<br />81.~t.~E-~~35~
<br />rtolCtit~.AGis
<br />hH3RTGAt3F- t.OAN rio. r. 23, 907
<br />iirx`"iwftiiirsisain°fiiriau:strritn~:'i`mtt will:.iwn 1''. f~iis as";;3 Vii'tjlaRia M. :I2LST.i..9, 1 1C3 hi$ a~
<br />her 04d1 right a[u3 aS sjxAlse O£ each Other, , witethet oae rn atom, is aatmidatati~ d tlr ~mof
<br />iosisd W rid d~at~r by TFa !•'st~-isst+3e > assi Lttsd Asaactiat!an of Grated Is°.a~E, !vebraaka, 99atta, ts~oa 1,fl0 sharaaaf t+of
<br />said A3S~CIAT19l7, Ctxtititate No. L 23 9 7 • do kRb3' Btu, ~3' std tsttsrtga~e peso the acid AS~CdA1701~7 tba f6Yrwitt~
<br />daaa'6ed tai eNate, siltWtd ®th~ Cortolty, ~!~r~ta:
<br />LCYf 'L~TPY-SIX f 251 Iir' RAVE S[k~IVISICiV, SEIi~
<br />s1 ZiZACi OF` Id.T~ Gti~9PRIS2NC A F~zTT OF' TSB S~fJ"iI~ HFiI.c
<br />~' 3i~ S47UII£~~AST QLJAF?'lII2 (S~aEal ~ SA'~'I~i 'li3TR2'~N (13) r
<br />'IS7~$v'SHIP F.LEV~1 (i 11 off, ~~ :dZ*iE { 91 i•7EST ~' '~
<br />52ft P.:~i., IId glass, ~[ZNTY, ~ASKA.
<br />to~etha sash aY the zeteeaxau. ltrredMaeneats std appwieaaaaea ehneureiu Mknrytma, mdudiag aCUCiud floor amtittst, a9 LtlladaY atxa+ts,
<br />viadtwir shads, bhrda, taorm rendtran, arrtmq, heatdgt., ur cuo 1.uissmrut. and Ptombiu4t snd waxer cstuiPmaut sad ~otattriat rheeeta, WmPa,atotex.
<br />rtlrtAaraton, and suhn fixtrdxs aed egatpsteni now <x herrafim attached in w usrd m Ymrtcctina vnttt sad real estatt.
<br />Aad rttercas thr std tmri6egpr+ ha agreed and ckses hereby attrre that the r-riurgatvx shall ar;G viii pay alt taus add aaea®eau levitd of
<br />attte~ad upod ~ preme:s and upon thu enortiegte std six ixend secured therehs tsrierrr rite same sita!1 beavrtx dtsiiayumt; to furn»h apptaaed
<br />taa¢aaa>c teppn the 6toldittda asst sad prt>nucs axfuatesi to ehr sssm.,t S lO, OOO. GO nayatdt ro said A~StX:tATItNt add to eielivar to said
<br />AYSOC'iAT7t7l+i six prdrnes fcx sad letaerattce, sad exu is atmmtt ,x pcrttut anY waste ~,a or altout sad pretoiaea:
<br />in ~ ed defatdt m the perf~ .mas+s Gt any of the temp arri rcasdttsxes of thu recut ur tF,e bold stewed hereby. [he rttoA(;agee dnd,
<br />ea deeaamd, tic eadtittd to tttsmednte pctataratr ..i rite rnortys~ed prem»ea aaG rite raw hereby segos, «amSera attd trts oritr to (tle
<br />rmat~ee a0 the rmu, revenues sad tourde to F,c dcrneG from the raortRateni pre[ntaet Guri,tE sdctt ttttar as tree rrawt/p¢ mdebteddeaa aha8 tt:IDaia
<br />: and the s}r$ issue the pr.rrr io spgrmt arty epees srr agtdta rt sassy dears for tttt ptrrpttae etf tapes said ptamhrs sad reetios
<br />the amc a~ notiori~ the reseta. teseosw~s adt# itaor~at, and ii ~t peY c~tt cd ~xad es all czpedsea of segair~ sasd psesaaes t~ tt~y
<br />aed rzpWactt tatarred m rsssay{ sad , the ssrne add .,t ;:rtieC.sgt renters therefrom; the br!aaoc 'e>, if ray, to be
<br />~toratG ttg d .,t sad mcR<t ,recdncs. these s~teta ~ the :rr<xt~r stray ttc cxtrcisd ai ao7' time dwiLg w'". cs[isteme of welt
<br />dds~, uxes¢testtar of axy ttmppary rarer ttf the seats.
