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C"' <br /> <br />~ 18th ~ ~ ~ehruari 18 81. , ba•-and bin <br />'' <br />laatssrs' {~ttard3~l3 Sr.~aud ,I~tnfv tuardio____ Ia„i ~~~ axiit ~'! fe, each: irx iris-and her a~a r ht <br />- -- F rhs+ nrher - _~ - - - - - <br />g.~.,., , and Graad Itrfaad Teas# Gompr~Y of Grad l,~d; a ooipa~bR <br />~ !;a 17 CoorotY. ~~• ~ oboe ~- ~ btssfaeea ad 4rottd'Isfand. Nalbnulta. as rnott~eg~e5 <br />aaii :tom tini tatre of S~sireaiot rya tie- E <br />Wd'f4i 7~i~+dmoet~-°~-•-.braoieaoft6asnmad~,._..-,----- ;~~8'5~3.F1t1 <br />'i~renty One Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Five dv1_iars and ~Oll~~ 1, <br />~_ do --. by tea. v "~ end warea~ ~oa~fid+etottga~eR-f4asecceMOelc:atd °. <br />f~reoaffM.~ w~ it lserabY sef~tela~• <br />f~er. ~a~ fottitaisgtfaeo~d red at~e~ aiteated fa the CoaatY of _ _.. -._....Ii811--- <br />asid 9tatr d Tiobraha. to-wit: <br />'p,$r~ of lot (hte {1) i.r. C;arrett's Subdivision vs part cif the East Half of Section 9, <br />Toxmship Eleven (I1) North, flange :line {9?. Giest of the hth P.~1. destribed as 122.55 <br />feet earth ittd 33 leer crest of the southeast corner of the NE'z of Serunning~thence <br />point 3s 43 feet north of the southeast earner c±f said Lot One (I)- <br />asst at right angles 190 feet, running thence north parallel to the east line whence <br />Lot fine t'1) h9 feet.,hence runninY, easr ra the past line of said Lot One (1), <br />south 60 feet tv the puce ~~f bey inning, in !ial: County :lebraska. <br />1tiH <br />Lots Nine (9? atui Ten {i0) in Block Seven i;il Evans +ddition to the City of Grand <br />Lsland, Nall County, :`lebraska. <br />sad IilumhmS t a~ fiztures.:nctadirut s~'~• aPUNfts. storm wfodowa aad <br />To~etber wile a{t ham, ~ vri~atfr~r tfw soma ue ter located tm yaid Ssroperty or hereafter <br />. ye ~ ~adsror hiradt< cad oa or iu conaartirm w~ aad FmT+sstY <br />~laatd tYataoa• the4euata ho- <br />1'U NAVE AND TU lI~AI A THE SAfiL°. tapsaer wfta ~ aad ets~oisr the teaaaeats, l~eelitamaaa srai apparteaanoee <br />fusrrar, sad sratraat she title to the Seat mor~~e~--~-- h~h3` coveeaw.._.._..__~dr said <br />« m at9wiaa <br />mrrs~ yiytt _....L_ pr _~._....`lS.t.'`._... at the daliverY fem. the iawfuf orrrwr~..._. of tltr gremiaes efwve coavsyed and dasedhed. <br />ad are -_.esiaed of a good amd iads6aaWa aerate of iaheritaace t~+ ~ ell peesoas of ail ot~uaehranc~. a~ thst,_._the~wfU <br />futmvee afi~ tae rtaisoe rted damemtta whaaaasMR'er. <br />weed aad~datend for titir tSasato _ <br />QRpWiD€I3 A[>rtYAYS. sad tats ion ash ~-+ t~lere~ ue seeute the ~y~aeat of rho ram ofL j~8 ~ ~ . ~~7 --- ~._:. <br />t-<--~e Ttroustaattd Eight Hundrtcf_fz tti-F'iva ~lvllxrs and ~~_ ._ _.