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ASSIQ+IISif3T OF 1~ATGAGE - Cornararioa <br />ANA ALL HEAT SY THESE PAESHNTS, That 9uperi.or Martgags~ Ync, a cnrgoratiaa, the <br />pasty of thx Brat past, in oonaiderstioa of the sum of Thirty seven thousand one hundred:- <br />and QO/IOOths------------- Doiiaza 7.~rfu1 sioaey of the Uait~ States of Aaarica, to it is <br />hand paid hp BI IlortgeBe ~4Ys Ina. t0J+0T Devonshire Circle, Stai.te 225, E~hir-,, ~$ 6gfitlF <br />a Corgoratiaa, the party of the second Bast, at or '~iafoze the ensaaling sad delivasy of these.' <br />preseata, receipt whareot is hereby askanv2edged, has granted, hergaiaed~ aa3,d,. asai~sed"¢_ <br />,.. ..-s~~ ~, ~a ~t u~~r, ~`', uy t~~ greseata ~-~~. ~z~~, rte'--~~i~s ~@i2-• ~ti'r.~`r~ -F`~K~~'~, <br />sad set aver unto the said pasty of the ceased part, its successors sad assigns, a certaia <br />~tAE OP MOATC9GE, hearing data 13th o€ February I'38l , Seeorded 1a7E~c <br />boc 8I , D~QQO&26 , of the Moregage Aecordg of Hal Cauatg, Ar}t€~ska, <br />a~ ride hp ilennis W, arsd Asizirea 3. Martin <br />to Sr#ar ~lor~..gage, Znc, sad all its tight, Litle and iatereat to the premises therein. <br />dea,.ribed, ae fo22ovs, to-vit: <br />Gat Four {~}, Piper's Glen Subdivision, hr.inq a Suiadivisicsi of tats Eight (8} and Wine (4}. <br />Warren SubdiviQion, in the City of Grand Island, Kali County, tiebraska. <br />Together with the sate therein dascsihed, sad the mosey due or to became due thereunder, <br />including interest thereon, TO HAVE AND TO F10L- the same unto the said party of the second <br />part, #ta successors and aesigaa forever, auD)eet only to the provisos of said INDENTIIAE OF <br />"'^"'"'"^° theraia c~taiaed. <br />And Che party o€ the first part does hereby sake, constitute and appoint the said <br />FeztY of ehe eecasai part, its true and iaarfsii attorney, irrevocably, in it same, or otherwise, <br />but zt [k:3r .~.~. ...,o~v ~ Ca..s~«e..a ... ~.~+ a~eaaa <br />-- Fr_y. '""a•° b.".~ .bw.., ••,• "~6, :»2, ta%c ail 2~if iii v~~a anr: <br />far the recovery of the said aaoaep sad interest, anei, in cast of payment, [a discharge the <br />ease ae the party of ehe first Bart eight, or eouid da, if [base presents were sot made, <br />~ ~tI24i883 4HFF.REDY, 3[tperior ?iartgege, Znc, a eorporatiosi of the state of 2tabrsska <br />~ carseed this Assigts~sat of 'kirtgage to be esecnted hp its :ice President, and attested <br />hp ita~ 7tce Presiaent ami its f:orpozatae Seat to be hereunto affized the ' 3th dap <br />at eo'n'' is [he rear 19 <br />~: ~ ,. <br />d~ <br />x ~:, <br />.i`~-~ ~ <br />.. )se. <br />~, <br />/ _„y.--- v-tee r~aeat <br />{ fi <br />Attest ~ __ _:e~~i_r--s-1r f! <br />vice Presiaeat <br />~ this `Jt€s deg of ~atrrsar~s 29 '~' , before me, a Notary Public, duly <br />eia~! sad' qua2lfied f4 asd for a3ad Couatp and State, peraaaailp came the above <br />oMSd- a. 3. 5artaaater Vice Preaidexxt, sad Js~es D, $oth <br />Vim ~ of the Stnperior ~r't$~s 7atc• srho are personally icaava to ae to he <br />tke #adap~ttieal ne=esa~e +sh$es are of#ised •_a t~ abov: aas3g~e:t :.; 3lrsrtgags ass the <br />~ ~sid of sold Go,*gormtioa, and they aeknovladged Ehe <br />3stssraseat tO ba the#x vaiuutarp act sad deed, amd the va2uatazp act sad dead of the said <br />C~iixs. <br />~ mp hanxd a~ official eea2, in azsaul ZsAaad in sold Gouaty, the date <br />ht i <br />N 1'4: +sriur ~iertgagea Irc, <br />P4a' <br />=~~rtsnd a7 attd, ?Fff Nfi <br />atarq uhilc <br />5-22#713-i <br />