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r <br />~Q~~~a~~ s~-.~uc~~s~~ <br />~;~ lf~~,~rsrl~, ~ thla _-__?.~~___.___ nag af~.txii~rv __-__~. , is ~?c._. Sq <br />,Gerald ~. Ruschmanr?a_ a sin~ie pers~sn _-- --~ v <br />~~_Hallv--------Caun4Y. TFebnurks, m aartgagor^ , and C,tsud Ieiand Tfvac CoatpanY of tsr~d IsLed, a rdpatt <br />afpaaiaed a~ st~iag ttrrdar flat tare of :veluaata with its prettipel oHLta arrd pLeu in b4rfitieee at Grand lalead, Ivey;-ra ; <br />W S'i`tdf:-9Sk'"!'E?: ?~ ~ e+s __. --.. , .4s a~3 in ~~ ~ t~ ~ af -_.~_.. ~~.r._.._ <br />1'i:re Thosia nd Four hundred r"if.'v-tvo dollzrs and $5ilt}(? *~*A ~ 5;452=89- i. <br />t~ et wl~lt a hey ~, da _~~_ by t,h€ae preaeata rnortgsge aatf tvarraat enia s~iQ ts>~tgagae, its an~ann amt asaigss, <br />fanrvxt, ail ttre fu#hhser6eg daaesitred r19rt asta4. sitraatad in thx S'~o4rrtiy at - . iiail_.__.'_-°-----_..__.°- ,... <br />and Sutr of .'ieirras'sa, tar-wit: <br />T`ne Sot4titerir Sixtti~ >i:, (fi6i 'rest :>! i~rs~[icera! Lai[ 'one fl) stnd Lot Imo (Z) in Fractiona3. <br />31nck Tfti,-tv ;;"it~hr_ (;;~) ir. hartes Wasmer'c= addition and .,f the <:omplement of said <br />rrar_tiortal S.ot inn• ,I? :_~-4rtt: Fracti~nai Last t7; t: (1) in Fractional &.lock Three {3j in <br />rind;~-eh`.-, '~acst._c,n. .ai; '.reins: :~~:;:i~.iotxs ..~ *_'.;c- t_'ity ,;f :;rand Island, :lebrask$. <br /> <br />Ts-~YY- srgh sti ~. az<rondat.xxrrag.:;tEht;~, sad ta'u;rb:Ag ~%f~~ ~rt and furor : :x.GdmtS ar-reans. awni>s~. =trras wm.#vwa arat <br />3aars. amd wsadrtar 9aF?ca o. hi:nda. ;:sasf an ~y a ecsri.~arctuzzs +nth saeti f,rraperty ~a~hse.her cits are zxsw #rscate•d cn seed property or hereafter <br />fr}mcros# thte»xin <br />:Y? HAVE A~ITI'3't;< liCtf.l3 Tgi£' `aAME, 4otteeher wrtrk a3i arai sirtrteier 41te ranetssnta, tierct}itamrnia arsd sppctrtrnantxa ttsaremeato t~ <br />! w ~a anywars apQen.eaa tc>revar, and mat>ant ;.he .a4se zn ttse ,amr. `?sad rrxrrgagor - hereby sinxtueat q-. with Kam <br />t~Rt. trs .,.i , at etx dvttwrY kneta~;f. the imirtni <rnner st the ytxrneaea atxzve crmveyed attd tiearaitred. <br />aced __ ?' tse:ad w a gtxed sad vedetxaairfa sszate of ,rs#eeritaacx i.'~r.m, fires ami rS,+ar ut r.# er~umnrneutis. and ttat.. he - _ +•rll_ <br />a•arrrm and s4edntad the taS.Sr tbarxta turewar agaeast tree cfaame ant! reaatzri:::>t ek: paxaatt. a~#;onsurvcr. <br />P1.E'Jir'2 D6i7 At. W A YS, anti tbai enHnanexa ea easrutari xxul deLrerwf w ,.encore tfxe latymanr. of the aum aE _ _ __ _, _- - -, --_-- <br />.~ .:..~~.... ::. .. f; <br />~` °- ~ ,.-.~ ~: s.~ .. ' ?;! ;.i - . ~ 1.._'311. <br />..... .. :. '~3oliarv li _-.---- 1. <br />ti ir~NSat tl tajyed wt4A ~~ e#.~t-.,--- and ss}.ar a~ as :ra,g .~e due sax! ;uyah~ to seed csortgat~e urdec t}~ exz€ms rrxi rnrafitions <br />~ the sa4e t+f erars casts i~raw#h a~i asap.