8I-0~~~$6~ i3FNEf;1('lAKY
<br />AVi'O FIN~tNC1At, SERV1~'(zS
<br />~~~~ ~~ "~~~~` INTERNATIONAL, INL'.
<br />t;R:TNi'c)tt#4i' £!(96A01t2Q 12'f2'dt~at 2nd 3ts°aet
<br />.. a ~., .,.,...~, ..oar ..>r. ~~--,»,r .a _ yeas -
<br />iiiixty ... ~t~riiey a ~, rHilt~r Phgllita x,. ~ 1~;~~. co,~ty
<br />I ~1fs East 5t)th Street Grand Island ?~ ~~f31 jj , FRRASti:A
<br />At;REF;D RATt' lN» CHARGE ON PROMISSORY !vtrTF tXEL~liTED CONCItRRENT'LY NERE'ViTTH: 2A. par manih rm that part of theunpald-8~eaceof
<br />the Artasitnr Ftaattccd nor e~ ~ezdit[p St,t#sD: t'-i".~. pzr mamth an any-part thereof eaceading $1.OfN.F het cwt ¢xceeding 3{A~r: ltfsr menrit en.tltz-i*'e4tlaSr~er- -
<br />THtS DEET> Cil TRUST. Matte this. 1gti`fi day ~ Frei3T'tIA3"Y _., i4~. betwxen 4$~n7 ea S~Bfif~ ~.~1~Ttt is jiRdl~
<br />lseze6xafter raged 7RtsSTOR. wtfa~ address is~~~ wCa,RBt 10th fit_~iPa21t~ ',=$d._.~'~i~e~Q'a~rd L'~.A.~ iR ]~O~6Y`S ~ -
<br />~~.~__.^..__ . itaretnaftrr called TRUSTEE, whose address is._...14~.~_~$.~~~?r ~.~.3'~.B_ ~~F+g '~ ~~.~+Z'
<br />and AVC{~ i'TNANCTAL SERVTC£S tk'tE:R NATCONAL. INC-, a wiebraska corporation, hereinafter €atird $ENEF-CIARY, wtrwe addteas is
<br />32^.2 Heat 2nd Street urand Ie7.and _I~~ rv~3$Q1 - -,
<br />vtiTNES5T TH: Thar Treater GRANTS, CONVEYS. SELLS A";U W"ARP.A!dl'S TO TRUSTEE, iN 'CRUST, WITH POIVER OF SALE. the toTimving described
<br />~a `~. ....__._.-County, Nebraska:
<br />property, tdixutad in.._._.--.__...~_._.--..--_-----._~
<br />Lot ~i~ttt {?}, in dlac~ 'Thirty :3(}}, in sal Y3heeier's addition
<br />to the city c±' Grand Island, ~Iebraskm.
<br />tlsa ttzta~tn as ?'!h ~aPtt 1Qth Strtst,Grard Island
<br />tx'~lltfez ers63t ail tsttddsspty grad rmpr,wemmts now = r htrrarttn :rested thrrrt.a :tad sit s. r~r^.,, asv mry[s, s7talrc" worm cash sad blinds, and heating, tigh tittg,
<br />glwnbin(<, gas, rttx'iris_ vantziatirstt, rrfrpanizrrtt and aracaadxtnmtsttt equipment used in ~-.rnne.:ttan therrwtth. ail of which. fen the purpose of this Deed of
<br />!'rust, shag be darttsed fisturn atsd ushject to the ftnc herrusf, and the hetrdatamentc and xppurtsrtancrs pertaining to the property shove dr?scritxd, and all
<br />slseets, tase~, atiYS. pasatttex. wxrY s, wafttti~wate4 ctturaffi, riafa2a, liberties and prts~rtryrr. xiratF.xve- the. ~rnrn hr£u4c[ng ur in anywise apper.„.mng artd the
<br />reytniuns ass$ rrmasadcrs, aH tr4 ,eau`.!{ is r>~-r reA in~Rerctttaft€i ~_ ~ttE "proatrra,.
