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~j <br />g ~. -tl q 0 $ ~ 3 p~~s®n~a~ ~~~~A~~-T~vE~ s DEED <br />r~ <br />Bternice I . Htxx$to~, PersQnat Regregsrtt;}tivss ~f the i~t+~ <br />Ho-aazd C. Wiese, also known as Howard Wiese,Deceased, GRANTOR, in consideratirm a# <br />t3NE HUNDRED SIRTY-THREE THQUSAND TWD HONORED AND NO/14®Olt_ARS received frorrs GAAI~TEE, <br />Waltez L. Bilslerd and Carolyn 3. Bilslend, husband and wife-, .- te~tanta in <br />conveoGRANTEE, tfse following described real estate (as defined In Neb. Rev. Stet. 76-2p1): <br />The test Hslf of the Southwest Quarter {W'~SW~) of Secticm <br />Twenty@six {2u), T€~.:.ship Ter {lrJ; Nozth, Ra~age Eles~ecs (ll) <br />West of the 6th P>M. it Hail County, Nebraska. <br />STATEMENT ATTAL"NE>3 <br />fuESRASKA GOCUMENTAR`f <br />~TAti!P TAX <br />tea z~ ~~~~ <br />~ ~ 1" ~,L.e- <br />suttfect to easements ano restnct~ons of record <br />Gt~ANT`43R covenants wit!: C,RAN'EE that c;RANrC?t? nas :egat ~vu~er and lawful authority to convey the carne. <br />Exe^::tec:. ~:~.±- ~=--`. to ~!l <br />c~-;.,=E vF HCXdA~iD G... WIESE,. _ ..DECEASED. <br />Persona! Representative <br />STATE t?F t+iEBRA$KA } <br />Hall ~ S5. <br />CQtMITY t3f .................................... ) <br />Tfte tpregorng ,nst€urnent was acknowiedyed before ri,e on .. r~~. ~' - s ~' ... ................ ty'.t. . <br />..? <br />by R¢arni.¢e - i... 8r.trtatsod, .... Personal Representative of the Estate of <br />Has+tard C. Wiese,..... <br />_............ ... ,Deceased. <br />... <br />_._ <br />.~...~ <br />;: <br />at11~ t9~'!t i 1!B t~i(iTay ~ ........ :.................... . <br />--- _ <br />Myiomm+ss~on expires ... ............................. <br />S'.'A3'E ~ Caunitr of .... - ... . . <br />f+'ifeai far record and ent8red En Numerrca! Index on. - ... - . - - t9 at o-clock M., and <br />rr~~rd6t;` rn f3eesl F~ecvfd ~a,r <br />wCrunty ~r c"}e{~sty C~:c,nty f_'irrfi <br />Ret~i9ter cxr Decuty ReQ~st€>r c>t L~esatf5 <br />PE~SOirlAL. REEaRESEAITATIVE'S DEED <br />~~'~~ ` ~ " , " GEFOERAI <br />=?s: .. ~~~ - .:r• ..- ~-.,~,~ ... ,re, .k ,...;.t++- , PA(#E l of 1 PACaE <br />