-•~i hert~y. ~•~zv:rai #~r taws' zrssrtg~r~ cn c,aai mEret;a RaYakle s.s eap!e'ssed <br />~ ewid etas, asd ~ assure tM yaforzastte of ai3 the >rra» sad corxiititk..s cc ntarRnd tfsram :'he irrrae of seed raga are hereby inaxpr rated <br />1+Y tiya rshr~ce. <br />SL is rise ea1,~6~p and tsesr~aat of the part+wr hxeta efrat tiua t)xrrtitag~e sha11 elan staurx say feturs vase » earls 6a xatd mort~agra•._ . __ <br />hl" aced tew•t~s, asd env and tiif :"•~~°--..--- m adtlataas to the aawewt a#aivA sz,atad whx#; uud raariKaitor-, ar am of them. reap uws to <br />aei13 , hersvtz evafaaaati. ~@sehtir to :axe, 4x++k ae:cxNXM w otita~raaa. 3?~ ttsuttyryfe shall retreaue era fuL' fvru and effect lrataean <br />:~ pangs 1 aed thstr haita. peeacrss# repraaaretat€ro~ea. ,.eccegsc,~s axui asaµtssa. uaW aii aorouaia .ecoreai heragrnd~. ;rrciudiag future <br />atkaax+ai. ava psre# ea feu .gh +nteeret. <br />litre ~r___.__ iteee6p aeasgs. --s :rz s~ s~rc ai: rents artd uxc:aaa arsua~ at any arxi ail brass from seed property sad <br />Y authwtsa sad mcaue w ire agent. at fr>t ~~ptinn. zrpan detaiut, to xaits atarde of sa+d pr.grerty and rrbiact tri! renal rand inmrne <br />tip and the asmv :e the pspaotat of s;,,__....•. prtsi, znia:raaire pemmiums, testae. aaaasswaaes, raYu+ra a;r improvatraeets <br />'7 ~ ~ *~ FAY ~'~«~L=-. ea~xittae*n. or tc 3t~ chase ~ ;~;me :ra pn»~ie+aci far ?~.esin ~r en lice :urtr. hr:,diy s~cuxeed, TAta <br />rtnt _a_., aartiiBa~ir im fuse tt$W rhs utgtard of said teats ~ f+iiiy paid. 7`ke tairntg of prararataega teaasendsr alsa7i rn m utartreer <br />err +aaaatl slid easrtdt}sa w t6a ~~ei `~=vary cti said s;ma lip #vrssue ~r axhfrwis~ <br />hid a~ taaut,s~ iu amt nay cf ~.a rtd:;.s ;~„raend~' at at;y terns shat: n:x ire canatrt;en's as s waavar r,£ ct= rtftht to sssew'4 aftc <br />a4 snv 4R?z rms. sell ra, imsyps :tpa?t :eyr# «~~ er< <t.~z ~r..nt..,..,o ~:fs~ ,.tt ;4se =~~ sad T•r.. csvzna .~r ¢ai'. tY~te a,yd`••f rf.,~ ~,c•~~.. <br />ll said aha}1 rases to 1+- paid to ear! ttxzrtaee tree ettatre atmuru ~'~ it heuxtatdar. sra! u the tmtna sad provtaarres <br />o! attd ells ttaeaby seawall, ioclndksyl fattetrt adraeitae. sad any aitastriona uc raaewais tiveraef is atb-rxd~ca with the terms aeni provda>as <br />tftawsi, sell ~ sui6 tseasa~a~ss _.--- -- shall raz't}' wii,6 air thrr prervtaigas n# seal acre aitd of thu rrtartgsge, 4han theme preecmru e#ia## !>E Cori: <br />athsawtas is a ixt f~ Erase ateale fwd aaiai troarsashs.4! ba entitled t!r the ptramaeeiarn rrf au of said pra2eaty. arsd mmy,.aa rev z>~.eta, <br />dadasa the af#a6s sf asid nsea sad er)1 ~ thareirp to hs iraaatsdy dt~ sad gayateb, end atsy k>rar3ore this mortgage <br />m irtta s» atfMS kpt aetim is prntars fife rrlfht. ?4pprsieeasat~. =aivsd <br />'Mss i aha~ l~ i sg~.atad alaFi aura tcs flea t-~=~x`at taf ehx bairn, g>esrvwrs, sdmtttistrrtaes..~,u~zsnr>n anr# sastKrsa .d the <br />~f.. <br />lh i4ri'!'fdi WfiE'-~Fl(If- slid ar .. _ lta .. 5s_ -'zanwasttts sat. 2y~.g.. - ..... !:asd .---- the day and yr' flr+st <br />asstias. ~. <br /> <br />