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<br />~~ ~ ~»A ~D : s~--uaoa2o <br />;. <br />That the- will pay She itrdebt~ ar herevrtt>@iarc provided: - <br />That the: ,lE~lfirttfa$er is rite a~tnter of said property in fee simple affil has good right and lawful authority In sell and-. - <br />carrvey {tus -~"thut~the sAmeia flee aril'drarot~at~-f~net`t~ttnMbrar~e: ~rtd that !ato:~agor wiI!€+d-rho-.= . <br />title to. read premf~ttr against tTta~ tiaitn+s ,t¢ ail:. peraolror--r_ - <br />Tti tear ~ iit~nradia~lywhen due amt Payable ail gtnienrt~,tates,_ speci77 ~iaxcs, special sssesamenta, water charges;- sewer swv- _. <br />ire. cl€arg~..arr.E ¢Ik1!r t+t>;vs an,i ~hnmr>< rr inst. s,x ri psny~orty Brut-alt taa~ ltwital nn the dtrht ser_urett hereby, and tsr furnish. the <br />Mortgagee, ttpah ttgorst: ~.+-ith th.+ :>ri~inaE. or du~}iaa=_a reeeif}ts thrte[or. Tlsr doNgagcrr ~eees that t}€er~ shrill be- added~.to_.. _ <br />eat'h. mantltlp trapment n~uirnd !',ercuuder os antler the rvidcnce nl debt sretrretl heratty an amount estimated by the lbb9-ortgagee <br />to 1~ suf8cii•nt fn erkaGtr ttir hierttagter to- trap. as-they become cftre, al[--taxes, ataeskatienta, and-similar charg~t open thtsfirem4 - - - <br />leas-sitfsjaat-thereto: any .:teE~nc,.' her_•tusrof rase instetTieieney af-such-additionaT psytnen±.s ,haft tsr forif'sivifb-~pt~ite!, ttie~. ..~-- -. <br />-Mager with ttte 4lprtgager upon drtnand by the '.1~tartxagre~ tr.ny defA+tlt. under this pe rngraph shalf-fse rieemed a default in <br />pay>Aieii! of tgx#rs, aerrsismrtrte, !ir similar charges require*cl hanntndler. <br />---~. Tile tfmtgai{or-attr[ws that three s#€>$t afvn he aridett to each me+nihiy pay.~trnt of pri n.:ipal and interes{ requir+ad--here+-- -- <br />untter an amount t•stimated by the '.lirrrtgatree• to txi sufficient #rr enable t5e R3ortgaKee in pay, as it hecnmrs due. the insurance <br />prnnium np any irvwrance {xxliry ctelivered to the tinrtgagse env riehciancp tx•c7us+-• ~.f tl,,. insut&ciettcy ssf caEh additional. paY_ <br />mr`rrta~stzatf be forthwith rlepttsitrd ray the ttortgagor with th:• i4tartgagt>P utxin demand by the 14nrtgagee_ 4rty defiutt uir8et this - - <br />pategraph shalt -be deemr-t a default in the payment of insttrnne~ premiums. If the palicv or pnficies detttssited'am suett-eft ltitrrir.=` <br />owners =.~" alt rick txitictc•s, and the det>ta'its err itcsufFcienf tei pay the .•ntrte pn'•miusn, the 'rforagager may a{tpiy-the depoart (n <br />pay premiums an rtxks reckuimd to Fx• ;nssenvt by thts mnrkgaK*', - - - <br />Pas-mrma ctade h_v thr• Ad.,rc~:ra,.r nmivr t?;e ah.,_=F ;>sraKr.rphs may. at rFw :y:t.on ~,( the ~9ssrtgagae. !?s' }~!d by it and <br />rommmgletf Wkrh r#har <u:-h f:: .>r !ts ,.wn (nnr(< tar the ~aymcnt •,. .uch ,terns. anti :unit! sn anpliett. such payments arc hereby <br />pledged as xerurity far tttr un{,err? iratant~• ,rf ih.• mnrtsaK+' ~ntir•htcdnc~r:. <br />T.. pnx~un•, ;., .,n,i marntarn t.>r th.• .enr•tit .,f <,ae 4t::rtt;nr;t-,• riurrnc the ..t thr~ mortt;ar;r ..rriRinat pnlieres ane) <br />renewals thereof, rfetiverznl at 7.