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4,3-6URYIYORSNIC QUIYCLAIM DEEP Felon 4 Woli Comp~nrr Lincoln, N~6r. <br />SURVIV4RSNIR QUITCL/~iiM DI=ED ~j~1~{-~?845 <br />hetabaldd and wife <br />Earl G. Grlsinger b HyrLle B Sriiainger,/ ,herein asllecl the grantor whether one. or more;. <br />in conxideration of One dollar and othar valuable consideration - <br />received frnm grantees, does gnitclaim. grant, bargain, seii, convey and ooa5rm tmto <br />Kiehael Galvin 6 Marilyn J. Galvan, htasband and wife <br />~ joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real <br />propert}- in .........................$at1,...._......................._....... Coamty, Alehraska: <br />Lot TEn (ZO} in Block 'hren tv Rine (29), Packer b Barrsa <br />Second addition to the City of Grand r_slatxi, Hall County, <br />*lebraska <br />~:EB~ASKF Dt~CUI;~EiVTARY <br />tiTriF¢,? T,;Y <br />f <br />I ~~ ., <br />~`..,-`.~ I ~ - <br /><!* t~ gY <br />i <br />?"« ttai'e and to hold the aLo3e +iescrtl„~+i t~rc~.^.f~.srs ,^scc: et •:i•iti: :iii *_enementa, hereditwnenta <br />=SrSd u}eilurtc~i85ccs .,, ,e-to .scr,~.,a:it ~; Eft i+ ,,.? --, tars?. r., ....., .c, ,,",fir .saaYisra ,. t.Z the 1eLa and .aSaY~a <br />uF t#se xurct~~~r of thi+tn `.nr~•se^. <br />it ;s the iuteatti:,±, uF uil I,arties ;tereto Ihar n ci:, -~~eut uI ttce death of ender of the grantees, <br />the entire Fee simple citie to the ms`ti •~:state .mall '.eat -r...,• .unt~tng grantee. <br />Dated Feb 22, i9 9! <br />'i <br />Earl G. rria=inger <br />"turtle B. Gri~ainger <br />BTA"I'S OF ..._....._._.Ohs:alt~et ........................ Cat;nty :,i _. .l1Ra.7........................._...............: - <br />BeYor+a n>e, a notary public gnalifieri for raid county, iseraonaily came <br />Esr2 G. Gri>oinger and Xprtie B Grimtinger, htraband and rife, <br />iRnuwtt to one to 43e the identarai itera€sn nr peranns vitae ssgned the far< <br />ttsc eac~utson thrrrat ;n t~ hie, her ur their croiontaty elct and deed. <br />K'itttsas f~ , sr b»d notarial ~xl ors ..............%ai- -23.,........... <br />s 1r ~--- ; <br />~,. _~`; <br />.`,tv rammiasion ezprrr*~ <br />~t¢aing instrument and acknowie,lACd <br />t ~a.By.... <br />~1 <br />.r41. ,....~.,r:?:.~- '.~`otary }'ublic. <br />. ~-9--t~. _, ........ 3W......... <br />