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1"~' <br />cr.~rRacT of sat>: $I-- ~i~-fl$3' <br />iris contract r~1de and entered into this !~ day of - <br />February, 1981, by and between Efl~i1EL LIESSACK and LORREI~€ E. LIEBS~ICK, <br />Hband and kPi fe, hereafter referred tc as S~LERS and J~fS LIl:BS1~K. here- <br />after referred to as i3UXER. "~itnessth: <br />1. Sellers scree to sell and convey to the Buyer and the Buyer <br />afire:.-s to purChaSe she follosainei described real property in Hall Countp, <br />'~+~raska: <br />Lot Thirty-six {36) in 91ock ^ne {1) in gale Roush <br />Second Subdivtsian, Grand Island, Hall Caunty, <br />~hraska <br />together with all i~rcveanents and appurtenances thereto beloneina, includims <br />a 197? Geer hksbile hie, Serial Ye. H14-53-F' S1CG 52. <br />2. The purchase price for the above described real property and <br />r~tbile home is the sua~ of 32C,:T€#G payah'e as follsws: <br />a. 5275 an Or before Harch 1, ?9H' <br />b. Interest sha7i !>e payable nn the un;.aid balance at the <br />rate of ?~?~` per annue. <br />,.. °tiy°. .,,ay Hre;.oy awuunt due eir~ueF t~;,s contract <br />at any tine witho+at~pena7ty. <br />d. T?se :tnpaid principal and interest *_tsereon shall be <br />payable in epual mthly installments of 5275 beainnina <br />on cite first day of April, 7981, and on the first day <br />cf each and every subsequent month? for a period of 119 <br />r.,~:ttts . <br />e. It is furtt+er agreed *hat interest s+i71 be taken Off of <br />said installrrts first and the balance applied to principal. <br />3. Sayer shall have possession of the above described property upon <br />the execration of this contract and payr~nt of 5275 or, or be#cre the first day <br />of March, 1981, <br />~. Sellers agree tc pay the 19L~ and all prior real estate taxes. <br />Taxes ftsr i98~ and ail fuL:cre ;rears shall be paid by 3uyer. <br />5. Sellers agree t+n furnish Buyer with an Abstract Of Title showino <br />that tc ~ the o+eters Of a gcod and sufficient marketable title to the shave <br />prc2g+erty free and clear of 1#ens. Sellers agree to convey the above property <br />ry ~arr~sttty used and to pay for t~ expense of the dacu~ntary tax. In the <br />t that title eination r~~eals any valid title ctsjections, Sellers shalt <br />halve a reasonable ti~ae to correct sash defects. <br />