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8~-~~CfO$1'~ <br />A-tract of land- in. the Sautheast ¢uarter cif the- southeast ¢uarter <br />#4 SEMI, ~etion Thiz'teen (13), Ta~rnship EYeven tll) !larth, <br />€ i E~s~e Ten t10} West of t.tffi 6th P. M., Hall Caunty. i3ebxaska, bei.nq <br />alZ the Southeast ytcxarter of the southeast Quarter tS£45E4) of <br />said Sectian except the westerly seventy-five i75) feet ther~f <br />F ix~ tae right- ai o~ 'r~3.~r`rsray 2 e~Ley.t tip sv-ut~'~~ly thrty-- <br />E three t33} feet thereaf in the right of way of 41d Potash Highway, <br />eaacept the Eask~rlp thirty-three t33) €eet therQa€ in the right <br />_ of any of 5+e~ Fecaasi. and except a recc_areguiar exact in the Narth- <br />east. aczrner thsreaf described as beginning at a point an t'ne <br />'sesterly right of way line of Webb Road four hundred thirty (430} <br />feet Saut}s of the *iorth line of said Quarter yuartsr (~i k} section, <br />ttoence West five. hundred forty (540} feat, t3'cence t~7azth appraxi- <br />~t€ly four is*~xtdred thirty t939) feet t9 the forth line of said <br />--_ -rte€ ~ftarter tss ~ } Section.- thc:nc~e Ea;tkae',.y al~nG the i~+arth <br />l;nc: ~t said ~~uarter c~~uaztez i'a '~) Sec*_ion aoazaximately five <br />- fired pasty t540} Pest to the testerly ric7ht of wav line of <br />Read, thence Southerly along the ;Ies#~rl..~ right of way Iine <br />o£ Web1s Road aplsraximately four ;unfired thirty (43i~} feet to the <br />point of beginning; sub7z~cr. to easements, rep>tricticns, covenants <br />and r¢servatie~ns of rer_ard. <br />