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~ ~ ~-- Die f 4~;Ik <br />~~z~ <br />, ~orelfraste~ ~blic s9rsao t; e <br />org~ra~ a~ .t#~s sodtez the Inc of the state a! it~dm~rs (fie- <br />aftea xs~a ra:~sssa t~ a~ t~ ~'"3~ ~ <br />a~ 6ela~rarc6 to the a t$ezir3aal of tho Gttg ~ ~s , a~ <br />~rl ~. swrsiay, ce is~t:a-s: ea~~a<i ~ ;.~°-g~. ~ ~:~~a " ` -..~ <br />. flics;~~I Aeaceiwtic~s} amt 4fsrxeat J. 24ar3aa. as TswtMS~ 4fi e <br />Iod~tare a# 'fortgog,e sz 9sa+1 of Treat, detail Au~st I. 1940, { [mt.~- <br />ally +~m¢wta~ bg the p as ~,uguet i$, 1960 a~ by '1Sw ~tfs~i.. <br />of the City of 3ter Sark, a~ by Caz2 E, &~;<lcy os Au~tt Zit, 1940}. <br />~atoe-fter t9mnaalp ec#erred to ae t9e "i3art~e". awl ¢actstsr lt- <br />~•t>> ec at follss~as <br />pl.r.aui In6aatturw dated .ikutu-ry i:~, 1$61: <br />So~Iaat=~ ?ad~ture dated ~guat IE:, 1565; <br />Sspplrestal ia~dcase~re dated Sa~taerber 23, 1946 {bnt actually <br />aaecutad tlctobcr 4, i$66}; <br />sv~glaa+eetal Zadaaatorc data8 c3ztcbar i, i9t6 {bus aetw117 <br />ataeutad t]etobcr I6, I96a3: <br />lee+~tai Isde~tus~o ~iateai .iuiy ;id, i$67, <br />plns~tal iadentssrs detclt ,:s~se i, i$68 {bat aetuellp !rear <br />s~ste@ b! 7'hc t~asa 1lcaYoaal dealt of the C~tp of Haar York <br />aoai Carl &. ~klep oa Jtu~ ;.b, i$66, aad by -.1~ PaaT <br />as .ice i$, I961S3, <br />isl ixraaadture dated. S~+temr+er i, i$64 {~st actually <br />aaagnateA by Csrl H. ~klag ag Sa~taad+e~z i5* 3945, bS 'IZte <br />Base ~ettiooci Bank oT tsse (:ity of aov iark an daS.tirmr li, <br />I9i5, ami by the ~ as ~terber i5, 39i5}; <br />~a~stel ia¢~~ese dated .ice i, I969 {fit asm- <br />cuted by 'fhc Cbasa Setiocal 8aak of the City of 3iwr Yottc. <br />aay bX Cars H. SCacklalr ssa .7uadt 8, i$6$, aar8 by chc Cea~ay <br />ors 3emc itl, I9493: <br />&laoeatal icd~psau[c 3atad 8u~eat ib, z$54; <br />istew6tta,1 Iatvrc detsi P~rc6 I, i$52 {but actually e®ra- <br />ca=a~a by Y`he Chsse Sstioaal .8a~ek of tl~e City of Sar Sork, <br />aed by Cari k. Basclrl.q oa Afarch 7, 1$S1, cad by the ~y <br />~a torch iG, 1$533. <br />laeatal iadasture dates ~p I, 1$53 {bsrt actwlly aeaar <br />ectad bg '£ c Satloarl Hank of the Cit7 of tlwr Sork, <br />cats by £arl B. $ecirley an 8, 1453, aai by tha Coa~ap <br />i3. 1453}. <br />l~tal •-~--..arc datsaE FalDr~esp 1, z$55 fhs.t actually <br />aa~e~saKt by ,';~a ^~-.~ ,*~r,4~ -~.~ of t~ C4i; of SOrk. <br />sad ~ Carl B. ~eklagr oa 9~raer* 2, 1955, aces by the Cora- <br />t~ as lc~avarg 5, 1955}: <br />leastxsial iaiactvrc dated .#uaeat il, 1955. <br />1 ~ 4ated Octn'~ 1, 1936 {hart actwllp <br />a by a t~aac tsattaa Erik asd e~rtta~ P. ~ <br />as 0~ 5, 1936, by the may axa fletobsr l4, I4563: <br />dapiase~ata~l Fa~'+re =;ared .iu,ly i, 1957 {hot ~tually altar <br />a:aa;a~ ~` 3'sc aa~tta~ 3~ cad ~tl~ y. ~ oa <br />Sar~asAcr tx, 193?. acd by the Car art Sslsta~ts+cr $. 393}; <br />Ya/~tus~r dated t 1, 1439 {ksit actually a~a- <br />evsQ~aid t5r Ttxw t~lYlc tla~thsttam [ aced A ttaar Y, 8~eer$ia5 oto <br />t 31, 39'~d, b4 `~ as s 1$5$3 ; <br />