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irtEN +~ ~ ~ ~' Q 8 1 ~ Fiutiman ana Felton a Wolf, Walton, tk. 6&I6i <br />.fiats of =3cbrasha <br />.__-.._._._..-._._..__._._. __._ t <br />tss. <br />^- --' - ~ ~ef~J <br />- - .s__.._...-..._._.._. <br />_ ,~. "in Lttan !}A Lrox, Vice; i'res. <br />dotty .ctuore, aw her aaah sayt timt the fongoiwq iterwiztd arrorast of tmrk.:abor, skid ...................._----.-_.~-.~_.--..--_~_W- <br />+sratiriats, ,md irwprasensewts it frets awd correct. that sasws wsrr doves awd Asrfonwad and frrseithsd hY the rrrdersigpsd <br />for the Sa1d.....~errA-.t:,-_n3L L.yB-C1 Orn~i...-.._.._....- <br />xr#.tten <br />ewCdF'e Q~ -_........._ .............._,__..........._....-.Y..__ €'Owtrart... _.._... _..._._ _...- ........_...--. <br />-- i for tbr'..._.Lt<F~1Z.._...-....__......_._.-._._ .vj +3 ..#x.=. 1 iaS...... <br />-.. _ . . <br />err the jflitar'rsrq [at, Arne en Aarrst cry tawd. rig • ... <br />._.---_....._ .................. .. _... _..... -....- -.,... ---...-... Hato ,;nz 'act <br />-- ?'?rss aE tks ttwse said :awtratr rt~as rwadt ~ t.:-mar assn +Rarerirds irenrislsed drlivcred tksrcrrndrr.----._.-_-_--.----- <br />"Perry ~ Patt.zsas,ibc=ney xeze <br />- - -°_.-.,....._._._.---____ ...............-----..-.-.-.._._.__._._ .--.-. _.....-------..-..-....__--.--__-.. _-----_---.--tliKtlst owwsrgof raid prsrrirars <br />`That ttss dote of t&e first stew #rvwarfiud nsd dstiiyersd ~ Oct :4.14134 ' <br />.ems - . ..._..-..._...°---°------------°--------__... awd the '; <br />`dots ~f ttu lost itsrr was..... ~-v:..1....Ly9.S2 ..............- - - __.........._....._ ------- -.-_------- ••------------ _ <br />s ~~ Str'+A++ stet rltau .~+d feast mus pr.ioaswsd ors, awd rwatcnatt trcre -svrurttcd ±or, deliearrd at, awd rand i~ <br />i sard oriidaoq ar prertiaes aw asd istwrew she aatcr rAsrifird. - <br />_ ! 7'6mt tkr D-iret rhargsd tkanfnr err fear awd rsatoratde, awd that tharc is wow fists aw rakd arrcwrtt tJsr s+ria of <br />%` i .Txn T'hou~and taks_Hundred ~hsrt Oniia: ~:,d ?Fili~4 <br />.. . . . .................. __ . _.. _- --.-_.._ _ -- --- ----........__ __...----•- ---------.....---_17otlors, that sa+i' <br />-..~.«..N~t~sicL~ ~La._ ..,-. riaiwss a tssr !rw the tasd A-s~wisst for the frtt arro+rst of i <br />, ~ ~d atcaoat: to-wit; T'he srrr c7/ g:. ~4~ 2 • ~ ~' <br />i ! f~ ~ 2 Jt>h _..._„~iaq of_..,. ~v------ --------------- -------°--------- -. tq~ ~Q °-, awd frrther a~-! says oot. <br />_.___- ~~a_.. _...--..-._. . ---- ---_....._-___...__ <br />._.. ._ _ , <br />i ±tscnar. vs2rox. ~.~.ce rx-es. <br />j :~ r.±rrx ~~~ 3r8scrsbed xs swq Arastssrs >~ smnns ro brfors rws this.°-...._.-...,......_..._ ..............„ <br />~_ .+t`.~tF'C. f#hp491iP day ~ -...._ .........................._... ._;_......----°--- --»-_._, .fq.._....~.. I <br />i ~ re+na~R far ~ 1 ".°--r-'`~-ebb=~^---._.-- •-- <br />.Yotary P'rbiic. <br />9'tA`1"$ t7$. ,._-.-.-..___-__.~______ -.___.._.._._... ! ~ ~ numrrira! inslas eat! 6ted tar ts+nrrni <br />C ,_~_..,....~...,~..,...._.___.__.....__..._~_.~-._.._.__... ` is toe a of I2enAa Clihnn u! sari Cww~sty e!» ! - <br />_.,.__-.-_._.:.dia' of - _,._.-... ...-_.,,.__.._... t~._. snt_... _.._ ....,._ .._ o'atoels sssui..,.__.. -. ~.....raswutea -._. M., <br />_ .. -..___ - - _ _ ._ RHIt. ~ Lk+ash <br />-. <br />_. s <br />Licr cirarwd by: ...................°-- 2/ 17°-....-----------......_._..._...._........_.rq. $1 <br />Pacesetter troduats, Enc. 'Perry ti Pattie Gfhoney <br />8505 r'I'r St. (hnsha, Neffir. 68].27 2647 N, Charles --Gr.-Islea-d,Nebr. E <br />.$ddrers.___.._._..__„..__.._--_...._..._._.......__--._._ .............._._ .._..__._.-.-...-..__....._-_._---_.__..-__. <br />