<br />-!7ttse iTreamts. lydw2acr, ate ulxm the c<soeLtam.-iTtst ti rise seed %cutyrpur sttsii rejay seas! #uaa ua rx tzta¢ the mr:tuity of >~ ;lutes by
<br />pryment: pry oirattFdy tee ssd Ah'Stlf.'fArtt2*f ~f ttx am; speaaliM! :u ttx Itord secwed hereisr sa tattre:t sad ptistiyrl on and faew, on or bafae
<br />the ~esestsitih s3ay tv reels sad eery rnutth, unti3 sent koa» u frdy Pty: Pay ail teats and sarrasmonts levied agsdnt add premises add on this Mortpyt
<br />std the 8itet4 sanded ttxrrhy, befc.~rc rielaxtderxy; furtaeah apprasett atgaastn ttpm tix hvddetgs themm N tlst atrm of S j O oOO OQ P~'~e
<br />io raid ASSOt_tATitl'H, rc~y to sad atSS£X'!A'!7tNt uftC+a Grsradd a8 rtusaey !'X rt paid for such taxes. assemtieau sad m~ttraoce~witb iatatesa at
<br />the taut~an rate thrrsbrt ftuxn drte of paymexit all of whtrie 9lort~ex hereby trgatas a pay; perttrii tur waastee oo atttd ptetdaes:keep add txxtrpiy
<br />aMh aH thr apeaeaeat.s sad r,vntdttitmx stf the Mond !"~ 3 10, Oflt7.OO thu Gay ftvea by thr ad Murt~pr tct said ASSOL7ATIOlY, and aoesgoiy
<br />t~ -- o: thet:u~ts-utsua and ~la..s of sad AS~~iAi'ti}~t: thrn iiteve pteaeoca shat! b«oete nteli std void. utherWife they
<br />~ retmat st S~ t~cc and ;tmy ex krta,~ittaed at tee optuea of ~'u sax! ;kSi{]C!A'T3CTY afar failutt foe ilttte ttx>tttha to tefka arty of said
<br />gayptimta or 8e tterar mttaths m utws m ir>altaetS sad truath& payaetnta, ,x to -etp std wia¢ly wrth the agrecmeau a~ txtdditioas of said tlond;
<br />awd ~ atgeae to hex a eecxssar ap9teaeotesi Scathwnh m such fn:e~kssete {astc-ted~Fa.
<br />if shear m tt^y ~ m rd the red setae rauatpptat berets, by arir or ntherroe, thm the etHire rtes hemby
<br />ateaead ahrY.. tl tree epitwt of The f:,gtitiahEe &sidis+y and;,oae Assocatnte ut sassed iaimd, Nebeaita, beattoe itmotdiateiy dde sad pttyahie tsithottt
<br />fratdtn exttitc. sad the teatatnat rte One topes std band„ r>~ say fxher bold fw any adttitioaai sdtasntxs taa~ thtmtoder, sha0, ftt~ the
<br />drag d a~~ td acid o'ttea= era aaetrett[ at tier imaxsarem ie~ rrs.:~ the tdwtpee may that be fotedaaad W stffy the amotmt dae oa still
<br />Aaed.aad say ,tthm 6+neai fetr atf~tioaai adaaesea, su~Fiaet eaKh all tads prd 6y said 'Cite F:yrtitabie 6 sad I.ma Aaaorittioa of Gradd Wwd.
<br />Nrhaadta tar trrwares. taaax add attaASasatta. aer! sbsttsctatg ntsxursn c!eargcs. with interest theantttt, from Gate of paytdeat at the rnxisttwn
<br />ln7d tsar.
<br />As piavnied m the Hood aocurea9 htxcity wtttie thn mxt6rife remaraa m effect the nYttt~e may hdea(ta advadec additioMi stem to the
<br />tttttEers stf said lased. them assi~s.re arcesanra ~ entcrcat, wfwde team shad he wttitet iitr sraurity of Lich mostaagt the same as the fttttda otig'tmily
<br />tesaerd tbr4a-y, itts tolak a :sf dam! asx [n cx,2ed at ~.tty seas the extsmai amowst of tisis tnust~e.
<br />e .~ [71atr+sitiwt ~4t}S dais,af E't-'*LZi3aI~f A, f).. t9~1
<br />W ~ ' z,,,~.,~._,
<br />ras
<br />Vit>f¢3.isit~ ;~. fiatrris
<br />STATN~~I~~AS. ~ $. cid ties 24th ~y "f Febztia nr i° 81 , trefcxe tna,
<br />;hr ~, a t~ataey Ptsttkr at and for acid t:otmty, partediy
<br />Tdiili~nt ~ . tS~rias astd Virginia ±t. 33ai"rt;i, ih in his ana her own right atTr3 as spt~tsg o
<br />&XtaC31 T s rho are paatmiiy kaotve to
<br />tae to Aa t9r sdeaa+te! ptasue g wise tome 5s 3rd sff"amd tto- star abox iastil~adt as tS asJ they s
<br />the said ~ to he f~i.l" vatieatary act and deal. _ _ ~-
<br />1Yt~ ray tared sad taaasati Seal the GtNC d+daaatiti. 9 _
<br />lMf t:aerrlat.ew tttgsw _ -
<br />R < rti ;,~ as`3N
<br />