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<br />ASSI6RMEAIT ®! TRUST BRED ~1--{}()~~.~~ <br />SRDii A&Y. ASP. BX TRESS lRESE76TS, "That SaUsariar ~-='t~Ees Inc. <br />cesparatian, the parr of the cleat past, La eoasidssatiaa at the sue of <br />-rii.ii ~ - "'.+.€~,u a; ~>6 a,,.,~;:y 1 end ~[_21~~(1--_ -- fla~4ars _ tiP it i9 hand p9#d <br />. ...® .. ian st ..., .~ wr ~ ~~itsa &!2S'. [3~Shi. ~t8°aal€a ~41~t <br />Uosperatioa, the party of the ®sesmd past. aemeipt wbeseaf la hereby <br />;hwovladged, has granted. aaaigned and tranafsssad, wad, by thaws psssatnea <br />was grant, assign and graaatar unto its auecsasors and asaigna, • certain <br />-uat Read ehssa:.n the said ~ea'1as ~a Lit. ie Reeefieiary. <br />Daniel G. Sloan and Bonnie Sloan, husband and wife <br />~ Ysastas, wad saves D. Roth is Tsuatae, which Truat Rssd was d-acrd <br />~e 13th dwy of Febr=iary 1Q 81 and raearEtd the 13th <br />day of ?ebruary , 19 S1 , faDocument # 81-000674 ~ <br />,gs , of the PlORT6AGE iaearda of F~ii <br />.aagr. g:_braai~a, wad all 1t sight, title and intessat to the property thetaia <br />:acribed, as fal4aws, to-wit: <br />i~47t 10 and the r.ast2rly I2.8 feet cf :,ot a, all in Block 22, S€iSSEL ifHEELLR IaDDIfiION <br />to *_he city of Grand :eland, ;?ail County, :~braska <br />Tagethes ufth the proelsaosy oats therein daaezfbad, and the coney <br />e as to baeose due thasauodaz, including iatarsat thereon, subject only <br />the psovtaiana of weld Yrast Deed tharata eaa[aiaad. <br />ID 6iIYlIRSS YRBgSDl, the ~uparias ll9rLgagsi Iz~. a corporation. has <br />need this •asignmeni of Yauat Daad to bs ssscuzed by itr Vice prssldant, <br />d attested by ism 'Vies Pl+emidee6 and its corporal: weal to be <br />reunte affixed thin 13th dap a# F'ebruar•r ~ Iq 81 <br />tja~ace Pras deal <br />AT$ OR RtlltAgEA ) Attaatz ~:.-~ ~~`^•~o <br />)~i+ _ <br />6iR't!" A8 Sa-i2 } <br />~e ti#a ' `th day st ~~"~"ter-' 1R sl before sa a <br />deaf prsl~lYs~wr~~amisai®sad asd aw ifisd la wad ar :aid eannsy sod <br />a dap ~aFa!`ea44f tea tie a~A~a: aaaad ,s`a4dE8 ?:. `t?o ti+ e <br />ice psea:6dsat. wed x. s. Lancaster a of <br />~ s ~6. Via ass peraema42y ttaown to ea to ba the <br />eatieal perases ~eieaa resew asa affixed is the ass*s laaigeeaat of Tzuat <br />ed as tie lsaaideet wad Yics Pswddsat of said eozporation wad <br />sy aeiesst8s~p,s cis issiguesnt to bs their saiuntary act wad deed and the, <br />iaataey eat wad teed of said sarporatisn. <br />RFfBiiP~R +~ iced wad efficiai as*4, ag n said county. the dace <br />+a~aat.d. <br />~ ~$,~ ~ ]celery lnb4ic. <br />tR8 E CieiFY, Y~6E= <br />- 1Rd4! Ra~-aeahixe ~isala <br />Vie, ~bsa'aia 5g14A <br />L <br />