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6A + ®~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ASSSGNI~NT OF MORTGAGE -Corporation <br />KNflW A3.L MEN BY THESE PRESENRS, That Superl8r Mox~tgaga~ Znc, a corporation, the <br />party of the first Bart, is considaratioa of the aua of Thirty six thousand eight hundred <br />fifty and C4P?W~---~--~--- ~ilara Yawful ~aay of the Uni.tad Stataa o£ America, to is is <br />hid paid by BI ?~xrtgaga Cc::~sx`iy, Yne, ?OtatiT ~ashirs Cix~Ie~ Suite- 225 Qashs, ~ 6Bi'111: <br />r~~~~~t a.... th@ irru Af the ~~nnd pmrt~ at e3 6'efoZe the fg~4. and deli~~lry- [+.~- t1!@~~. _ <br />pressers, receipt vhezaof is hereby actcncsrledgad: has granted, bargained, sold; asagnari, <br />traaffif$rred, sad set Deer, axed., by rhea: gsesenta does gsast, hasgain, sell, asaigar traasfes, <br />sad set aver ants the said party of *he ascend part, its successors sad asaigas, a daxtaia- <br />IFHH:NTtJRE QF Mi~RTCAGE, besriag date ? 3th of Febrgary , 19 $i , Recardad is >8~t. <br />Dcc 81 ~Q4~30 , of the Mortgage He-ands of Hall County; ti~hx`aaka,. <br />and made by s{evin Jazaes and Peggy Sue Jorgensen <br />to 3sxperior !lastgagef Inc, and all its right, title sad iatereat to the premises therein <br />described, as fallovs, to-vit: <br />%ot TMree ~>)}; Pfper's Glen Subdi:isionA beinp__ s Subdivision of Lots Light ($} and <br />Yfxxe i9), <rarrea uubd3visian, in the city nn Grand Island, ~a11 County,- Hebreaka <br />Togsthar ~rirh the note therein described, and the aone;= due or to 6ecose due thereunder, <br />iacludia$ iarerest ther@aA, ?'o HAlIE ANA Tt3 HOLD the same ants the said party of the afeoad <br />part, its succaasars sad aasigas forever, sub;ait only to the provisos of said INDF.NTi3BE OP <br />thareia caataiaad, . <br />And the party of the first part does hereby sake, constitute sad appoint the said <br />party of t~ sacoad part, its true and ls+rfu2 attorney, irrevocably, in is name, or otherwise, <br />but at thesis a~- proper coats sad chargxa, to haves, ua~e, sad take ail lawful weye sad means <br />far t?aa racevary of the said 'oaay sad iatsraae, sad, is coax of paysent, to discharge the <br />sass ~ the pasty o€ the first part sight. ar could do, if these pressers brew not wade. <br />IN NIY3tfiSS k'AF, ~eriar t~~s~ga ~, a ecsrporarian of the state of ?bxbs'saka <br />bas ceased this das+ t of Mortgage to be azaeutad by its Vice President, sad attested <br />~ its ~~ Pry t „sad its wrparagn 5aal ~ §a har~ta a#fi.sed the ?3th day <br />of ~~ in t9e y~ i~ 9? <br />~.~ <br />_ _ - ~ ; - . -~3 ft <br />Attest -..~:~!fr~ ~~ .. ->-~; <br />,. ~ 'visa Preaidanr <br />a~ , ~ <br />)as, <br />c of <br />~. this ? day of Fabraas°p , lg , before me, a Notary Public, duly <br />esssdwfasesd ~' c~++alifiad is and for said i.~~tp ash State, peraoaally case the above <br />stead ~ i, Lsxsesstar vice Prssideac, sad Jsnara ~. 3oth <br />Fi+~ of the 9aperiar MDr4.gaSs, Imo. ,~,p are persoaaiiy kaovn~to me to be <br />sits idaatieal perssras ~xsaa *~.~ aza atf:as.: to the aboa aaaigaausat a€ Ptort~e as the <br />yfca of said Corporation, and they ackaovledged thx <br />lastzssimt t0 ba tkealr valuatar7r art a~ da~ad, a~ ttsa ~luatary act sad dead of the said <br />atlas. <br />~S ay head ~ official anal, in t}r'sAx! Ialsad iA,~said Coaacy~; the date <br />iR~v:"~~iaa~. <br />r- <br />A ~~~_1 <br />#i' ~ x# Ems' ' r..,~~..#,~~~.~.7" - . .- -. <br />- r3or l~tr" "iri 3n4:• <br />P~ ~ <br />s:`smti :shad, ~ ? <br />~t,. rLi. ~ ~~ ~ .r~^ <br />Not Public <br /> <br />