.3 acres, clt~ore or less, -- <br />subject to enesrances, covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations and <br />east?~ents of record. <br />5T.4TEbx±E!VT ATTACHED <br />4 <br />i- <br />GRANTOR covenants rio+ntly and severally. if more than one) w+th GRANTEE that GRANTOR: w rz~ <br />~¢ w <br />(f) is lawfully sensed of such real estate and that +t s tree trcm encumbrances ~~~ ~ ~ <br />a ~ <br />0 <br />~ ~ ,~~ r <br />~a <br />{2) has fagal power and lawful authc+rsty to convey the same: ,;~ <br />~z ~ <br />{3) warran=;^+ and w+l! defe;+d ti;ie to the rear estate aga!nst the laattui cia+ms of ail persons. <br />Executed ............... F.ebrtr~try.24,....... t9 81 <br />i <br />Edward Hanousek <br />i`~ <br />~iera Hanousek <br />STATE Of ti~t!!#ASKA ) <br />3 ~. <br />CQUAITY Off ..... ~~FF~1-}? ................ . . ........ ) <br />Ttse foregoing +nstrument was aeknowiedgeo t?etore me an . ................ F.eSCUd[Y. z4, ............... t 9 $1 . <br />fsy .. K..a~d. !1.EBR. -ighllllS~K.~ .hW5kd4~..dOd. xi.ft' ................................ . ................. <br />~t <br />~- ; <br />,. ~ <br />`- Notary Public <br />tvty Commtss+on expires .. ~~"$:. f l... r ~ ~ <br />~~1)~-. ~ _ ~...................... <br />F+trad ft3r r~ord and entttr~i in Nttmertcat index vn ..... . ................ 18 .. at o'clock M., ar•,d <br />recs~ndsd in f3exA iie+cor0 - ... ~@ . - . - <br />.... <br />C:reur±fy rn f:leputy County Cleric <br />Fta~iSter err t7ep~srty si~i~cter nt l;eeda <br />~~~ ~ : wARRAil~7rr c~~~o <br />-'~ ~arr,~~,f ~ ?y.'S~~f.+~ ra `-:€,~~It &~ - _.<~., . GAGE t of t PAG4 <br />