<br />This form is usaui in cunnee-
<br />~~,,gg e~ L tion with mttrtRaptes insured
<br />1'r'lG®~ 2 ~"tAG~i' under the prior to four-family
<br />p r~ provisions of the National
<br />8 ~ --~~ ~~rG~' Ifnttairt~t Ark.
<br />'('HIS M[3I27YiACr6. toads attdexecu[ad this 1 day of ~8t)ittt6i3 ,A.-:
<br />tg As _ t.p_ t~,.~r,.,v.., s '~£ ran. ~ ~ J, ~rt~4 4lR
<br />of the ~ratntY dt ~ , attd State ~ 1VatarasFa, Patty t>f the first part. hetitilSBttB taalQed:
<br />the Mortgagor aaai wr l~ti`r$a$$s F2iC.
<br />acorporatimt axgaaizecland eaistittgtnxter the taws of tixe t7rlit~'1 $tateH o£ t3&
<br />party tat the scetrtni part. lxreittafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />WITS!iFzS5ET1{: That the said Martgsgeu. for and in consideration a: the,um of Thirty Sese~ Tk~. O~IB F?'
<br />0a#d rJp~7 €?Dth t}oilars t ~ 37 1 t3f7sC~ ). pool by th+e ?utnrt-
<br />gagce, iht trseigt of which is hereby aclcs~tw~?edged. itas Cstatsted and Se?Iti and lacy these prtaettttr tfoes FuaAt_ J;~=
<br />gain. 3ef2. Convey and Confirm unto zhe Mortgagee, its +uccessors and assigns. forever, the fot}tmiag-dosaatibed
<br />reaF estate. sittttated in the Cotsmy of ~;~, ,sad 3iate.
<br />nt N¢liraslta, zn wit: ~ - -
<br />Lot Pour (1t}a Piper's G1+gn 9ttbdivit3ioray i~3rFg a :3ntatli'v3tsitatt of Iota Eight ($) ezfid.
<br />{4}f iiarran Subdtvtaiona in the City tsf GraFid Ts2entfs hall Caxnttf, Df4Dra~ta.
<br />A2m~ knr~+tn asx 2?fI ?I. Piper, Un1t ~., irarxl Zs3attd~ fib bit
<br />aitheiiathT'[tnrip-uFAtrrfdian..r,;ntaintngin.,i3 t^,~;,~tY 7~pg2'L',y ,cret.,:.:orcitng!<,i;ucern-
<br />ment wrvev.
<br />Tt2 H~ttE ~"±(~ ~~ €•lt L12 the pretnce.>> sc~:e ,ir!~tin~d, -a-ith ~i the -t~~urten~nee, the€suntu ^s-z~ng[ng .utd irceiud[ng
<br />ail heating, piumhtngand iigtcury fixture. ,and ryutpmrn€ ctc.w .,r het r.~ite[ .:tiecttc~t t,~ „t .t,e~ +n .,>nne:tu,n :. nh ,.FUi real e,tata
<br />unto the Mcrrtgager, and to iti suc.rsu>rs.tnd.tSSifZny. f,+rr.er The 4furit;t¢or ~e^~*r,ent, ~, .,nu ,,:,cn:ent- s.tth.'he 11urtgu-
<br />t~r, that the 1ltMgagxx ?rai :ttxt,J rikht u, ,r-'i :inci ~cinvts iet,i nrrmt°,cx. 'h.,t ;hc~.:x[c ![CC `t~.rtt :: *ti.atrnru[f<c. tn.3 that the
<br />4fiDrrgagorw[flevarrantar>tflefertdtttc~.amrm~.ixtz.tthe;e:.tut~i.nn,.,i-,Iirrr.,~,~.:arv„m",rlc[ ,,nri!ftetatd',1<.rit;aSnrtte[r-
<br />nr rclit~}uishes all rights itt hamrate~i. and a€R munse€ ; sythts- erthcr in ;ero+ ~,r ,n cyuttt _ ~n,3 -,R :,tt;ex ~t>nun¢r»t imerr~t, „{the
<br />4iortga~'re- m and to the aarsr-drs.ntfe:) >,rrmtse~. the intenitt,n tsr:nQ t., _unrori hrret~t~ rn .,rroi:iutr tote- ,n tee ~.tnttrte, tnciud-
<br />i~al€ rights of huarc4tead, and :tthcz rtRht+and rntrrc.,ty.,-• -LtVrtst3s,;
<br />t'Rt]Vti?l~Ct AL:L'.iY3.::nd tlxscrorr~:e[ns .ur t°xe_r.tett srs.;,tri~•.irea ~s~s~n the s.:1i„a Ong _„rwnt,tn. t>, urt-
<br />?'!u 4dtat r.sgree~ ±a nns ft, the ~1;trtgaeee..,s •:rut[. the ^rttx:trai .i;n =i "'h:Z3'G~ Sra'aert T1+.ctxtyartti ate
<br />1!'atMC,t OE3/14Q'15h 5.,i!ar.,57t?~.Ofl 1.
