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i <br />- ._... .a __ .._ -_ .. ..-. _~. _ _ - --,_ -_ - _-... <br />i pS2•A-REAL ESTAtE~ft1©RTGADE-(With Tax Clawe) Rev. rT9 Huftman and Felton 8 WoH. Walten. fk. 66161 ~~ <br />t t <br />j RtQO'V9 ALL AiEhi BY TAESL~' PAESEN'I`8: That t~ <br />tit Rabart R. .8rorrn and .rloria 3rotRfn,- Husband and ~:dife ~ <br />f of ~ia31 County. a~ state of iIEZ'b3sk3 , in consideration ot'the stmt-~ _ <br />Twenty Ties tl~~usand and u0f3~0 - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ . D(3LLA128 <br />i in hand pahl, do hereby SELL and COIetVSY unto <br />$fiT11C. Ga ,riGXL"i.~I13tf ~ - <br />ed Hall cnttrttY. state ~ ?. ebrasi~a the folltiaving tiesca7ted 1~ <br />is - County, and- sttaLe at . -to•~it: - k - -. <br />A TRrtCT QF 1.ANb CObH~NCING AT A PQINT FOU& HUt+IDRF.Q FIFTY Ft~J:R (45k•.Q) t <br />FEET EeLST OF THE S~JT~FPEST CQ1tD1ER OF THE SOUTHEAST- QUARTER OE SF.CTIi3N• , <br />FIVE (5), TOWNSHIP HIRE (9) NQRTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE 6~ P.1~,, ~I <br />ZN HALL COUNTY, IdESRASitA, I~TNNING EASTE,2LY ALONG THE SECTIOAI LINE- O1~E <br />F~JNbi~D TTY FIy~E (125.0) FEET, THEPICE '_QOKTH AT RIGHT ANGLES QNE <br />HiJDi~fREt3 NINETY TWO (192.0) FEET,. THENCE WEST AT RIGHT Ai+TGLFS ONE- HUNQHE~` ~~ <br />CITY FIVE. (125.0) FEET, THENCE SOUTH AT RIGHT ANGLES ONE HUNDitED btIl+t$~Y: }~~ <br />TWU 1192.0) FEET, TQ THE PZr1CE OF BEGINNING, BEING A PLAT OR GI~3UI~ 1:25.3- F' <br />FEET BY 192.0 FEET, ALL ZN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASf{A. _ <br />The inter[ion being to mnvey herehy an absolute title in #ee simple. indudin~ aR the rights of homestead and drsoret: <br />i Tt? HAVE Af~#D 7't) HOLD the pn'rrti.~s ahtsve descrxhed. wxtit alt the appurtenances thereunto belonpin6; unfa the---eod: <br />urnrtxaReeisl and to his. her e,r their heirs anti assigns forever, p:tn-ided ahvays, arxd ih.`_ pre~mts am upon--tho ezarer <br />.- ' rnrr3itiam that if the said rrmrtttattortsx, t»s. her or their heirs. r-zecvtors. administrators ur assi~rxs shall pay oa tams-. to' be <br />paid to the saw nutrtgagce(si. his. tier or their heirs. ^*_ecutors. atErninistratars or ~gns. the pziasipal sum vl $ tel. r ~~* <br />payable atildla+,va, ux :Yit: ~~ i^ C2 Y3~ u115 II y«r@ v .ice ~h8 _ 3uE O? 15'~ dt12 61 QY' 1}BfOre <br />.tl.~i3c"i ~°.jy L~s 31• <br />a,4'r :r.te arx~rding tzs ='xe isnc.r arui ..,.-.~-..,. ttx rsrtg~;s~ z .t3~-n praritssz:ry ra-# ;~rng aS-erx date -a:th thzse presaa`s- <br />~ shalt pay alt fazes amt usse:sttrents tevsrxi utx>n :,axd r d ..>, isle. arxl aif .,titer taxc~. it?vi~ aril assessments levied upon thin <br />- mortguKe ~r the trvte ~whic#t this son MUatte .. ;fin en to °xaure, ixfur.- th:; titter f stamen detitiquerit. atttl keep t~ latiktinga o0 <br />- said prc*niens in~tretl fur the sum .s# tcrri. ,# anv..myatxle to the said t~rEgaRee, then these preseofa <br />i tU trE vt+td, uthararise u, it arsd temaia ,n tali turce- <br />IT IS FtxR'i'tl Eli :\t:R1P:D it} That xf the• .+aitt murt~a tier +hait Iat# t~ pay aerh tazc~ or prt>t-un such iruLU[attee, the <br />mitt mortttagee m,ey try - ~ ,~ -- ~.. - ~- ,,:. -„~.. :..r,v. »«..... ...~; 3 iE~. -'-' _' ?,±v,~nt~..l. xith intere-st ai Z 3 Far <br />cent, shall t>e tepaa3 by ,~irct axsrtgagur. ~snd tlxt~ awrtgagc+ ~.turlt wtsr;.i az, +ecurit~ frrr thr :sine. (2) ThaE s failure to pay suY <br />i rd said manery, either pt-irrcipat ur interest- when ttxr ;ante !?aa:s.mea ,luv, ur .e fadurr to tvmpiy xith any of the foreROieig <br />atprearnenta. shalt cause the wituie su.nx vt rrtunry hrrr:u .~ vred to hrcz;me ~;ue srtd ttdiectible at once at the option of tlm <br />! moA;irgan. <br />i gYp'ted this ~~ day aE ~ = i?T'1135' f iY <br />! v f,; <br /># In prs~'ite.`e of _,~ ~ ~ <br />..... <br />,. ., =.f <br />~- <br />( _ -. <br />S!'AT2ti (3F _ ... $li1JT85143 ............ . :~u3ltty of Hall . <br />T1~ fo+t+P, iptttrttttment was seisrtowi~gcxl before rite FebzUdZy..2~.8~ . .19 . $~ <br />box .G~,~zfa.Er.~r? .~rf~ Robert R. Broa,m <br />i = ., <br />11ww ~.. r. ...... . <br />~ Signature of Person Ttakittg Acknowledgment <br />4a's.itr.tte.t7<t N4t1~;y. ~~L~.C. ... <br />'Citle <br />: oxeafis arr.. , ..._:_ ... ........ ........ ................ .-; Snterod nn numerical itidez a~i Ctkd far reea2rd i :: <br />' s sty is the Fdsitister vt I)aeds O~xe of said C.ouatF efts <br />', .__. . .._..., +iL- _. tN-- .. ae. -- o'ciotdc aai1., minutes .-__ -,- ....M., <br />•rd rpaatYi~ Ni ~irxtlt.._.._... __......... .oP..... _ _ - ..... pagyr ............ .. _.. ...__ . .': <br /> <br />1~. .7t Dseds `: <br />Hy.. - . _ - ..UaFtitx <br />,_. . , ~ ;a <br />