<br />TO NAVI~: ASD 7t# HOLD ahr atxa n.F taro. ~ apgu, nsnae4 and ttsti - ::nt.= :hx sold ttenrltcrary. +t. wccaswrs and assigns, iorevrr, fur
<br />•a#de~s.~ll;pt+erritses_ wst#- she rte
<br />t;i 'rurp;%=`= :.°-'a. '~ :~xrxm ;; '•..fIR,-r.:_.` r,v.,,; ,t; ,,,arts a.td t.=n%:_t:, sneer .n i ~n .~- __ ,i any- 4{.,r..estred f~.tirnspuern L,tws a,f fhe S(:ttr uF NeMaska
<br />wttit;tr nuY tae enacted, whack sold rgdtxs ant txrsetits the sand Trusrut &us hxrxM rs•, pressts •rieavr and wasvra.
<br />Teasley also asaitgrts to ?~+*=fu.-aary ati rents, cspaes arn7 psettts ,-.f utd ,censors. r-rxrrurg the r[~tt to wliact and ua€ tSm solar. wi[h ut without taking
<br />ptnaesutra ref ttse premises. du•rxag crsnttnusrx-e ,5i ~:?ufr hcreumirr. and donna :onrmuanex .+t arch default au4harizintc Betxef7€iarY to rn[et upon vitt
<br />paext4ses asd; ar to .rrtteet arhl e;rfar~e the ~.: - ~<haut regard ru xtrqua y .,t any w'a~nrrty t+:r +hr mdebfedrsess hereby sexur€d t+Y anY ~=wfu! mra.;. i;,c3ndin#
<br />aPppsatmrnt of a Wale lacer rn t~ !~me a[ M pa: tY ..= zrv. _ . ;tyi .ttr same irsa cc.ts and expenses ut opal«nan and ul:rctx>n, mciudirxK reasonable
<br />attrxneY a fens, upon anY tttrhMrrtnass arrwd hrrchY. in can tt ,+rder as Rrnrti_~tary 'na: dctr:;nmr.
<br />€'OR Tt#E [M_rRPO$k Of SECZ:Rt?MG- r I t Parhumarr.:r .ti cash aarermrm ~,f truster .antairred ltrrxrn: t_st Paynsrnt ut the pnnt-rpai sutra wtth
<br />.^~.e.'.~`. as ~d ~ r$an•-'e sh tt?. rfs?+<s atsd pruyrauns .xi a Ptami>kx. ?ue.rr Ivan ~eranrrtt thereanattrr referred to as "promisxsn
<br />pate"1 tttsee6 ~F'ebrue.,_._~."_1~' 1~1 _--. ~~.~.~__= ttrxeweth esravred hY irustar eyed payable to the
<br />. ..--F.__.T .A __-
<br />,=t its final ~ meat due an_~BT~tL~a-~-_.___r
<br />rxQez uE" BeaettcavY, is the pzascipal .aorta et 't_'_~~n •_r_1..._._~__, cad having tar sate pay
<br />__ ut as r5landed. dr4trred ~x resr.'hrdutcd !+y rrnrwa) yr rstrr[ante. r3i Pay areal :sl any addits<mat .idvanrrs, wtth tntrrest
<br />ftsMeee„ ai ~p hpestttr fx hraareal ny fisnreCnsuy eo Tnzstar to a tnaaanum sum at S't~d2ttt) within H) veers i:am the date at this Deril of
<br />Ttswt; tA) 7Tae payment of aaY rttcurey [fast tnay >< adranird by the 8rneficiarY to irusu>t tvr any :ras<m ar is= third paellas, wish interest thereon, where the
<br />9fA~llia itY a~e8 tar protect t}ve su~xriry ,tr m au;n:djnce wRry ri>; cxt.enan s> r+r thrs i]ccd .,[ Ttv.ct: !`t ,iny renewal, rzimsncmg ar e-siv^nsiun ,?f said
<br />pxsny zuue, ax say at~r siSraea~at ?~ pay whscta Weep ise wrhstitvtrd ttsrrct.xr.
<br />AJg~Y` auatta tsseu3e by Ttuatar +xr the c>hizgazwn secured M ears fAard at Trust .}tats tx applied m the tollewing order.
