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<br />tm-s-aurtwdcr~otr waettwt~erv asaua o I .-~}~) 0 <br />Huftmae and Felton & YtoH, tNiltan, NR 68161 <br />F.AiOW aI.I, A[l~T t3Y TIil~fl~ Pti1ENT8, That RAYt A. if~1T50N AND JttANITA /'YAT50N~ IiND <br />AI~@ tfI1~E9 Rtt~i FN HIS AND i~ E11RN IiZtit{T AABI A9 SYOU58 OF F~1CfI OTtt~t' <br />herein salted the grantor whether one ~ snore, <br />in eoateideration of TffTRR'~-gLf#f2' THOUSJIttit ?NRRdP HI>1~RED AID 2N5/~7.t)® Dl}L,7AR.~s <br />received !ram grantees, doge grant, bargain, sell catnveg aad confirm unto <br />Dt37PiT3 ~. idiRTIX ANIt A'~L`Rffi. d. NAtFt'Ild, i{USP.AND AT~D 'f1ZirS, <br />'as joici tenants with right of anrvivorship~a=d oat xa tenants in common, the following desoribed rest propertg in <br />i#AY,L Cotmty, 'i <br />11}"! FYlUR (3t) , PI~t3 Si.Slf SItBDI72SI0Ny SEII~ A SITI~IVZSZt7N QF Lt71 S E.IfFN3' (8) AI~I NZNS <br />~9) , WAHR~ ~sU181IVI5It7tir, 31V ~ :IT`; tiF %tnAldii iui.~, iiAi~i. Cuv'x~iY, t~is'A. <br />fie have aad to bald the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and appnr- <br />teaances thereto belonging ante the grantees and to their assigns, or xo the heirs and assigns of the attrravor of <br />them forever. <br />And granter dose hereby covenant with the ttranceer and with their assigns and with the heirs and assigns <br />of the sttttzvor ut them that grantor is•tawfuily seised of ,aid premises: that they are tree from enctunbranee <br />sxcapt eaaa~ents and restrictions a2 record <br />xhat grantor bass good right and lawful authority to cvnvey the same; atxd that t*rantor warrants and will defend <br />the title to said pretnixrs s$aitattt the lawful claims of alt persona whomsoever. <br />t# is-the intention of alt parties hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees, the entire <br />tea simple title ~ ±he rest estate shall vest In the snrriving grantee. <br />Dated~,~ <br />19 a>I <br />~i~~ <br />P1tYiril~i3, A.+ .. ...............e~G~a <br />~dCAIdZTA ~ ~T5fl13 - .. ' . . <br />.... <br />S1:tTE Ot~ l_ ~ <br />_.....-.... ~ Oatthxt.__1..~. - -dot v~...~ ..- .. .-. , rg.~~.. bejnre <br />ss. <br />-....~14~ .---- -... Caz<sty ~ nos. rite awdsrsignsd a :Velars Pahlit, dot, cnmmissionsd and rlaalifa¢d fnr { .' <br />j iw smd coautty, persosaily cams_...I~I.X:~Q:I~..A._ N~smitS{IPi.A~?..v~TiAN~A-.. __.... f <br /># ` <br />to .;se Laatrear to bt Pks id¢nltcal person or persons u~leose name is or nam¢r era i <br />-,~. <br />t~.E.tiL; at~rd to tks m•egameg {nstrnneant anti atknaan,•1¢daed the rxeeatian tla¢r¢vf tv be € <br />t <br />~g~ ~, tsar w ike•sr s~rrxnirery alt aa~=dsed. ~ ,~ <br />tl•'itpess +ny Jtand artd o Seal tfts dap a } t abvx~e et~ritt¢t<. ~ <br />r. r. " <br />. :tty C'nrnnti,rsaatt-expirss tite..._..~~. dap uF. ....... _ - ; <br />ttn srteeetasigal iaulea aura fiked s"err reccatrf is Lhe liegtisuc of I)eeda Office of said Goarntg the <br />. , . , .. , . _ .. a~}r of . . ..... . ........... . . 19, .... , a', . , .... , .... o `elgck a-eed, ... - - ..... nxiastetea .......... , *,d:, <br />rste.r~ ~,. ..................of.........._... pike: ........ ..,... <br />t3eg, rtt I?Della <br />tag . ... ... .. .... ... deputy <br />. -. <br />t_ _: <br />