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<br />. _ _ _. - - <br />- 1pi-$-$tlNYtYgRSMIP WARWANTY DEHQ a' 1 ®f~ l~ V O Fr lS Hunmm srw cd#~t a wcn. wat#o», nE sai6t <br />$itiC3W tiLL ~E:i BY THESE PB•ESE.\ i'S, That °,6Y}60'rD A. YUTSOH A.NI? 3UAHITA 11ATSU!(r HUSHA27l? <br />A.~'} ~IIFE, $ACFI ~ iilS Ate? .'-IFR a 3ZG8T h2>•~ AS SI'GI&~ (~ F~C~I UlHl~t, <br />{: <br />,herein Balled the gtantox wheilcer ~ ea' _ - <br />tII eotttssderatton of "_'."!I!}'i7'~EZ1=F~' I~.G'LSAI'~ff1 'Pi~iEB 'Iitt~la B~'7 9'z'D '.dC)/I.{~ ;lf3l <br />rPP_eiced froth ntees, doex rant, <br />Krt4 g bargai~~n,.T}ggset} ecnrec and confirm unto <br />~I~ 3~ JCTP~ ~ A+~1 Cy~f~nb; WiL +3 ti3~l~a~l~~ IIQ$il~tl~ A~ ~ <br />ae aoint tenants wish right of sttre}vorshig, acd not as tenants in eommon, the following deacrihed real pto~rlg tat <br />FALL Connn•, !~BIIASKi: <br />i.UT Tf~tHE !',;, ?I?t:P°5 iil~ SL'i~JI4ISIffl7, 3EIHG A SU~ZYISICft OF %QTS ]~GfP' {8) 141'l~ <br />*7T f tit , ~A.°.P~ .~;~Z:::S~~^#y =~ T CZ'^'" ~ .`'iRt"U^. Z~I.~.'t.'n`rr~ t..t,.,{,.^L?~'°r '.~.°~.. <br />i <br />i <br />To have and W Loki the ahoce desenbc<i premises togPtrer with a}I tenements, heretlitaments and appur_ ~. <br />tetta3tcPY tLreez4 belonging ontn tLP grsntPes an+1 to tltrir aztttit[nre. ar tct the heirs and assigns of the anrviTOx Of !~ <br />ShPLi t()rP VPr. ' <br />.std t•rantur dtxa h>•mLa covenant ts~rtL the grnttt.~.s an;} ~s•itL their a>~igtts and ;v}t1t the heirs and aedfgtu !, <br />ui rite sttrvicnr of '}tPm that ;;cantor ;a }art-*uSlr ~Pi;~~i rf taa+. prrmisvs that thet arP free from encumbrance <br />B~CB~3t: C881~Cr1taE 3#1d t"EEr.Z'~YLiQT.:O `J2' ^8C4r'd <br />that ¢rantur has qou,} ragitt ansl ;awful suthcritr t=, con:°~~~- the ,amP; and that grantor warrants and will defend <br />thr title to saiel 1trPmisPS agastttit the lssr''ni ciairns of all 1~erwrts ;+homarterer. <br />}t is the sntention ~rf ail partiex hereto that in thr ?vrnt ~rf thr dea_h of ei#her of the grantees. the eatare <br />fPe sim~}P title ts: the :-eat e€ttate Yhal3 ve t in the rG?zmivrnq grantee. <br />Fated ~~ l3 2!? ~J ~ ~'~ <br />4 T e. . ~ [ 'a~r~... . . <br />~'" '. '" ~ ?S:. <br />i ms»t~ i <br />~~ <br />. ~ - <br />m.•, tke :€»drr:t~»rd 4 ,`ricer-,• Pv~tu, dT,1:~ cmeemissis€rted dxd €~ for <br />:» ssuf rot€»t ,•, i erse;satty .¢her -~dl~- A..2Sti,ffi_81~._et.tT _ <br />_ me »att+T fo ^~ he id+'»nrat ^erscn r «+eTSOn, :rkose TTQlN! is trr ussRrr ara <br />;SEAL, 1u.»`.crc :a the ~r:•rr<;*_>T»q e3sstrx»te»r a»ri ar.:»~-,citdyad ika esacrtwt. tktrersi to bt <br />- /STS. 3Pr CtT ekCTT ^'ittti»iL'T~' 1Cf QT{d dyed. " <br />~t <br />~~ :i'zf»r-t< my =trtr:.: :t»d - ofarieE But ka tlrT;• a , t nhTxaT s~elFa»: <br />i. ~ 11.7 ~ : <br />- rr~.. rte. Wt 7, tag ~\~ ~ tsGiT~ ~'tltTtTC i <br />'i t,*v ,..:•rw»sunc;w ,.~xprrrs .'hr .f ,s-~,t~ .,« ate.. <br />,3 <br />~~ t <br />'oT€etj ... <br />... .. <br />t 1 <br />3 <br />terRd can num~rieTTl iTTd€2 and fiieti fr?r rmetd i$ the 6et[istr_r of l3eeds ()ffiee of xaid t'onaty the <br />t!`a~ of l3 . - at. a'clork snd. minuces 35., <br />_. TFtnl rre~.u'T#a~1 zn Yoh... .>f .. at ST's4 <br />Tiro. eC I)PPTIS <br />i;?` IiPTTUt~ <br />