<br />FIRST: To r)sa paymeas cat raaas and asarssnrxnrs that ,:say fe krysed and asarssrd attainst sauJ ptemssrs, msurartcr presnwms, repairs, and a!1 exh€r .barges
<br />aad to lee paid bY' ttxe Traat.,sr.
<br />S~~ To tiw paymaat u! iatarest dne as saW 3.-wr
<br />TtUItD: 7a ttte paymgna cu( piuscgtal.
<br />Tip Pt~'ITfs''T '[lt£ S~Y'l~ttY #!.'RExJr. TRtfSTJl;t51 t. iJY"#:iAieT~ iSt3 A<sRE-E.S t t) €<> [rep sxtd premsscs insured -,re,amri fns> by !ire earl ut}tt[
<br />wwAty aqy! :~uesrq~taatins uF fv $fc told .-aloe ~t aU tmpr..,vatasraas tan rhr prexrcnun ,;`. lirnetrcurY in such manner. m such antaunrs. ~mi sa soh
<br />c as ~ nsry Pram time w tisse aptxcw~. and rhos case praeserds [less rspease of coHectian) dtalt, at tieaefEci~ry's aptrott, he appi~~.pa~ seed
<br />bt~pMS, w Est w n®t .w to tsar rssrcuazri,n ;+t raved rrszproyrmetszs. !n rsrni rtf lens Tssesrar zilk give rmrnrddrte Warier by mail to [he liertePrciarY.
<br />sedan rszrts preai s! loan d trot [trade prarr:ptty f'Y irus:nr, and each mssurarx~t ~ampanY =,~urxrsnrd is hereby aatharizrd eyed dixertrd to make parmrrt[ car
<br />tatsA Ies d9recrtY w [9e Ttpmttcaary rsaeead ,a{ to tar Trusbur. +:.t Te ;•~as. all taxes azrd spn-ut asseasntents =~t ,tap kzrai thax hour lien ur may be tevitd oz
<br />e seed t and •n dadw+nr_a to BerxrCtcsarr, u¢rm ns~sr the 8eaet'xtu}, the ot7u:~1 ruei¢4 ahaain{t payment ui aU wch tears a:ud
<br />afgaYateaLS~ {t} lit $e rrxas cr3 Aefauf: tsy Yrvstar :order Paragraphs ! ,- ~a?rc:r°e, Beaefictary, a! its opiso;a, may tai p6ce stud.krep sen:h msuran:r aMsus-e
<br />.`~ d furcYe ;~ t9r ;da us t~ Decd ui T€usr and pay rise :_asu,-ttl~ pcrmtu~ms awl charges thrretur; :yt pay aU cvid taxes and as3essmenis
<br />st3 ~ toe t ~ rv?~mtf, cad tct Pay an~x €ieas oral all wctr dzsix[rxtsxetsa allot! ivc deerzzard a pact „t the mdrbtedaets +~currd tsY thix Deed of
<br />Tegrt teYd atril iti ae+Y sure autd pxfc8ia h} ~:r~rtvr .~ sSz:se3.-~. 435 T'c `xCrp ::-t rx;,.drtx£s sad -; n's -rtF.rrxart;;en,4 n^q . -tz.••Sf r•r rtematt.,_•i
<br />aditFtl4~ !e. fO7ldia[aa cad retpeia, dot to c+~rnau ur svitita any wore .x any use ui saad premises contrary re rrstrir[iuns at rea:ord nr c:unttsry nt ;aw. ani}
<br />i p~tats ~ ra awter at rtt xatasrtttaWe canes far tbt purpsvar ai tatpacttng the prenx~es, cwt ru reut•ave ar derwdish anY huitdtni ?ttrrrsm, Io restore
<br />pser cad ha a dlnaad uatd mMaer anp CasdcEtais wtzei~h ?nay dr damaged :~ drsn~ried lxrrrvn_ and Ira pay. ahen due, act claims t<.t labesr
<br />(tom ,au/ tsotayaUds fxtuaetAast ttstsuka» 43t 73ta4 ice mitt nay. ¢rxenyrdY Ilse ua3ebftdrzass urs,urrd trrrebv and pertirtm a!t ostler „trtigstirne in full
<br />`~ ~ ~ raffia art aced Prayassar>rY 'rota and thsu tyred set Taut. %5i Ttsai the collar rte` ya}n,ant ut •:hr indthtainess ttrreby ~sarrd. -.- s[ any
<br />pa~aei ~. taay ha raseasiad yr reaeared, asxt any purtsrrn. <xf the prrntlaas htseux dtscrstsad may, wtth cur n.itux, f>e released from the ilea heresxf,
<br />tae sfitlefiiit tYu paraoteai tai at say peraan .rr the prsaxnY <f ?hn {>red ,rF i-uit +?~+ The hr dues ieereb. tc,revrr uarrint anal wUi
<br />aNda err{ psMe~t f~atttp( a~,siant ttxc ~satai ctsizaa of anY cad act petsazns wtatsaravaz.
