~soR~acE t $I- tjt-D$53
<br />This Mortgage is entered int9 between Arnold C Wenn and Linda C Cdenn
<br />__j~,r~b~tt~_;p~, Wife _ {heroin "Mortgagor") and
<br />Five Priints Bank __.~ ~ ,{herein "Mort gee"~.
<br />~ is indebted to Ltortee in the orincipak sum at $ .$.,,.~~g ,evidenced by Mortgagor's Hate
<br />dastd ~, 2! 1 $1 ~_ {berein "'dote"1 providing for payments of principal and interest. with the haltinca of the
<br />~, it not somrer paid, due acrd payat~ an `.SaX 14,,_j 981
<br />To secure-the payment of the Note, with interest as prorided therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />advantxd.by Mortgagee to protect the sRCUdty of this Mortgage. and the perfotmutce of the covenants aad agreementa.a4
<br />the- =tortgagor contained Kerlin, :iiortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgetgee the fatlowing tteacri6ed-
<br />ptopeety #ocated in itu7 7 _~ _._.._~._ County. Nebraska:
<br />Lflt t"irte Hundred Five ;lt)57 is Buenavis*ta Subdivision, an
<br />Addition Co the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Tagrther wtth ati 6ustdin~, tmpnsretneatS, tixtutr:., .crest;,, aitey:, passageways, easements, ruts. privite~a-and.
<br />appurtenaattaes ktcated LKeewott or ir. am wue penatnsng thereto, as;d ihr mnu t~ttrs and praBts. taversiama and rers~deva
<br />thereof; indudiag, but not timttrd tu. Keating and r«tiing equipment and ,ur#t prronai prnperty tttal b sttictred ttritte
<br />'tnea:s sa ~ ttt eanstttute a hxturr; ail stt uhtrit. anriud,ng repiaretttenta and additions-thereto, is tiesrtry_dar;t:red - -.
<br />to be a part at Etta read catase ~cuxaxt by the tin at tltrt .°,tortga~ and ~It <tt tK: faregoirtt; toeing retorted to herein atrttre
<br />`may=~
<br />Sxt4regftfor catcher ccutwnaats and agree+.. wsth '.43art,aarr•, as tathrun:
<br />t. Paytaeet. I'a pay the indetttedrtcsa and the Fnerrrat tttere^an as yrostded in this Ltartgage scut Ehe I4ntte:
<br />2 Tittr. Mstr4gagor rs the owttrx at the PropPrtt, Eta the r~gpt and atttKority to mortgage trio Property. ta4d
<br />vrarrartts Yh><t. th. #kn ~'n+atnt here!+#~ ,s b r„.ems ...d nw.,. a...n .~.. tk.. fksuanrsr eY.-rpc as trtaV ctheravi~ tr~set torts UefetR.
<br />-'the Property ~ subject to a ti#r_ taw wh.•rrna _ _ _.__._.-.~_.-----.-.~__._____
<br />the Mort{ttgae, nr+coaded at Book _... ---, _ - , Faer =s: thw 3fc.rtaage #trcards of ___..___}_,.,~.._.~._Couaty,
<br />!rte' a, wtfSgtt Mgrt ss a :tea prtar to t.~se strn crc~tt•d tsrn>m -
<br />`" t9ther petar {iota ar eneumimacxw: ~ _
<br />~ Tlauia. Aaaaasmeetta. To pyy wKrn due ail ux€~., aprriai assessments and ati other cltarSes against the Property
<br />acrd, ttpo® written data>rsttt by gs+', to add to the payments. required utWrr the 'Vote secured hereby, srch amount m
<br />tgtry be auffrasesrt to eiuhte the 3loztgagee to pay sur#r taxes. as~vstments or otKer charges as they become due..
<br />;• tom. 't'n keep the imprarements now or hereafter toasted on the resit estate described hereitr insured
<br />agamat ttfNa~e try fire a>!d stttit otlsrt Karards as :Actttgagen may require, m atrwunta and with coropanivs at'eeptstbie W ttse
<br />7tztat~gageR, trod witK #txa payable to the ~fa'igz~ee_ In tax of t~ Hader such policies the Mortgagee is autkociaed to
<br />artjast, c+aite+rt read ecrntpnamifie, is its diarteiian, alt e3aims-tKereunder at its rote option, autharizedto.eitherappty the
<br />S$ to the tYwtozaftoe: of the Frogertl' ar upon she irtdebtedtte~ setaaetd hereby, but payments hereundersttali cast
<br />tie- malt ~r-.strbesaeczua 3 hsmts'I anz paud m full:
<br />5. G t?ar Tortta ~ Kam. NrK+vitKstattd#ngaaything remained [n paragraphs 3 a~ 4 hereof W she
<br />tom, ~ stroll pay to t~ Moshe at t#se tines at paying tKe monthly inSta#Irrtent9 nt pr#tleipd intr~aSt,
<br />watEih crf t y i~Yas, aawe,:snes~, ttasaid insuratte±r premiums, aad ground rents iif arty: whieK tnay att~u a
<br />y twee fhb aRwt, art r reASanaWy estttAatad trartx tune to time b}~ the Mortgagee. The amounts so paid short be
<br />trt#ef 4y tfie ,1fte wtttitast ietarwst surd applieaL to the payment at #iie tixms in respect to which suett amounts mere
<br />da!pa~eet. The stmt paid to ~ tterenatskz are p{eEt ~ additional security for the indelstednesa secured by thts
<br />i4iar. ~akw~ psy to Mortsyve the artsottnE of any dettetency brtweert the actual taxes, asaesttmenea, insurance
<br />and t znnttr aed the deDuruts taetrhup~rx wtthis 3t1 days after demand is made upon Martgagrtr requeatdng
<br />~.
<br />8. :-~ ofd Use, Fv psx+rstptt}' twtrair, ressatse ar retwttld say tauildtngf rx #mgrovemetiEt now ar
<br />tin ttsa ~yi pa tht tttvrperty is saos3 r~ xspait, wttttrstt nasty, and rase from tnexthanb<'* w
<br />rafkrat tit ~y sst6taz8tnatart to t~ lisps here€sf: not is sE+ake, zuJttrr oz permit any nuisanee to axtst, nor to dimfrw
<br />-'alit ~ alatr"_ dam: stdstst-art # Pftiryr'r'tY trY +tay art tar szrttit to acct acrd" tU- rxtmt+#*,' with at! tequiretttents of #aw witK
<br />tttt P4raptzrk.
<br />