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~~~~~iQ$`~'fi <br />~; <br />Y <br />r <br />ttt. That the ?~ wiN kxrp ttte ttutidit~ ttpwt said prtmises in ptaod repair, and treither cammi[ nor permit waste <br />i[pQg y@jid hand, nOr;ft~r7' (~ 6gtd pt2tni5+C5 t(/ t!C irSCtt far any GiRVtwfttl ptlrpa5r. <br />fi. Tilt of t~tints, ~ any part tlfereof, be candrmned umter tttc pawn of emimnt domain. or aetptired fer a public <br />tom, tltr ttaRfi"dtst, the ixaceeds fvr thr taking al, or the cansideratian for such acquisition, to the ea<tcnt at the furl <br />amowtta? itsdit~ttdrag this tn~t~ge and the mate which it is given to sn.ure rcmaitpng unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />[u t!~ ~-. oast shaft be paid forthwith to said ;kartgagee [a hr applied by the fat{er on account of the next <br />aulttiti~s5taiiRient'Fi7[ 5ilCit3. <br />i? The Mot9~~ut Pitrt6rt a~-ets that stfotttd this merig and the trots ui:ureal hereby rau Ez eligdik for- in- <br />t t~ PttfCaotrai ~it~ Aee withpt ~ g from the date htercnf {wfiticn statemestt of any aRfcer <br />of tote l?~rt~nt of Hauling and [Srtaatt ilrvetopment ar autitorittd agent of the Secretary of Hetssing and Urban <br />datzit rn[{saryucnt to ttu ~r t titnc frasn the dace of this mnrt~ge.9retiniitg to insure saiA <br />ate- t tte< beittR ~ ~ proof ~ such irtetigibilityl, the !fort ar ttoldcr of the Hate <br />may, at its t~pteoa, atec>aiF act f:~s secterad #rrrby imtrtrdiately dt r sad payahtt. <br />13. 'fAat if the bfartgagor faint to make any payments of motley when the saute become due. ar faits to canftxm to at[d <br />obtnpip adeltattyaf tAe conde`tiumt ar nteeHS caatained in this mortgagr. or the rune which it secures, then she ettpre pr°.tfci- <br />t attic aeerued isttrrtst at once taecnmt dtee and payable. at the elect~ra of the Matttgagee: acrd this mortgage-may <br />titprvcttpon ise for+ecktsed imtnediatdq tar the whadr a+f said money. in'erest, mamhty payments, cases, ground rents, taxes and <br />du cam of eztar[dittg site ahatract of tsttefram the date ttf tips tams tit the time of commettcettg such tarectastm suet, and a rea- <br />athytnty's fa.~; at7 of w#sah wit trr ir~ttxled in ttse drerer at faxrciosure: oral tits caxttract embtsditd in tips martyr <br />~ tht Hate securtd hereby, shaft in act resptxts he gavertaett, ccatstr[xd and adiudged by cite laws of Nebraska. where the <br />stcte i€ anadt. <br />'fire eoa etfarrts hernia contained shalt tel. amt tlu hent$ts :tm# adv:trtagex sttsi} in>ure ta. the respective hrers. execntars, <br />adfnit+~tratars, xttecessau~t and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever used, tFae sittgttlar numiter shall include thr plural, the <br />pturat the siagataa. and the ttsr of anp gender shalt be appticatrk to all $ettdrrs, <br />The fvret$oing catrf$itions, sit and singular, txirnq pufartrted according to ttaeir natural and legal import, this conveyanec <br />sdtaEt ttt void scat said ¢rrmises rcleasedat tlK expense of the Mctrtgagar otherwia to he acrd remain in fuI! ford and e8ect. <br />day sd ~.I}, i9 <br />N., acrd rntrrtd in lvumerad.~a1 isadex. and <br />of 4fartga~s. eta <br />ttt~tttt tit t?c~E <br />IblWt7'NESS#`NFRF.(7t°.tht~lartgaga[ts;ha Ye hesrunto+rt `Wh~3! handrstthrdacandyearfirst <br />aftovc atr7itten. <br />In ~esettce ot: ,. _-- <br />~r(^i~ / ~ 3 fl ~ 1 { <br />£ ~YY3lr/)~( p~g~.`{~`~~Sr 1St'-..~t- <br />tafo Jl~ii.fll <br />jSEAL~ <br />r ~ <br />`~aAtA ,T. MAt 19 <br />( SHAt- E <br />iSF~L) <br />;vn ast•t J! <br />STAT£ L7~ ti~Bit,tSKA. <br />4M t i ~## day of E3`lEf~ A.D. 's9 t3 ~ . hxf~xe me> <br />a t~ ~t~C rn;uaal for a;ud C-[runty. peruxttalty same <br />Alts iti'. blrizxt r ~ J. !~'t3~sa ~~ atxt3 tufts <br />persataaliy to the known <br />to tfr tht iolento,:a1 person whtr<se [tame II lf3'ffi alftrts•d to the alxrve and tnrr- <br />t ~ as . ;ofd ~Ett7t9 as"krutr.frdged the gaMt ittstroment atKl the <br />rrscs^trtatn titertof nr br X5.2' +.uuetaay set a:ul drect, for ttte purposes titrrrin rxpresud. <br />In t~atny wtacrratt, 1 have itcreunta ser my ttatsd anal axed trv ~1' ua=at t}!'tlad ZtSl90~i ~lttls~ta <br />+x tilt day std c'etr last abevr written. <br />..~... <br />tl4+ttttala ~~~ <br />~larary RtE+lic <br />~a.Mt-i tglg <br />tat>:t•a3trata t9+:at <br />