<br />t7 9E;1VOta'#t1JAt~$ iRf ~Mwi:
<br />{~} RleaMi! rector Ctl# t+a matte ae9r paysasat iE do. am a: a- resaus prwsstad, .ss ai aaY asszUn u[ pnsieeduxg xs ,: usnasened whna rnatsttattYaiTeuts
<br />~y's Pia:: m °.. t6-a ~ fvzrk. „ xi;bw.4 i=~da ~ •.t vs+ sat - 3d .c~sth::ut avtve :, ar, qtr-nand npcxt 2'nss. *r, arxd
<br />tl~Oat edam 4zrtaaoe lives ap# oGtiRstsc+[z ~reunr7et [.ray rnya t da the setae, anA map pay, pun,hast. acrn sect ua cumptixrusr xny cricumhran r :riae;[t
<br />Erz i~ar4 it fir 'r~t r7d sritAat apprata tss :fr, et rri3 cur pea+> -aryl its etsrctlsEpyt lay quit (rev ors- mar atsy tiaAii%tg atsd efpreut wlfeirver ata<aszirrs [n
<br />~ abltatit` ili0eratioas ~ ~ to raaaaa .ai.Nser l#ar dttesa rSek'4u5'i6'i ^txvmit s, AR stsnas sty xnsu?r~ t •_x rspandad hY Rend lGtar - r Truster ~ttail fa
<br />del ~ lae.aad psgrab'k by Tftsssr3'e, ttsal€ bEV tietsrtat at due hegtrsY raft t>'rnustrd os- taw, amt shalt ttr ar.:urcct her,-t:y-
<br />t~3 t h# ~ laars t~ ;ee Fft'cfh by remeua ref mY :asrsk-~ati~ ¢rxres:usg, Ete,zaftiiiary <3a~i he +=w-atrt#d tat ati a"ams~a-,vttlwi, awrssdj
<br />:atrtF - IOatt/auCitt tbwaatFarr_ aai Ha imBt3t s1M4.tamrt ttR direr - accused t>cA6btr-
<br />F.~ ~ K ptUrelalYt »Y _atgr riWi taN#M(r atl'fisea~ atsscr iii dra .:zt y4'!et the ftd~tt :=-v n,.iKr ..t driaulr acct ~,q air -t - -veil i4snc "iesaty f`a`. n;,t
<br />sir iOx m ~~ srdtaee daa[ sat' all ut7iea sraaa eat l~=rs*vd, m tv 4s~.tx diHaazit t N t.siun t s . ts,t«. -a r. d :...cad u tsh tFtn• . .ae ..Haler
<br />ally aankl 4aihee sat acct sal yhcpi~ r8r. sald,:C~t ~laY a'iFntd tOS~sia.rd sawl aadastE4edrte~-Ir }{.rraicaxrw t+.rtda sH.y sL3ttr. anal uc~u.sty t.,a aisi~ ~ht4p.tr<:n
<br />iagsX3_ i• asad aafrxr +.tsa seta ttrrrawut` at frs ttpttaa, satSiat bafsr.*s, cgntarnpsstatt?yxrxts wtth, att. ttrr. h- is nw;,lr r.,~rrund.-•
<br />alRatt# 4MRY, a fly RdC EMEYa[#.adMt#NY 131AM 6i1rYf
<br />