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taJ-8--8URViYORlBtIiP WARRANTY pE~D ~ ~ „~ ~ t) ~ ~ a j ,~ Huffman and FeftSn & Walf, WaMUn, tk. b8451 <br />~i i4t~ AI.L BiEN BY 1`HE~~ PIbE3~TT`S, That RAYDid]Ni3 A. T3{)tI AND JUl;NI7`A 1TAT5t3Nr HUS~~ <br />AND r NAC~i IN I#IS A:RI tad f)>I!N S3241iT A~ AS v`'4~9tts$ OF &&CR (7!?i~s <br />zl <br />,herein called the-grantor whether one.otmoss;- _ ~~ - <br />?? <br />is conaidtiontsf 'f€IIR'PZ-iii TN€~,i,r~Nf} AND ;~3f 1tX3 I3~rLI.t~ <br />j received from grantees, does grant, bargain, Belt convey and confirm unto <br />mod` A. YZt~ ABID GARIA 3. t[LCl$Kr HL~8AN1} AND 'tY~'~s <br />f as joint tens-. ~ with right ¢f sttrvirorahip, and not as tenants in common; the fotIowing described rest property in. <br />i <br />i$icii. Conaty, 'a~i tci~:iaet. t <br />azrr o*~ (~), ?_TP€,llts sua:~ivzsz~!l, ~~a A stll~tlrazsxaN OF ~.rrs ~1~3T (8) AND NIA <br />(~) , +~AR~N s•~I~',lvzszolt, z.N 2l~ cry x o~ ~IA&D .SI,~II, 3AI.L cam, . _ <br />s <br />? <br />k <br />ec here a.nd to hold the alxtre described ttrentic~ together °,sith alt tenemrnta, hereditamaa2a aad appttr- <br />u>nanees thereto belonrfing unto the grantees and ?o their assigns..,s r¢ the heirs .snd assigns of the snrrivor of <br />them farerer. <br />,1nd }grantor dies hereby rovensnt +.vith ; he ~~raFrtnr atad Letth their assiens and Frith the heim and as tigna f <br />¢f the sunir¢r of them ?hat ~~rauwr ?s ;axrfnily ~rtw.1 r,£ ~aitY prrmisrs; ?het they are free from enettmbrsnce <br />~aepi esgtta and reatrictione oY record <br />tltsi ~,rant¢r tas t-oatl ri;~ht and iavr*ut autht~ritc to t~on;°r•c- ?tn ,ame: ar.,l >hat ezrantor ~rarrsnts and wilt defend; <br />' the Ti{le to ~d ~retnisex xttaitt~t the lawinl eiaims <af all ;:~ rs¢ns :rh¢mrer. <br />i <br />It is tlse intenti¢n of all ~artiea heret¢ that in the rEent of the death ¢t' either ¢f the grantees, tttc entire <br />fee sitnl~ie rifts to the real state shalt rest in the ~urrrittg ~_ rantee. <br />f~ ~ ~ <br />?t <br />1?ated 13+5. -"'-"' <br />....... _ ~.$~fta, R; _ .,._.... ! <br />o rtA~ ia.J! SAT ..mss <br />/~~ ~y., i <br />~ I;Ti^; {)F ~~+u•''~'9.... . 1 yn this. ~ ~_ aa4~ „j..~~ .. .. .. ...... : ~ty. '>~i' . ?~ajvre <br />isr. <br />r <br />i.rrtatb ~ >xt, tftr a£x~ern~ts-~ a .'a'atra 'ut+tii. ;iuh~ ru»srxissrz;Ard uxrE .paali/ied tar <br />sx srts~ r~~snts•. ^rrso3m;Jy^ ;axxa ?.AYE A. irAT` Atilt a3'tTAtI1Z'4 <br />£:atnN,_ "riUSHfNII ANSI- BPS, <br />._ ;Tu ::~sr~.~sn tr: d+g ?ht: id?nsuct ?erdu9[ ~,r tcrso+u zcrk ,~r ratx~ =s ,^. ~nrxe: arr <br />3 <br />(Sg.'~i :tjTireri tp tit ?aver, ~ ~~ :xtr~ruaexr ?x~ +x:•xo:R."edrl~a lra,:^ e.x:•tutsux t:.~rrc~ ?a he <br />- ; t:il, +vfir =Jr P?1Cr t,.iaaLc7ry -~;.t :r7 z,Fe ri. <br />f'stacss xrey tarot` a~ :V ~rrl §$ ..•~~ .:.ydjy~6r i f ai=ere^e t, rrttex. <br />If./l/ <br />s i tlRf~tlrr.?, <br />J ara: E'teL,tr. <br />:fy i ~.=r+tr'rats~a €r¢&cs tit8r` ~ of .,. ~,.- <br />4 <br />- ~we7 ~~ .......... ............ ..j <br />cs nemcrieal iaelcz and fired fc~r rseard in the I;~ixt~r of [Dae~is t)ffies tzf said E:rinnty the <br />.. ~ .. - .. - -drtT ¢f.... - .. .... _ _ _ ., I!......, at... , . ..u'eltick and. _ minutes . ,'.tS., <br />....... <br />r iA f~~sk,. -. .., .:.f......-.. <br />ut page... ._.... <br />...... - <br />....Reg. ¢f L)seda <br />liy ... .. [)eputy <br />~.~ - --- --- - --.. ..: .....,_. - .-_ - - t =~~ <br />