-uei ra•n days 6e-fvn• vjty ..c pr rv U.,n ~,. an-e -,urh :~cnc~trg. .nsunnk; aSams[ fee sad .tther insurable <br />ha2ar*la, casttatties, atxl <+::ntingerreiesc as the :ltnrfgrtgt~+ ma> req jeer. in an sunrnrat equal to the irn3efrtedness securer! by the <br />tvlorfgagc, and En tvintprtn:.-;• :....rj~t:rahte :., .,,.• ~ic,rti;aKr-+-. loath !r,~ 3_t~a1?l.- =:iau sr .n tae-..r v,t and rr. frrm atret3tabte to the 4lozfge- <br />gee- Fn ktw event and ur,hc•, :+ nc+t n•ne•>,-.Kk ,: • „r ~•f=; r.• tr davs t~:f u; ••x[`rtatrvr: the Stott uazee may prneure insurance on the <br />tmprtxementw, pay the per+nu!tm ;h.•reG:r ..=,+i ~ur;h =um -Fa:? h<r:me ion me>dratx•'sr .Inc c+nd payable wrth interest ai the rate set <br />inrEtt in card rttrtr until ua.a .and a~i'. -~K -.~t~urrri ^~ +h,. =n„r:~::gr Fa;iu r...,c. ti. ~ t,art ,.f thr~ A~9ortgagar Tra furnish ;ueh renewals <br />as are herein reryurtrd .n (arlu:r n, pxv ..nY wr,>c adm:u+i.'<! h., ea,ser ter.?.. at .he •~=pctnn o€ thr• Slottgagee- constitute a defautf <br />ruttier ihv terms of thr« n;nriKea<'r- "IT}te ~krir=r•r, •r. ur. ~•. , . :3+ait n rh:• :~k <,n[ •,t -ir.,autt •, r..etriute an ax!:ignmerak cE the un- <br />earnad tnrmtum. <br />Anv -.urns r~.. ,ce•3 '.. thy- ``>t.,rtt;ai;+.+• " Y.•uar,n ,:f :.,v5 ,. .tame;.• =nsunsi .rKuin.t may k>h retained by the :4lurtgagee <br />and s{.plee.? Lcrwani she r.avnsene ,., .,ve ,? k ~rrsrhy ..+.-+,r~«•,i. .. .ir c}.- . } ta:m „i nc~ StortKat;re, such sums either wholiY .,r in <br />traH may trF pwd ~+ r to the, L7s,rt~gru U, tee a-*.rt? to :rpa:r - _. -.+s:ie:}in i>, :,, ~., '~uitd-new huadin~ rn their placst nr for any <br />ether purfnxl~• nr oh;e+`f wttttsx{={rp tF, th.~ "t7eartZage•t• .vtti?._.:i ~tflr+ranK *}:~.:,~., :.n the mnrt¢asc far the titli amount .cccured here- <br />t)Y twefore 3frCti {rayment el'e[' t:x>k ptafP <br />T'.; tsr<:znptl} :-7;:ar, r~€:;trr .. ;: hu:i:? s:;r .,..ici;::;:, , _. .. _. m..-...._. .. ., .......•r •rs::t,•• protease:; which Wray F>y- <br />come damagzd .x de*tre,yest: u. kc-?tr .:au: ,+remr.+> :;. .=.4 ,-.~n.fte,.,::•:,n.. :r .r u. ~nr! free tr+,m a ;.• mec^hame'~r lien nr tether teen of <br />ctatm of Iien not esprrsrty ~u br.>niinatcryE to Fhr ix•=. ?:rr>-.`.t -n ~.u;f.+r "r ?,.=mstt any ::niawful use =,£ or say nuisance to exist on <br />Bard prq~rty rose to ?;rrrrait create =m ~+attt Nrerr+_a.-s, ;r,. _ .v .:... .. nr•r ;x.t ~•.hrn•h•,• ±tar per+twrty hereby canveyrd Shall llecome - <br />irss •~'atuatsle. e.vr Lr> :its:irr~ -- -.*r;~uir ~t~ * _. _, --~ .. ,r ... . ... .. ... . ...m-,{~- w-ith .,ii r..tu,reinenty ,:C ?.rw with rnspeN <br />to the mortaagtxt preatr~ws- and'thr one them>tt <br />"That ,Imtrld the prrnntses ur any cart +. hart+,: tx- rikt"r +,r :iamaxt•ct by reatsar. nt acs y- pnh;ic. imprrwrnu.:nt or rssndemnaiion <br />ptuet-s[}tn{t. or under the nght of eminent r?cunatr.. ,.r ~n env :.i trs.: mann+•r, thr• ~I;., rtKaKre. shaft Fu• emitted to alt cumpr.