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. ~"~~~~$`~~ AssZG*tl9f~iT QF HtJRTGAC~ -Corporation <br />BI.L liE,N SY THESE PRESBN€s, That ~$riar Mbrtgags, Iac, a corporation . "the: <br />pasty of the f#rst part, is coasidarattoa of the sum of Thirty six Thousand Light _8uncirec3:, <br />Fiftg and AQ/lOAths----°--_ Dollars lawful Roney of the United 9tatas of America, to it i~ <br />haaxd paid by RI Hmrtgaga -s Iac. 7Q1i07 Dsvoaa~ttre t~irale, ~ 225,. Ue~o~ha~ ~ a61 SIt <br />a Cozgoratioa, the party o€ the secoad part: at or before the ~~;?±ag aud_dv~rg a~ tl~e <br />..,.a~.._ ~-__,_•• -_-i.~r~f ie het-.. - ~.'~..-~:1-~-~' ~ s - - <br />y-...~~.,F~, s~~sr. ~. -r~ ~a s d` ~~ied, P+aI.H~3i• 8~1r_ -a~a7.d~. _ <br />tranafarzed, sad sat over, and, by these pzea~ta does great, bargain, sel3, assig~a,,..~;x;,' <br />sad eat owes unto the said party of the-second part. tts succassars and-asstgs~; a icert~n. - <br />4P Iif1RTGA~E, baaziag data 13th of February . 24 93 , Recorded to Bnr3~ <br />~i . f70C~33 , of the ?mortgage Records of Hall County, xaFSka,, --- <br />and made by Robert ~. HiceJc and Car3a 3. ?•licek, husband and wife <br />to friar t4artgage, Ina. and all its right, title atel inteseat to the gremises.thezein <br />daacr?Sad, sa follows, to-wit: <br />tot ane ti?; c~iper's Glcaa Subdivision, being a Subdivision o£ Lots Eight f8l and Niae f93'r <br />`H'arsco S-..~,'vi.~.on, 'in the Cit,° of Viand Island, Hall County. *7ebraska. <br />Together with the dote therein described, and the nosey due or to becoam due [hereuader, <br />f.aciudias interest thezeoa, TO H>VE AmiE1 Tf) lfiSlD the seat unto the said party of the second <br />part, tts succaasass sad asaigas forever, aub.+,act only to the provisos of said INDENT[TRE OF <br />~ tharaia ccaitaiasd, <br />And the pasty of the first past dose harabp sake, constitute and appaint the said <br />P---s - 'p:~.., iti titii and lawful atcarasy, irrevocably, is it nay, or otherwise:, <br />but at tiraiz osn pzapar costa and charges, to have, use, and take all lawful ways sad ~aaa <br />far tf'sa rasovery of the said aoaey sad interest, sad. in case o£ paymeac, to discharge the <br />ease as t~ gerty of the first part might. or cou3st do, if thsae presents were not ride. <br />~ idZS $+ S~srior l~rrtgaga~ Imo. a corporation of the state of tiebraaks <br />bas aarsaac# thla Aa~t of 4lortgege to ba aacecsrtaei by its 9iea Prealdant, sad attested <br />bi its ~~ at ,sad its Cos~pazata Seal to ba hereunto affizad the 13~aday <br />~a - is tba ; l~ v~ <br />~!! <br />_~e PrBast <br />~` ~~,, <br />Attest v/ /' °-.~-c~7'- <br />dom.!.. ~- ' <br />2 <br />Y#Ce President <br />~ tsria 1~ of wry , ip ~' , before a@, a dlotarq Fu61ic, duly <br />i ' oualif4nd itS ~ fear said ~+~ty sad 5tata, garrsoaaily case tke above <br />eased ~. $. Liaaaster vice Praaid+eart, asd daa3es D, Roth <br />~ _~ of t.~ aa' 2~ , s'.rts. ~ are pairr,~~y Yao~rn in ~ to be <br />psr~a ewe eases ass affl~ra~i' to tip a_~ws aaslgsa~ant of Plostgags as the <br />. of said Corporation. and thslr acknawlad;ed the <br />ta+ ~ fir '+saSustary act a~ dared, sad tt~e valaetasy act sad deed of the acid <br />• +~ bast sad official seal, #s f8~ad Ia2asd <br />i8 s tj, the data <br />• ~u ~_... :: ~. <br />t~ i_ <br />H~ s * ~~ '~ "~ ~ Adetarp ~ iic <br />'BAs Lnn~- <br />ff)~t~ - <br />{ht'aed ZsEi+mt~, ~ bit <br />