<br />vnith mtet~ Tram dava ax She te[e of ~gj,2rt~ atHi Ong ixa'y ac[ crn[urn ! ~ ~, j „t.) per annum .m
<br />the unpaid ?fit unnT prod- The sasd prrnt~a! .tnd inter>_ ~t ~hrtl '?r , t:shte .t the ,r'.hcc ref 9.2~JCTiOr ?7Gr~g&gEr ZZ2C.
<br />in bTrRtid its2wndr ITaBlta tr ,t ~.uch,nher pia:e a" the ht,tdrru!
<br />tht tesxr map dcttgrtate to wnnag. to tnanth4v ;n.tallment, .ef ?7rxtar :?vr_dr!~ '±`nenty ?cur sad ?5,~'10(Jth~---
<br />€S,:f¢arvi~ Ebi. `.~. -_._,=rn mending==n :fie iir~t :lay .lf
<br />. iy 81 _ and DR the tirst;iag~ at acb rtumih therraitar Ftnni the {,rmapai ;tad nt-
<br />teeest rttt fully except that the t;r<a; p-iyment of ;sritxipai ,rid rntereat. ,f nut .timer ;~a,d. ,h;s:i i{ slur ;.nil
<br />~~skk ,tn i;~ Erse Jay .rf i~r~~ ? ? all :,tsanti[tyt tothe term. al a: cttaut prarmn-
<br />'~na3-..~ ,roe-sifR ~8t¢ tiCF-k iY,fh ~'~r:: }II[d tSi' 9ht ~.'xifl 'ti~Srott E.at,t'Sft
<br />??te ktttsrgagvr in coder snore ful6g~ zo protet the =rcuritt• of !#rt+ ~1i,rtgage.:,grres
<br />€. fhat he wil€ ?ray the iRdt{r[adrtres: as hereinhefnrr ptnvideti f4tvtir>;r ,.:e,r[4r,i to t•ay~ the tlrt+t ,n xhoie, ,tr in tan
<br />amouai ra}taat iozrna ,rr smsre xnotuhiy patitttrttts tm the : rincpa3 their .,re nett :3=se .,n the +l„tr. ,:n !tF,• tier .ia~s ;_! ::ny month
<br />prior itt mataerttr: Arrex~i~ted, ifva=r*trt.'i'htst written rarttce e,l an intention to ctirrctsr ~u~h t+n. tiey:r ~, t<tvrn at ir:r,t [htrt~ t ;ti.
<br />dtty± taitar to prepayment, _
<br />~* That. 4 titer >r~t[h, are.1 to adtii[iun m, the irtvR[hi} merit. ;+t Anna utd lntrze<t
<br />' pal psi . psy:ti>k u[tder the terat~ .:', the
<br />flu3¢ aer<ufed hernc~, the ~iort~apctr +riil nor} rc+ rise idcst~t~uJtee, un it+r arst .1a4 ,~ .'ach month tmul the sail nitre t, 4uify patiJ. the
<br />#n3~aFitsg ~[trrs.
<br />fat ,lrttornent -siflkf'irtrt !o;tramtdt zhr tar,Ft.F' a h~:r-•-.x ~;ith 3ur+dx F„ psty the r?xt :n<,rtgaFn: tnxxu~ance prrnt!uns ~# thiF.
<br />trt~trumatt the Ruts v[rd h~ry are :rt-,tzt~+i. e+s f :secrnthly .:`caz•Fe °`ln t4r:r ,,r ;; ,r€<,rr, r ;rt~:rn:;r< :€rr.
<br />r+rewn i nt thew hek# ity tlec S+tserrat*t ,tC Hruyrartg and !.Than ikaeletpenrrn a+ ..tti=ors.
<br />tI) tf ttrsd ~t trntg me std r,.nr :af e^rdrx t3ate »tstf ttti5 tr[attu[nr:x[ :ter inaurrx; :,x .tsr +r:rtrrtrcu :lrtJrr :I?r ;x:'-
<br />'iisicatit of eha ~Minnta€ fitsu~~7itg ,Wa. tart amcarnt autficxr+z !_= a~cutnulare u[ the haR,:x ==f tft:~ h,tk€cr •atc
<br />wMrtenw ~wq ~ratea rwtr.an rnw w was xr„ru v.cwuty =+ o.nswstsa ~ T- 1 PF: t tt- \ F;HK:I.YK.1
<br />,r,ia ±et tsar ;~- sgt
<br />