^naetiona, .. <br />awards, and any other payrtrr. rrt or rettcf tf~refvr, ar+tt ;haft M eniitleti, ;it its :y{,trun, tr. cnritmrm~e, apt:ear in-atxl-tiieraectite in its --°'. <br />trwn nrme env actsm yr pnKti~t%in8, ..r tt, make :rm• :~,mt%rurusr „r settirvn<+nt .n av.nnec{irut svifh such taking ur damage. ASI-such <br />~• awards;- dtanates, right of aetittn sr€d pnx+cnkls asr hereby assigned to the Mortgagee. -who-relay:. after ~derlucting " '- <br />thatt#iaas dt its- astsarrr:cra ral+~a anY'tanaura s*T rrceivtd hY tt ar applu the same em anY uctk6tsrdnaes secitrerl (temhY•,The Matt- -: <br />tltt/trr a~Lrea's to ntteettto-sash-tu.rtheraaeiltttrnrnls cd say rnmtrenya€tnn, awardsv+tamat{-es, and rig$tts_a€. action:arul'-prv~edx:ss.ihe <br />Thai in c-akn of failure iu perform any of the cc+veetynts beret n. the A4otigagee may +to as the Mtirttlagdr`S behg2f-everything <br />sa ~:. that the MuttBetReg mat also do any act tt maY deem netF•ssary xo prvtttt the lien thereat: that the lb2urlgag~ar will -. <br />ra}7ap{r y> d any ttxdtiey~s t~ltll`ur rt~cf -1fY the 4tartgaRae fnr asp of- Hrc abuve~ purpo~is: aml such mor€G>s-tflgeftier wHh <br />inlnetrE-t3rareoer-at'tt~ttr-r-~-i+t~satitt'rwta shat! ttet#ome sa sa+cnh adtfitienaleredebt€dneas hereby satvnk/ acrd maY tea in• <br />el€trlad in ~y decree foreclnsiatE this- »toregage artd tee paid vat n€ the rents or proceeds ssf teals of-said frremises if not- otherwiar <br />5ttid= ,ltat tf shall mtt- rte rrhligstery open the MorEg~ee to regales inin the '<-alidity of any lien. encumhratxes. nr claim in ad- <br />vattggir• sareaeya as a6nve-.awAarlaa~ fret sotbi€tg hecaia zsmtatnerl. a3sait. rte-csremtrtted aa- roquirintl~ the hfwt~agtx ~~' adwttoe anY <br />aeeeagralar a+%r ~ekt purfraaa_~sar- W-det:any act-herattnder; atx! that A9vttysttee_shall nest incur ratty .ttaraunal. liability 6aeauae ~ say- <br />tlti#e~ ~tt®s3t do-arc atait m do lvaiertnder_ <br />In lire etrsni aE ti€e daEtt~€tt trg. ~r in #1sa ptyrrtervY of anY im#atfmrnt, as re~ttitr€! by ihz lVute aeturett- tscreEtY. ur <br />ka thx ~ ssf the ~ii.Atiun in tkis mterlgege ear in the note sr~u€ 3 thereby, the TNoctastEer shalt br rtrtitiet4 fn derJarr ttts <br />}tgrt y~ hp'~_.r.€~ ane't, -~- -.=-st',r`rs axcrx:u; ricrtm•c~. ;stuf_tne .'wtetrtga~*ee+ 9natt he dnliSte~d at its opftten. wttfusut nwNur~. Writer by Haett <br />irY a meenrer twFe, a~{~ndst#-63' #hs ecxtr# th~t'eoY sad witfttutt. re~{jard to Eha edaquacy of arty security For {hc -ae- <br />ra~ed ltata~r„ ~ safer tepee and' ta#r ` rri"the mi>r(itiegvd pr+etxises, and to cefiae6 and recat~rw the rants: -i+seua and Pr'oRta <br /><#n'ram~ arai apply thtr settee. Seas. exrets of npert€teme aral'x~rtiecttlon. upon too- irulebtr+fnrss ieaxtmd M' this morttptrye: said- rentiR <br />iswa sad pts€ib Erialf hereby attssar+rtl hs -lk~rrtttattrke as fuather security tar the p.yment of all indobtrdness securest hetnlry. <br />Tbr L4t€trtpger slprfi have the-pkawer tea ap;witH estY agent or aerate it may ~rc for the WtrVnae of repairir~ said prem- <br />alsw: try-. thtt sAasa; coiFmMrrtg 'tae r'taia. nevcAUar,ats$. inc~t€stia, and if maY paY out of tract it'ttvrnts all espenies incurred to rcnt- <br />card-- vtMagittg 'tbe sratttr and <d rx7Ele.~tina the' rratals theral torn. The bdantY rrmwinirta, if anY. shaft hr applied- tuwanl ttte <br />rot the ir+dsditadtt~t,+s. - Thin rptrnt is at tatRnittste sad it!aeesne ntdl npetn relslua of ttiiti: triartsat{a. <br />tom.,.. ,.1 <br /> <br />