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_ . ,-::-. <br />...::.a~:.. _ _-_ . _ _. _ _ ~~~ ~.~_.~_. <br />r :.__..~.. ~_ __~w. _...____ . <br />t~F6-aURYIYORiNIi~ VMARRANTY OEEO ~' N l~ i/ O.G Y FNffman ~zzd fe{tpp & Wdt, W~itan, tM. 58461 <br />l~vow ~ a€~x sy Txl~sia iexl~sl~rrTS. ghat xAZxl ~-. >rv-TSOx AHIl ,>zlAxrr~ VtRT301d, xu <br />f at~l >~xl*x, ruin Iir HIS AHD ice. 4iRt RIt#tT Ar&I AS SPOiJSii OF FsACx crfFti$E, <br />I <br />herein called the grantor whether eaa or mare. yj <br />in consideration of 'ChZffTY-$IGI~ THGilSAIiD T_ HON'~I~D ANfl td8/ltlfk DtIL,T.dRS (j <br />st <br />~_ <br />received from g--antees, does grank bargain, sell convey aztd confirm onto ;~ <br />~~ <br />I~NIS QPr tANI} L,r?+IDA L. (J7"r, HUSHdIffil AHD N2FTsr !( <br />I: <br />~ faint tenants with right of survivorship, and hat u tenants in common, the fallowing deacriin~ real property in s <br />IIAI.L Cotmty, P~BRASb~z ,r <br />3 <br />IAT T`a0 (2}, PIF'SR'S Gt.'>!f 5UffilI1TISIt;i~T, i~Lt(} A SIIffi3IVI~IOId 6F' L{'T$ lt+Ir~P ($} AID} I3I~ ?' <br />(} <br />(9}, '~ oIISlIPI3IQM, iTI THE CI:7 s;F ~AA;v~J ISi.&PILt, HALL t~'U!i'rY, WSi~dAS1U. ~$ <br />To have and tU hold thr. above described premiers ragether with aLl tenements, hemlitameats and appar- ~ <br />tenattcr~s thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their aaatigna, or to the heirs and assigns of the attrvivor oF~ <br />:hem #orever. <br />.1nd grantor doer hPrrby cevrnaat with the urinters end with their asxigna and with the heirs and asaigas <br />of the sunivar of them that gran*_or is Lawfull wised «f ,aid premises: that they are fret; from eneumbranee # <br />ezeeg+t aaseseuta and :estrit;tiotsa o~ reroni <br />E <br />that t#rantor has r;ooci right and lawful authority to cnnrey the game; and that grantor warrattte aad witI defend ` <br />the title to mid prentiae~ against the iawfu2 claims «f ail trersons whomsteever. <br />It is the intention of all parties hemto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees, the entire <br />fee ~iitnpiP title to the real estate shall vent in the snrvivinK grantee. <br />i / p <br />Bared *~~- / 3 i~a81 ' ,-r,.._--~.~ <br />----__ <br />...... . .... . . ......... .. ~~. SL2~I ..... y~~y~~,,.~~,,.//.. ......... <br />........... ....... ......... ... ..uE.!.!!L!,4~~~~.r,<!j <br />+;tin's'ITA ifAT i <br />i <br />~y~-~Q~ ~__~~ll ... ... ...... i <br />.. !J ..9 . <br />S'T:9:t'c iJF lleui!g~^r"''~~-.°.. ~ i?n tlris - ~ 3 da_v n1- t~/~ t Sf- he~are <br />~~ as. <br />ClmRt:' # trx, t%±r atnic`rsir{twd a .~'vt:zr;• 1'xblir, dtaf;~ corcmissaaxed and rizseli~ed fur <br />i <br />in szxid cavnty, f+arsaRatly catRe. ~~~ ~. ~A2SCN AhD at3raZTA 'NATSOK, <br />s iS~5Li8i~l_t~~I_£.,._ . i <br />F } <br />_ ? to +Ra °,~rtene E¢ be the [dCRtia at ftrsaR m genaRS ^.enose Rome is or ~wrnes ark <br />i <br />i,_ (5~AZLj- af~zrd to tkt sartyvixy iAatrnment and utl•Rau'lydr~id the ~•xcrtttiaR tkrr<~{j !a be ~ <br />his, her ;rr their t•vluntarro art aRd dead. <br />r <br />p ~~~1~~ >I'itRC.ts mY ftaRR# £ ~'at;tri. ~ett! the dat• hz1 er-1" .~<x-n =<",~r^~ <br />4 <br />:~. - <br />3, _ z <br />s ,Ifv i.aUet7FLf2i¢lf t~pirat tAc_ -- .--_..da} raf ..--. rr <br />__ <br />;. 1 "..... , .... ..... .... l <br />~ 'cam .......... ,... ,._ .~~. <br />grtsr~ „e ttar~~t ia:~x an3 €ilad fur t•revrd is Lhc Rtygiater ai heeds f?ffice of said CountF tha <br />;; " dal of... ... .... ,, 19......, at, .........o"elcek and.... -......misntea ...:.......Iid., <br />r ~ ; <br />,aed mewed is Hocrlt ... .... .........of......... ati~Re........, <br />i 13eg, trf JlOeds <br />4 Fly..-,.,.,_.. .-. .. .. ... Ihptaty ; <br />