----P--__ <br />.. ~. a.ed~ riur8a sad advaotae es tnpr ix due rod AaYafsfe to said mort ~~ the terms asd coaditfons <br />w~ iai~ ~daa hes'awrth rasf sewed lsershY. eaeestted hY said mortSa~or _-' _ to said mutt~ee, payahfe sa expteesetl <br />oft6iiHVmi~rY of aii the tes~ sad wedafow toataiaed t6smu- 1'M tarroe of said Hots are hereby im~rQtad <br />htc+f~d+# miss; sld La ew~ns the Pstfe+~ <br />~ advaatY'e taade to sew trart~--. <br />of thaP~ Mteara tMs tils maryfaP aaui afeo eatetre asY fatara <br />[[-fet6gisoflsi+ or rAt, of tMa+, m4Y ~ to <br />- hY add.~saoaYpAlPa. arf aRY ~d ed is ~ + to the aaseaat airsve elated wAicL sad mortq~a• <br />ofd mot~iepa. aoeeavas °'rt~' °- aata. btedt ate. ttr . T}~ mnrt4aNe eball remote is faN force wad effete tmtween <br />taa:pattfM hertu sad tae+r Mira. txerw~f reoresvea. ~esasams r~ °~ waft ad amounts setvred Mtauasler, iacfudiatt. -fawre <br />gd~aae: aes-!~ is fn#i with- iniae~- _ <br />Tfr mr~t---- dete~ir s~ _-.a to and ~ eta sadsazoms er~6 st e:h' tad ccdllat.:t tet#sY°com° <br />- - ! eatiot~oeaaii!-aoet~gleot>Ar aseai. st its aAtfoe. uAea'fafs°ft Pte,, 8:- . or imptmemeatta- - <br />`.tlft~aead=~S-~..~-ha-fLe' PRP'~ ~ f~taK, fafsdPal.- ~ for tsaeia as in thmmte MrtbY seeue+ed~.Thfa <br />aitaeaa7 tole f7 ~ .,...aa;,,.. qe. taotav charAee m' Pe7~~' "t'{.tataE:iai ~ A t>a$ ehall is ao manner <br />~yf~cyat~rhrMCoaaa:+~f3t~td~aotaa faf4t.f <br />r~tir3sez{d_a-:~ iYreaMeefaa t+t sr~ ermtt fib i° ac cttt+aawfstk <br />TEa-~i~tadaoersst~#aa to rsewt ~ ~ 'sta rigors '-~ am' tiar:ahrli sot hs trom~truod ~. ~ °f ~r is mnrts~e~ <br />uatlr tsESaUr ~IIR-tiare:aad is fas'st ~a sad eaforoa ettfe# ~ Kith aft Lhe terms sled peawuna . <br />2!'a~mfd tmt~iiiar ri sia~maair-to faRS~ fe sad rise artae atac+sai ?Sar. it h[aeae~dar. sad wder~tae tere+a ad pru+rffiioas <br />®ei!'aoalMakY eeresai. ~° dxaaeee.-atd,'spY es `x tesrwaV t6eaoi in ~ the tame ead. iaaaisiaae <br />9 oo®~y waa aJf tis~a*a4m+tf said Harr-mod of thfs aoet~fil+, tf;~ lass,' ~ vodc <br />f.efd-Y-iaid:era~Mlk----- aadrMidbeaa~;tdtq,thepata"o'°°atepofridDwR~Y.sed+m~*.tditaoPtloa• <br />,mod"sai~ktsMsaasf t~ raP ' ~ bs ~ duo awd ta~• t~T {nrs aide usrt~e+s <br />s<ia~tst4 et~e.lrJat eeNea to f> iNi+i~~ Ai4 ~au°°rad" <br />Z~st»air~6r-ao t~s .o4thr Mfes, eaataf+ef. ~~ saaeaaaun a°d +~ of tiro <br />~u~a <br />~ . easel flaet~ea's..__ ._ ?~.ftwarabO at...E.c-_.. ---. t~_dv_tb. ar std Y~ rest ~xwo <br />__,_ ~_ _ <br /> <br />